Uses of Class
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds
Fields in org.jclouds with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Field Description Integer
JcloudsVersion. alphaVersion
Non-null iffJcloudsVersion.alpha
JcloudsVersion. betaVersion
Non-null iffJcloudsVersion.beta
protected String
ContextBuilder. credential
JcloudsVersion. releaseCandidateVersion
Non-null iffJcloudsVersion.releaseCandidate
Method parameters in org.jclouds with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ContextBuilder
ContextBuilder. credentials(String identity, String credential)
constant value of the cloud identity and credential.Constructor parameters in org.jclouds with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description ContextBuilder(ProviderMetadata providerMetadata, ApiMetadata apiMetadata)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.apis
Method parameters in org.jclouds.apis with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description B
ApiMetadata.Builder. buildVersion(String buildVersion)
ApiMetadata.Builder. credentialName(String credentialName)
ApiMetadata.Builder. defaultCredential(String defaultCredential)
ApiMetadata.Builder. defaultEndpoint(String defaultEndpoint)
ApiMetadata.Builder. defaultIdentity(String defaultIdentity)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.atmos
Methods in org.jclouds.atmos with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description URI
AtmosClient. createFile(String parent, AtmosObject object, PutOptions... options)
AtmosResponseException. getError()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.atmos.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.atmos.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
BoundedSet. getToken()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.atmos.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description AtmosObject
AtmosObject.Factory. create(MutableContentMetadata contentMetadata)
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.atmos.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description SystemMetadata(byte[] contentmd5, Date atime, Date ctime, String gid, Date itime, Date mtime, int nlink, String objectid, String objname, String policyname, long size, FileType type, String uid)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.atmos.domain.internal
Methods in org.jclouds.atmos.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
BoundedLinkedHashSet. getToken()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.atmos.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description BoundedLinkedHashSet(Iterable<T> contents, String token)
Uses of Nullable in
Methods in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description AWSError
AWSResponseException. getError()
Uses of Nullable in
Method parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description<? extends AWSAMIApi>
AWSEC2Api. getAMIApiForRegion(String region)<? extends AWSSubnetApi>
AWSEC2Api. getAWSSubnetApiForRegion(String region)<? extends AWSInstanceApi>
AWSEC2Api. getInstanceApiForRegion(String region)<? extends InternetGatewayApi>
AWSEC2Api. getInternetGatewayApiForRegion(String region)
Provides synchronous access to Internet Gateway services in a given<? extends AWSKeyPairApi>
AWSEC2Api. getKeyPairApiForRegion(String region)<? extends MonitoringApi>
AWSEC2Api. getMonitoringApiForRegion(String region)<? extends PlacementGroupApi>
AWSEC2Api. getPlacementGroupApiForRegion(String region)<? extends RouteTableApi>
AWSEC2Api. getRouteTableApiForRegion(String region)
Provides synchronous access to Route Table services in a given<? extends AWSSecurityGroupApi>
AWSEC2Api. getSecurityGroupApiForRegion(String region)<? extends SpotInstanceApi>
AWSEC2Api. getSpotInstanceApiForRegion(String region)
Uses of Nullable in
Method parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static AWSEC2TemplateOptions
AWSEC2TemplateOptions.Builder. mapEBSSnapshotToDeviceName(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination)
Uses of Nullable in
Methods in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract List<RouteTableAssociation>
RouteTable. associationSet()
abstract List<InternetGatewayAttachment>
InternetGateway. attachmentSet()
abstract String
VPC.Builder. cidrBlock()
abstract String
VPC. cidrBlock()
abstract String
Route. destinationCidrBlock()
abstract String
VPC. dhcpOptionsId()
abstract String
Route. gatewayId()
LaunchSpecification. getSubnetId()
The ID of the subnet in which to launch the Spot Instance.abstract String
InternetGateway. id()
abstract String
RouteTable. id()
abstract String
RouteTableAssociation. id()
abstract String
VPC.Builder. id()
abstract String
VPC. id()
abstract VPC.InstanceTenancy
VPC.Builder. instanceTenancy()
abstract VPC.InstanceTenancy
VPC. instanceTenancy()
abstract Boolean
VPC.Builder. isDefault()
abstract Boolean
VPC. isDefault()
abstract Boolean
RouteTableAssociation. main()
abstract String
Route. origin()
abstract List<Route>
RouteTable. routeSet()
abstract String
RouteTableAssociation. routeTableId()
abstract InternetGatewayAttachment.State
InternetGatewayAttachment. state()
abstract Route.RouteState
Route. state()
abstract VPC.State
VPC.Builder. state()
abstract VPC.State
VPC. state()
abstract String
RouteTableAssociation. subnetId()
abstract Map<String,String>
InternetGateway. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
RouteTable. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
VPC.Builder. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
VPC. tags()
abstract String
InternetGatewayAttachment. vpcId()
abstract String
RouteTable. vpcId()
Method parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LaunchSpecification.Builder
LaunchSpecification.Builder. mapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination)
LaunchSpecification.Builder. mapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
LaunchSpecification.Builder. mapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
LaunchSpecification.Builder. mapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
LaunchSpecification.Builder. mapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
LaunchSpecification.Builder. mapNewVolumeToDevice(String deviceName, int sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
LaunchSpecification.Builder. mapNewVolumeToDevice(String deviceName, int sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
LaunchSpecification.Builder. mapNewVolumeToDevice(String deviceName, int sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
Constructor parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description SpotInstanceRequest(String region, String availabilityZoneGroup, String launchedAvailabilityZone, Date createTime, String faultCode, String faultMessage, String instanceId, String launchGroup, LaunchSpecification launchSpecification, String productDescription, String id, float spotPrice, SpotInstanceRequest.State state, String rawState, SpotInstanceRequest.Type type, Date validFrom, Date validUntil, String statusCode, String statusMessage, Date statusUpdateTime, Map<String,String> tags)
