Interface RunScriptOnNode

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
RunScriptOnNodeAsInitScriptUsingSsh, RunScriptOnNodeAsInitScriptUsingSshAndBlockUntilComplete, RunScriptOnNodeUsingSsh

@Beta public interface RunScriptOnNode extends Callable<ExecResponse>
Separates out how one implements the ability to run a script on a node.
  • Method Details

    • call

      ExecResponse call()
      Note that init() must be called first.
      Specified by:
      call in interface Callable<ExecResponse>
    • getStatement

      Statement getStatement()
      statement that will be executed
    • init

      verifies that the command can execute on the node. For example, if this is ssh, it may attempt to find a reachable socket. If this is using an API, it may attempt to validate that connection.
    • getNode

      NodeMetadata getNode()
      the node this command is being executed on.