Uses of Nullable in
Method parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description void
AWSAMIApi. addProductCodesToImageInRegion(String region, Iterable<String> productCodes, String imageId)
s to an AMI.String
RouteTableApi. associateRouteTable(String region, String routeTableId, String subnetId)
Associates a subnet with a route table.String
RouteTableApi. associateRouteTable(String region, String routeTableId, String subnetId, RouteTableOptions options)
InternetGatewayApi. attachInternetGateway(String region, String internetGatewayId, String vpcId)
Attaches anInternetGateway
to aVPC
InternetGatewayApi. attachInternetGateway(String region, String internetGatewayId, String vpcId, InternetGatewayOptions options)
Attaches anInternetGateway
to aVPC
, supplying options.void
AWSSecurityGroupApi. authorizeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region, String groupId, Iterable<IpPermission> perms)
AWSSecurityGroupApi. authorizeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region, String groupId, IpPermission perm)
SpotInstanceApi. cancelSpotInstanceRequestsInRegion(String region, String... requestIds)
Cancels one or more Spot Instance requests.InternetGateway
InternetGatewayApi. createInternetGateway(String region)
Creates anInternetGateway
InternetGatewayApi. createInternetGateway(String region, InternetGatewayOptions options)
Creates anInternetGateway
, supplying options.void
PlacementGroupApi. createPlacementGroupInRegion(String region, String name)
PlacementGroupApi. createPlacementGroupInRegion(String region, String name, String strategy)
Creates a placement group that you launch cluster compute instances into.boolean
RouteTableApi. createRoute(String region, String routeTableId, RouteOptions options)
Creates a route in a route table within a VPC.RouteTable
RouteTableApi. createRouteTable(String region, String vpcId)
Creates aRouteTable
RouteTableApi. createRouteTable(String region, String vpcId, RouteTableOptions options)
Creates aRouteTable
, supplying options.String
AWSSecurityGroupApi. createSecurityGroupInRegionAndReturnId(String region, String name, String description, CreateSecurityGroupOptions... options)
AWSSubnetApi. createSubnetInRegion(String region, String vpcId, String cidrBlock, CreateSubnetOptions... options)
Creates a subnet in an existing VPC.VPC
VPCApi. createVpc(String region, String cidrBlock, CreateVpcOptions... options)
Creates a VPC with the specified CIDR block.boolean
InternetGatewayApi. deleteInternetGateway(String region, String internetGatewayId)
Deletes anInternetGateway
InternetGatewayApi. deleteInternetGateway(String region, String internetGatewayId, InternetGatewayOptions options)
Deletes anInternetGateway
, supplying options.void
PlacementGroupApi. deletePlacementGroupInRegion(String region, String name)
Deletes a placement group from your account.boolean
RouteTableApi. deleteRoute(String region, String routeTableId, RouteOptions options)
Delete a route from a route table.boolean
RouteTableApi. deleteRouteTable(String region, String routeTableId)
Deletes aRouteTable
RouteTableApi. deleteRouteTable(String region, String routeTableId, RouteTableOptions options)
Delete aRouteTable
, supplying options.void
AWSSecurityGroupApi. deleteSecurityGroupInRegionById(String region, String name)
AWSSubnetApi. deleteSubnetInRegion(String region, String subnetId)
Deletes a subnet.boolean
VPCApi. deleteVpc(String region, String vpcId)
.Set<? extends Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>>
AWSInstanceApi. describeInstancesInRegion(String region, String... instanceIds)
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>>
AWSInstanceApi. describeInstancesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)<InternetGateway>
InternetGatewayApi. describeInternetGatewaysInRegion(String region, String... internetGatewayIds)
PlacementGroupApi. describePlacementGroupsInRegion(String region, String... placementGroupIds)
Returns information about one or more placement groups in your account.Set<PlacementGroup>
PlacementGroupApi. describePlacementGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about one or more placement groups in your<RouteTable>
RouteTableApi. describeRouteTables(String region, String... routeTableIds)
Describes route tables.Set<SecurityGroup>
AWSSecurityGroupApi. describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region)
AWSSecurityGroupApi. describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region, String... securityGroupNames)
AWSSecurityGroupApi. describeSecurityGroupsInRegionById(String region, String... securityGroupNames)
AWSSecurityGroupApi. describeSecurityGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
SpotInstanceApi. describeSpotInstanceRequestsInRegion(String region, String... requestIds)
Describes Spot Instance requests.Set<SpotInstanceRequest>
SpotInstanceApi. describeSpotInstanceRequestsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes Spot Instance requests.Set<Spot>
SpotInstanceApi. describeSpotPriceHistoryInRegion(String region, DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOptions... options)
Describes Spot Price<Subnet>
AWSSubnetApi. describeSubnetsInRegion(String region, String... subnetIds)
Describes one or more of your<Subnet>
AWSSubnetApi. describeSubnetsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about subnets available to<VPC>
VPCApi. describeVpcsInRegion(String region, String... vpcIds)
Describes all of your VPCsBoolean
InternetGatewayApi. detachInternetGateway(String region, String internetGatewayId, String vpcId)
Detaches anInternetGateway
from aVPC
InternetGatewayApi. detachInternetGateway(String region, String internetGatewayId, String vpcId, InternetGatewayOptions options)
Detaches anInternetGateway
from aVPC
, supplying options.boolean
RouteTableApi. disassociateRouteTable(String region, String associationId)
Disassociates a subnet from a route table.boolean
RouteTableApi. disassociateRouteTable(String region, String associationId, RouteTableOptions options)
AWSAMIApi. getProductCodesForImageInRegion(String region, String imageId)
Returns the Product Codes of an image.KeyPair
AWSKeyPairApi. importKeyPairInRegion(String region, String keyName, String publicKeyMaterial)
Imports the public key from an RSA key pair that you created with a third-party tool.boolean
AWSSubnetApi. modifySubnetAttribute(String region, String subnetId, ModifySubnetAttributeOptions options)
Modifies a subnet attribute.Map<String,MonitoringState>
MonitoringApi. monitorInstancesInRegion(String region, String instanceId, String... instanceIds)
Enables monitoring for a running instance.void
AWSAMIApi. removeProductCodesFromImageInRegion(String region, Iterable<String> productCodes, String imageId)
s from an AMI.boolean
RouteTableApi. replaceRoute(String region, String routeTableId, RouteOptions options)
Replaces a route in a route table within a VPC.SpotInstanceRequest
SpotInstanceApi. requestSpotInstanceInRegion(String region, float spotPrice, String imageId, String instanceType)
request a single spot instanceSet<SpotInstanceRequest>
SpotInstanceApi. requestSpotInstancesInRegion(String region, float spotPrice, int instanceCount, LaunchSpecification launchSpec, RequestSpotInstancesOptions... options)
Creates a Spot Instance request.void
AWSSecurityGroupApi. revokeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region, String groupId, Iterable<IpPermission> perms)
AWSSecurityGroupApi. revokeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region, String groupId, IpPermission perm)
Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>
AWSInstanceApi. runInstancesInRegion(String region, String nullableAvailabilityZone, String imageId, int minCount, int maxCount, RunInstancesOptions... options)
Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>
AWSInstanceApi. runInstancesInRegion(String region, String nullableAvailabilityZone, String imageId, int minCount, int maxCount, RunInstancesOptions... options)
MonitoringApi. unmonitorInstancesInRegion(String region, String instanceId, String... instanceIds)
Disables monitoring for a running instance. -
Uses of Nullable in
Methods in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description AzureStorageError
AzureStorageResponseException. getError()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azureblob.blobstore
Method parameters in org.jclouds.azureblob.blobstore with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description HttpRequest
AzureBlobRequestSigner. sign(String method, String container, String name, GetOptions options, long expires, Long contentLength, String contentType)
modified sign() method, which acts depending on the Auth input.HttpRequest
AzureBlobRequestSigner. sign(String method, String container, String name, GetOptions options, long expires, Long contentLength, String contentType)
modified sign() method, which acts depending on the Auth input.HttpRequest
AzureBlobRequestSigner. sign(String method, String container, String name, GetOptions options, long expires, Long contentLength, String contentType)
modified sign() method, which acts depending on the Auth input. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azureblob.domain
Method parameters in org.jclouds.azureblob.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description AzureBlob
AzureBlob.Factory. create(MutableBlobProperties properties)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azureblob.domain.internal
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.azureblob.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
Deprecated.BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
Deprecated.BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
Deprecated.BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
Deprecated.BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
Deprecated.BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
Deprecated.BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, AccessTier tier, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, AccessTier tier, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, AccessTier tier, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, AccessTier tier, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, AccessTier tier, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, AccessTier tier, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
BlobPropertiesImpl(BlobType type, AccessTier tier, String name, String container, URI url, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size, String contentType, byte[] contentMD5, String contentMetadata, String contentLanguage, Date currentExpires, LeaseStatus leaseStatus, Map<String,String> metadata)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azureblob.predicates.validators
Method parameters in org.jclouds.azureblob.predicates.validators with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description void
BlockIdValidator. validate(String s)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm
Method parameters in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LoadBalancerApi
AzureComputeApi. getLoadBalancerApi(String resourcegroup)
The LoadBalancer API includes operations for managing load balancers within your subscription.NetworkInterfaceCardApi
AzureComputeApi. getNetworkInterfaceCardApi(String resourcegroup)
The Network Interface Card API includes operations for managing the NICs in your subscription.NetworkSecurityGroupApi
AzureComputeApi. getNetworkSecurityGroupApi(String resourcegroup)
The NetworkSecurityGroup API includes operations for managing network security groups within your subscription.PublicIPAddressApi
AzureComputeApi. getPublicIPAddressApi(String resourcegroup)
The Public IP Address API includes operations for managing public ID Addresses for NICs in your subscription.VirtualMachineApi
AzureComputeApi. getVirtualMachineApi(String resourceGroup)
The Virtual Machine API includes operations for managing the virtual machines in your subscription.VirtualNetworkApi
AzureComputeApi. getVirtualNetworkApi(String resourcegroup)
The Virtual Network API includes operations for managing the virtual networks in your subscription. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.compute.functions
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.compute.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description AvailabilitySet
TemplateToAvailabilitySet. apply(Template input)
static Plan
VMImageToImage. createMarketplacePlanIfPresent(Image image, AzureTemplateOptions templateOptions)
In case that image is offered from Azure Marketplace then it requires to provide "Plan Information" (publisher/name/product) when creating VM from such an image. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.compute.options
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.compute.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
IpOptions. publicIpId()
ID of the public IP to associate with the NIC. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract List<VaultProperties.AccessPolicyEntry>
VaultProperties. accessPolicies()
abstract String
Certificate.IssuerCredentials. accountId()
abstract StorageService.AccountType
StorageServiceUpdateParams.StorageServiceUpdateProperties. accountType()
Specifies whether the account supports locally-redundant storage, geo-redundant storage, zone-redundant storage, or read access geo-redundant storage.abstract List<OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.AdditionalUnattendContent>
OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration. additionalUnattendContent()
unattend contentabstract String
Subnet.SubnetProperties. addressPrefix()
abstract String
OSProfile. adminPassword()
The admin password of the VMabstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile. adminPassword()
The admin password of the VMabstract String
OSProfile. adminUsername()
The admin username of the VMabstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile. adminUsername()
The admin username of the VMabstract List<String>
Deployment.ProviderResourceType. apiVersions()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetIpConfigurationProperties. applicationGatewayBackendAddressPools()
The application gateway backend address Pools of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Ip Configuration Propertiesabstract String
VaultProperties.AccessPolicyEntry. applicationId()
abstract Certificate.CertificateAttributes
Certificate. attributes()
abstract Certificate.CertificateAttributes
Certificate.CertificateBundle. attributes()
abstract Certificate.CertificateAttributes
Certificate.CertificatePolicy. attributes()
abstract Certificate.CertificateAttributes
Certificate.DeletedCertificate. attributes()
abstract Certificate.CertificateAttributes
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. attributes()
abstract Certificate.IssuerAttributes
Certificate.IssuerBundle. attributes()
abstract Key.KeyAttributes
Key.DeletedKeyBundle. attributes()
abstract Key.KeyAttributes
Key.KeyBundle. attributes()
abstract Secret.SecretAttributes
Secret. attributes()
abstract Secret.SecretAttributes
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. attributes()
abstract Secret.SecretAttributes
Secret.SecretBundle. attributes()
abstract IdReference
VirtualMachineProperties. availabilitySet()
The availability set of the virtual machineabstract Double
MetricData. average()
The sum of all of the values in the time range.abstract IdReference
InboundNatRuleProperties. backendIPConfiguration()
abstract List<IdReference>
BackendAddressPoolProperties. backendIPConfigurations()
abstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. bytes()
abstract DataDisk.CachingTypes
DataDisk. caching()
The caching type.abstract String
OSDisk. caching()
The caching mode of the os diskabstract Boolean
Certificate.CertificateOperation. cancellationRequested()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateBundle. certificate()
abstract String
VaultCertificate. certificateStore()
Certificate's store nameabstract String
OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.WinRM.ProtocolListener. certificateUrl()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.WinRM.ProtocolListener. certificateUrl()
The certificate url or the protcol listenerabstract String
Certificate.IssuerParameters. certType()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateError. code()
abstract String
Status. code()
abstract String
OSProfile. computerName()
The computer name of the VMabstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile. computerNamePrefix()
The computer name of the VMabstract String
OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.AdditionalUnattendContent. content()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateBundle. contentType()
abstract String
Secret. contentType()
abstract String
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. contentType()
abstract String
Secret.SecretBundle. contentType()
abstract String
Deployment.ContentLink. contentVersion()
abstract String
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. correlationId()
abstract Long
MetricData. count()
The number of samples in the time range.abstract Integer
Certificate.CertificateAttributes. created()
abstract Integer
Certificate.IssuerAttributes. created()
abstract Integer
Key.KeyAttributes. created()
abstract Integer
Secret.SecretAttributes. created()
abstract String
VaultProperties. createMode()
abstract CreationData.CreateOptions
CreationData. createOption()
abstract String
OSDisk. createOption()
The create options of the os diskabstract Date
StorageService.StorageServiceProperties. creationTime()
Specifies the time that the storage account was created.abstract Certificate.IssuerCredentials
Certificate.IssuerBundle. credentials()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. crv()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateOperation. csr()
abstract String
OSProfile. customData()
The custom data of the VMabstract String
ImageReference. customImageId()
Specifies the resource identifier of a virtual machine image in your subscription.abstract String
VMImage. customImageId()
The id of the custom image template.abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. d()
abstract List<DataDisk>
StorageProfile. dataDisks()
The list of the data disks of the storage profileabstract Integer
Certificate.LifetimeActionTrigger. daysBeforeExpiry()
abstract List<NetworkSecurityRule>
NetworkSecurityGroupProperties. defaultSecurityRules()
abstract Integer
Certificate.DeletedCertificate. deletedDate()
abstract Integer
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. deletedDate()
abstract String
Key.DeletedKeyBundle. deletedDate()
abstract String
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. deletedDate()
abstract Date
Vault.DeletedVaultProperties. deletionDate()
abstract List<Deployment.Dependency>
Deployment.Dependency. dependencies()
abstract List<Deployment.Dependency>
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. dependencies()
abstract List<Deployment.Dependency>
Deployment.Dependency. dependsOn()
abstract List<String>
ResourceDefinition. dependsOn()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityRuleProperties. description()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityRuleProperties. destinationPortRange()
abstract DiagnosticsProfile
VirtualMachineProperties. diagnosticsProfile()
The diagnostics profile of the VMabstract String
DataDisk. diskSizeGB()
The size of the data diskabstract Integer
DiskProperties. diskSizeGB()
abstract String
DiskProperties. diskState()
abstract String
Status. displayStatus()
abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetDNSSettings
NetworkInterfaceConfigurationProperties. dnsSettings()
The dnsSettings of the NetworkInterfaceConfigurationPropertiesabstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. dp()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. dq()
abstract String
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. duration()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. e()
abstract String
Certificate.AdministrationDetails. email()
abstract String
Certificate.Contact. email()
abstract Boolean
NetworkInterfaceConfigurationProperties. enableAcceleratedNetworking()
The enableAcceleratedNetworking of the NetworkInterfaceConfigurationPropertiesabstract Boolean
Certificate.IssuerAttributes. enabled()
abstract Boolean
Key.KeyAttributes. enabled()
abstract Boolean
Secret.SecretAttributes. enabled()
abstract Boolean
VaultProperties. enabledForDeployment()
abstract Boolean
VaultProperties. enabledForTemplateDeployment()
abstract Boolean
InboundNatRuleProperties. enableFloatingIP()
abstract Boolean
NetworkInterfaceCardProperties. enableIPForwarding()
abstract Boolean
VaultProperties. enableSoftDelete()
abstract Certificate.CertificateError
Certificate.CertificateOperation. error()
abstract String
BackendAddressPool. etag()
abstract String
FrontendIPConfigurations. etag()
abstract String
InboundNatRule. etag()
abstract String
IpConfiguration. etag()
abstract String
NetworkInterfaceCard. etag()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityGroup. etag()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityRule. etag()
abstract String
Probe. etag()
abstract String
Subnet. etag()
abstract String
VirtualNetwork. etag()
abstract Integer
Key.KeyAttributes. expires()
abstract Integer
Secret.SecretAttributes. expires()
abstract Integer
Certificate.CertificateAttributes. expiry()
abstract Boolean
Certificate.KeyProperties. exportable()
abstract String
SKU. family()
abstract String
Certificate.AdministrationDetails. firstName()
abstract String
DnsSettings. fqdn()
abstract IdReference
InboundNatRuleProperties. frontendIPConfiguration()
abstract String
VMImage. group()
The group of the custom imageabstract HardwareProfile
VirtualMachineProperties. hardwareProfile()
The hardware Profile of the virtual machine .abstract String
AvailabilitySet. id()
The id of the availability setabstract String
BackendAddressPool. id()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateBundle. id()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateOperation. id()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificatePolicy. id()
abstract String
Certificate.Contacts. id()
abstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificate. id()
abstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. id()
abstract String
Certificate. id()
abstract String
Certificate.IssuerBundle. id()
abstract String
Certificate.OrganizationDetails. id()
abstract String
Deployment.Dependency. id()
abstract String
Deployment. id()
The ID associated with the template deployment.abstract String
Deployment.Provider. id()
abstract String
Disk. id()
The id of the diskabstract String
FrontendIPConfigurations. id()
abstract String
IdReference. id()
abstract String
Image. id()
The id of the imageabstract String
InboundNatRule. id()
abstract String
IpConfiguration. id()
abstract String
ManagedDiskParameters. id()
abstract String
NetworkInterfaceCard. id()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityRule. id()
abstract String
Offer. id()
The id of the Offerabstract String
Probe. id()
abstract String
Publisher. id()
The id of the publisherabstract String
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. id()
abstract String
Secret. id()
abstract String
Secret.SecretBundle. id()
abstract String
SKU. id()
abstract String
StorageService. id()
Specifies the id of the storage account.abstract String
Subnet. id()
abstract String
Vault.DeletedVault. id()
abstract String
Vault. id()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSet. id()
The id of the virtual machine scale setabstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkSecurityGroup. id()
The id of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Network Security Groupabstract String
VirtualNetwork. id()
abstract Resource.Identity
Resource. identity()
abstract Integer
InboundNatRuleProperties. idleTimeoutInMinutes()
abstract Integer
VirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressProperties. idleTimeoutInMinutes()
The idle timeout (in minutes) of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Public IP Address Configurationabstract VHD
DataDisk. image()
The source user image virtual hard disk.abstract VHD
OSDisk. image()
The url of the custom imageabstract ImageReference
StorageProfile. imageReference()
The image reference of the storage profileabstract List<PublicIPAddress>
VMDeployment. ipAddressList()
abstract List<IpConfiguration>
NetworkInterfaceCardProperties. ipConfigurations()
abstract List<Subnet.IpConfiguration>
Subnet.SubnetProperties. ipConfigurations()
abstract Boolean
MetricDefinition. isDimensionRequired()
abstract Certificate.IssuerParameters
Certificate.CertificateOperation. issuer()
abstract Certificate.IssuerParameters
Certificate.CertificatePolicy. issuer()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. k()
abstract Key.JsonWebKey
Key.DeletedKeyBundle. key()
abstract Key.JsonWebKey
Key.KeyBundle. key()
abstract String
OSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH.SSHPublicKey. keyData()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH.SSHPublicKey. keyData()
The key data for the SSH public keyabstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. keyHsm()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateBundle. keyId()
abstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. keyId()
abstract String
Key.KeyOperationResult. keyId()
abstract Certificate.KeyProperties
Certificate.CertificatePolicy. keyProps()
abstract Integer
Certificate.KeyProperties. keySize()
abstract String
Certificate.KeyProperties. keyType()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. kid()
abstract String
Key. kid()
abstract String
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. kid()
abstract String
Secret.SecretBundle. kid()
abstract String
Resource. kind()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. kty()
abstract String
Certificate.AdministrationDetails. lastName()
abstract String
Status. level()
abstract String
VirtualMachineProperties. licenseType()
The license type of the virtual machine.abstract Integer
Certificate.LifetimeActionTrigger. lifetimePercentage()
abstract OSProfile.LinuxConfiguration
OSProfile. linuxConfiguration()
The linux configuration of the VMabstract VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.LinuxConfiguration
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile. linuxConfiguration()
The linux configuration of the VMabstract List<IdReference>
IpConfigurationProperties. loadBalancerBackendAddressPools()
abstract List<IdReference>
IpConfigurationProperties. loadBalancerInboundNatRules()
abstract List<IdReference>
BackendAddressPoolProperties. loadBalancingRules()
abstract String
AvailabilitySet. location()
The location of the availability setabstract String
NetworkInterfaceCard. location()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityGroup. location()
abstract String
Offer. location()
The location of the Offerabstract String
Publisher. location()
The location of the publisherabstract String
SKU. location()
abstract String
Vault.DeletedVaultProperties. location()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSet. location()
The location of the virtual machine scale setabstract String
VMImage. location()
The location from where Image was fetchedabstract List<String>
Deployment.ProviderResourceType. locations()
abstract Integer
DataDisk. lun()
The lun value of the data diskabstract Integer
DiskProperties. lun()
abstract Boolean
Key.DeletedKeyBundle. managed()
abstract Boolean
Key.KeyBundle. managed()
abstract Boolean
Key. managed()
abstract Boolean
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. managed()
abstract Boolean
Secret. managed()
abstract Boolean
Secret.SecretBundle. managed()
abstract String
Resource. managedBy()
abstract ManagedDiskParameters
DataDisk. managedDiskParameters()
The managed disk parameters.abstract ManagedDiskParameters
OSDisk. managedDiskParameters()
The managed disk parameters.abstract Double
MetricData. maximum()
The greatest value in the time range.abstract String
Certificate.CertificateError. message()
abstract String
Status. message()
abstract Double
MetricData. minimum()
The least value in the time range.abstract String
DeploymentBody. mode()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. n()
abstract String
AvailabilitySet. name()
The name of the availability set.abstract String
Certificate.Contact. name()
abstract String
Certificate.IssuerParameters. name()
abstract String
DataDisk. name()
The name of the data diskabstract String
Disk. name()
The name of the diskabstract StorageAccountType
DiskSku. name()
IdReference. name()
abstract String
Image. name()
The name of the imageabstract String
InboundNatRule. name()
abstract String
IpConfiguration. name()
abstract MetricName
Metric. name()
abstract String
NetworkInterfaceCard. name()
abstract String
NetworkInterfaceConfiguration. name()
The name of the NetworkInterfaceConfigurationabstract String
NetworkSecurityRule. name()
abstract String
Offer. name()
The name of the Offerabstract String
OSDisk. name()
The name of the os diskabstract String
Probe. name()
abstract String
Publisher. name()
The name of the publisherabstract String
SKU. name()
abstract String
StorageService. name()
Specifies the name of the storage account.abstract String
Subnet. name()
abstract String
Vault.DeletedVault. name()
abstract String
Vault. name()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSet. name()
The name of the virtual machine scale setabstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetIpConfiguration. name()
The name of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Ip Configurationabstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetPlan. name()
The name of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Planabstract String
VirtualNetwork. name()
abstract String
VMImage. name()
The name of the custom image template.abstract String
Deployment.Provider. namespace()
abstract List<NetworkInterfaceCard>
VMDeployment. networkInterfaceCards()
abstract NetworkInterfaceConfigurationProperties
NetworkInterfaceConfiguration. networkInterfaceConfigurationProperties()
The networkConfigurationProperties of the NetworkInterfaceConfigurationabstract List<NetworkInterfaceCard>
NetworkSecurityGroupProperties. networkInterfaces()
abstract NetworkProfile
VirtualMachineProperties. networkProfile()
The network profile of the VMabstract IdReference
NetworkInterfaceCardProperties. networkSecurityGroup()
abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkSecurityGroup
NetworkInterfaceConfigurationProperties. networkSecurityGroup()
The networkSecurityGroup of the NetworkInterfaceConfigurationPropertiesabstract Integer
Certificate.CertificateAttributes. notBefore()
abstract Integer
Key.KeyAttributes. notBefore()
abstract Integer
Secret.SecretAttributes. notBefore()
abstract String
ImageReference. offer()
The offer of the image reference.abstract String
VMImage. offer()
The offer of the image reference.abstract Certificate.OrganizationDetails
Certificate.IssuerBundle. organizationDetails()
abstract OSProfile
VirtualMachineProperties. osProfile()
The OS Profile of the virtual machine .abstract String
OSDisk. osType()
The OS type of the os diskabstract List<Map<String,String>>
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. outputResources()
abstract Map<String,JsonBall>
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. outputs()
abstract List<?>
DeploymentTemplate. outputs()
abstract Boolean
VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties. overProvision()
Specifies the over provision of the virtual machine scale setabstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. p()
abstract Map<String,JsonBall>
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. parameters()
abstract DeploymentTemplate.Parameters
DeploymentBody. parameters()
abstract Deployment.ContentLink
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. parametersLink()
abstract String
Certificate.IssuerCredentials. password()
abstract String
OSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH.SSHPublicKey. path()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH.SSHPublicKey. path()
The path for the SSH public keyabstract VaultProperties.Permissions
VaultProperties.AccessPolicyEntry. permissions()
abstract String
Certificate.Contact. phone()
abstract String
Certificate.AdministrationDetails. phoneNumber()
abstract Plan
Resource. plan()
abstract Plan
Version.VersionProperties. plan()
abstract Plan
VirtualMachine. plan()
Specifies the plan, for marketplace imagesabstract VirtualMachineScaleSetPlan
VirtualMachineScaleSet. plan()
Specifies the optional plan of the virtual machine scale set (only for market image)abstract String
VirtualMachineInstance. platformFaultDomain()
abstract String
VirtualMachineInstance. platformUpdateDomain()
abstract Certificate.CertificatePolicy
Certificate.CertificateBundle. policy()
abstract Boolean
IpConfigurationProperties. primary()
abstract Boolean
NetworkInterfaceCardProperties. primary()
abstract Boolean
NetworkInterfaceConfigurationProperties. primary()
The primary of the NetworkInterfaceConfigurationPropertiesabstract Map<String,String>
StorageService.StorageServiceProperties. primaryEndpoints()
Specifies the endpoints of the storage account.abstract String
StorageService.StorageServiceProperties. primaryLocation()
A primaryLocation for the storage account.abstract Integer
NetworkSecurityRuleProperties. priority()
abstract String
FrontendIPConfigurationsProperties. privateIPAddress()
abstract String
IpConfigurationProperties. privateIPAddress()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetIpConfigurationProperties. privateIPAddressVersion()
The private IP address version of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Ip Configuration Propertiesabstract String
FrontendIPConfigurationsProperties. privateIPAllocationMethod()
abstract String
IpConfigurationProperties. privateIPAllocationMethod()
abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetPlan. product()
The product of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Planabstract AvailabilitySet.AvailabilitySetProperties
AvailabilitySet. properties()
Specifies the properties of the availability setabstract BackendAddressPoolProperties
BackendAddressPool. properties()
abstract Deployment.DeploymentProperties
Deployment. properties()
Properties of the deployment.abstract Map<String,JsonBall>
Deployment.ProviderResourceType. properties()
abstract FrontendIPConfigurationsProperties
FrontendIPConfigurations. properties()
abstract InboundNatRuleProperties
InboundNatRule. properties()
abstract IpConfigurationProperties
IpConfiguration. properties()
abstract NetworkInterfaceCardProperties
NetworkInterfaceCard. properties()
abstract NetworkProfile.NetworkInterface.NetworkInterfaceProperties
NetworkProfile.NetworkInterface. properties()
abstract NetworkSecurityGroupProperties
NetworkSecurityGroup. properties()
abstract NetworkSecurityRuleProperties
NetworkSecurityRule. properties()
abstract ProbeProperties
Probe. properties()
abstract Resource.ResourceProperties
Resource. properties()
abstract Object
ResourceDefinition. properties()
abstract Subnet.SubnetProperties
Subnet. properties()
abstract Vault.DeletedVaultProperties
Vault.DeletedVault. properties()
abstract Version.VersionProperties
Version. properties()
The plan for the Version if this image is from the marketplace.abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties
VirtualMachineScaleSet. properties()
Specifies the properties of the availability setabstract VirtualMachineScaleSetIpConfigurationProperties
VirtualMachineScaleSetIpConfiguration. properties()
The properties of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Ip Configurationabstract ProbeProperties.Protocol
ProbeProperties. protocol()
abstract String
Certificate.IssuerBundle. provider()
abstract List<Deployment.Provider>
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. providers()
abstract String
BackendAddressPoolProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
DataDisk. provisioningState()
abstract String
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
DiskProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
ImageProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
InboundNatRuleProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
IpConfigurationProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
NetworkInterfaceCardProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityGroupProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityRuleProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
ProbeProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
Resource.ResourceProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupProperties. provisioningState()
abstract StorageService.Status
StorageService.StorageServiceProperties. provisioningState()
provisioningState for the storage groupabstract String
Subnet.SubnetProperties. provisioningState()
abstract VirtualMachineProperties.ProvisioningState
VirtualMachineProperties. provisioningState()
The provisioning state of the VMabstract VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.ProvisioningState
VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties. provisioningState()
Specifies the state of the provision of the virtual machine scale setabstract String
VirtualNetwork.VirtualNetworkProperties. provisioningState()
abstract IdReference
FrontendIPConfigurationsProperties. publicIPAddress()
abstract IdReference
IpConfigurationProperties. publicIPAddress()
abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressConfiguration
VirtualMachineScaleSetIpConfigurationProperties. publicIPAddressConfiguration()
The public IP address configuration of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Ip Configuration Propertiesabstract KeyVaultReference
DeploymentTemplate.Parameters. publicKeyFromAzureKeyVault()
abstract TemplateParameterType
DeploymentTemplate.TemplateParameters. publicKeyFromAzureKeyVault()
abstract List<OSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH.SSHPublicKey>
OSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH. publicKeys()
The list of public keys and pathsabstract List<VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH.SSHPublicKey>
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH. publicKeys()
The list of public keys and pathsabstract String
ImageReference. publisher()
The publisher of the image reference.abstract String
VirtualMachineScaleSetPlan. publisher()
The publisher of the Virtual Machine Scale Set Planabstract String
VMImage. publisher()
The publisher of the image reference.abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. q()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. qi()
abstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificate. recoveryId()
abstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. recoveryId()
abstract String
Key.DeletedKeyBundle. recoveryId()
abstract String
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. recoveryId()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateAttributes. recoveryLevel()
abstract String
Key.KeyAttributes. recoveryLevel()
abstract String
Secret.SecretAttributes. recoveryLevel()
abstract String
Deployment.Provider. registrationState()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateOperation. requestId()
abstract String
ProbeProperties. requestPath()
IdReference. resourceGroup()
abstract String
VMImage. resourceGroup()
The resource group for the image in case of custom images.abstract String
NetworkInterfaceCardProperties. resourceGuid()
abstract String
NetworkSecurityGroupProperties. resourceGuid()
abstract String
VirtualNetwork.VirtualNetworkProperties. resourceGuid()
abstract String
MetricDefinition. resourceId()
abstract String
Deployment.Dependency. resourceName()
abstract String
Deployment.Dependency. resourceType()
abstract String
Deployment.ProviderResourceType. resourceType()
abstract List<Deployment.ProviderResourceType>
Deployment.Provider. resourceTypes()
abstract Boolean
Certificate.KeyProperties. reuseKey()
abstract String
DnsSettings. reverseFqdn()
abstract Integer
Certificate.DeletedCertificate. scheduledPurgeDate()
abstract Integer
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. scheduledPurgeDate()
abstract String
Key.DeletedKeyBundle. scheduledPurgeDate()
abstract String
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. scheduledPurgeDate()
abstract Date
Vault.DeletedVaultProperties. scheduledPurgeDate()
abstract Map<String,String>
StorageService.StorageServiceProperties. secondaryEndpoints()
Specifies the secondary endpoints of the storage account.abstract String
StorageService.StorageServiceProperties. secondaryLocation()
Secondary location for the storage groupabstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. secredId()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateBundle. secretId()
abstract Certificate.SecretProperties
Certificate.CertificatePolicy. secretProps()
abstract List<Secrets>
OSProfile. secrets()
The Secrets configuration of the VMabstract List<NetworkSecurityRule>
NetworkSecurityGroupProperties. securityRules()
abstract Boolean
VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties. singlePlacementGroup()
The singlePlacementGroup of the VirtualMachineScaleSetPropertiesabstract AvailabilitySet.SKU
AvailabilitySet. sku()
Specifies the type of the availability setabstract SKU
Disk. sku()
The sku of the diskabstract String
ImageReference. sku()
The sku of the image reference.abstract SKU
Resource. sku()
abstract SKU
VaultProperties. sku()
abstract String
VMImage. sku()
The sku of the image reference.abstract String
NetworkSecurityRuleProperties. sourcePortRange()
abstract IdReference
ImageProperties. sourceVirtualMachine()
abstract OSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH
OSProfile.LinuxConfiguration. ssh()
ssh keysabstract VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.LinuxConfiguration.SSH
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.LinuxConfiguration. ssh()
ssh keysabstract String
Certificate.CertificateOperation. status()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateOperation. statusDetails()
abstract List<Status>
AvailabilitySet.AvailabilitySetProperties. statuses()
A list of statuses in the availability setabstract List<Status>
VirtualMachineInstance. statuses()
abstract StorageService.RegionStatus
StorageService.StorageServiceProperties. statusOfPrimary()
The status of primary endpointsabstract StorageService.RegionStatus
StorageService.StorageServiceProperties. statusOfSecondary()
The secondary status of the storage account.abstract String
VMImage. storage()
The storage of the custom image.abstract StorageAccountType
ManagedDiskParameters. storageAccountType()
abstract StorageAccountType
OSDisk. storageAccountType()
The storage account type.abstract StorageProfile
ImageProperties. storageProfile()
abstract StorageProfile
VirtualMachineProperties. storageProfile()
The Storage Profile of the virtual machine .abstract String
DiagnosticsProfile.BootDiagnostics. storageUri()
abstract String
Certificate.X509CertificateProperties. subject()
abstract Certificate.SubjectAlternativeNames
Certificate.X509CertificateProperties. subjectAltNames()
abstract IdReference
FrontendIPConfigurationsProperties. subnet()
abstract IdReference
IpConfigurationProperties. subnet()
abstract List<Subnet>
NetworkSecurityGroupProperties. subnets()
abstract List<Subnet>
VirtualNetwork.VirtualNetworkProperties. subnets()
abstract Map<String,String>
AvailabilitySet. tags()
Specifies the tags of the availability setabstract Map<String,String>
Certificate.CertificateBundle. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Certificate.DeletedCertificate. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Certificate. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Disk. tags()
the tags of the diskabstract Map<String,String>
Image. tags()
the tags of the imageabstract Map<String,String>
Key.DeletedKeyBundle. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Key.KeyBundle. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Key. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
NetworkInterfaceCard. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
NetworkSecurityGroup. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Resource. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
ResourceDefinition. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
ResourceGroup. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Secret.SecretBundle. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Secret. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
StorageService. tags()
Specifies the tags of the storage account.abstract Map<String,String>
StorageServiceUpdateParams. tags()
Specifies the tags of the storage account.abstract Map<String,String>
Vault.DeletedVaultProperties. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
Vault. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
VirtualMachine. tags()
Specifies the tags of the vmabstract Map<String,String>
VirtualMachineScaleSet. tags()
Specifies the tags of the virtual machine scale setabstract Map<String,String>
VirtualNetwork. tags()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateOperation. target()
abstract Map<String,JsonBall>
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. template()
abstract DeploymentTemplate
DeploymentBody. template()
abstract Deployment.ContentLink
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. templateLink()
abstract String
VaultProperties. tenantId()
abstract String
Certificate.CertificateBundle. thumbprint()
abstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificate. thumbprint()
abstract String
Certificate.DeletedCertificateBundle. thumbprint()
abstract String
Certificate. thumbprint()
abstract Date
Status. time()
abstract String
DiskProperties. timeCreated()
abstract String
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. timestamp()
abstract Double
MetricData. total()
The average value in the time rangeabstract String
AvailabilitySet. type()
The type of the availability set.abstract String
Disk. type()
The type of the diskabstract String
StorageService. type()
Specifies the type of the storage account.abstract String
TemplateParameterType. type()
abstract String
Vault.DeletedVault. type()
abstract String
Vault. type()
abstract Integer
Certificate.CertificateAttributes. updated()
abstract Integer
Certificate.IssuerAttributes. updated()
abstract Integer
Key.KeyAttributes. updated()
abstract Integer
Secret.SecretAttributes. updated()
abstract Integer
Certificate.X509CertificateProperties. validityMonths()
abstract String
Key.KeyOperationResult. value()
abstract String
Secret.DeletedSecretBundle. value()
abstract String
Secret.SecretBundle. value()
abstract String
Value. value()
The name of the Valueabstract String
Vault.DeletedVaultProperties. vaultId()
abstract URI
VaultProperties. vaultUri()
abstract String
ImageReference. version()
The version of the image reference.abstract String
VMImage. version()
The version of the image reference.abstract Version.VersionProperties
VMImage. versionProperties()
Extended version properties.abstract VHD
DataDisk. vhd()
The vhd of the data diskabstract VHD
DiskProperties. vhd()
abstract VHD
OSDisk. vhd()
The vhd of the os diskabstract String
VMImage. vhd1()
The vhd1 of the custom imageabstract String
VMImage. vhd2()
The vhd2 of the custom image.abstract IdReference
NetworkInterfaceCardProperties. virtualMachine()
abstract VirtualMachine
VMDeployment. virtualMachine()
abstract List<IdReference>
AvailabilitySet.AvailabilitySetProperties. virtualMachines()
A list of virtual machines in the availability setString
Subnet. virtualNetwork()
abstract String
VirtualMachineProperties. vmId()
The id of the virtual machine.abstract OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration
OSProfile. windowsConfiguration()
The windows configuration of the VMabstract VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.WindowsConfiguration
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile. windowsConfiguration()
The windows configuration of the VMabstract OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.WinRM
OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration. winRM()
winRabstract VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.WinRM
VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile.WindowsConfiguration. winRM()
winRMabstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. x()
abstract Certificate.X509CertificateProperties
Certificate.CertificatePolicy. x509props()
abstract String
Key.JsonWebKey. y()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static Deployment.DeploymentProperties
Deployment.DeploymentProperties. create(String provisioningState, String correlationId, String timestamp, Map<String,JsonBall> outputs, List<Deployment.Provider> providers, List<Deployment.Dependency> dependencies, Map<String,JsonBall> template, Deployment.ContentLink templateLink, Map<String,JsonBall> parameters, Deployment.ContentLink parametersLink, String mode, String duration, List<Map<String,String>> outputResources)
static Deployment.ProviderResourceType
Deployment.ProviderResourceType. create(String resourceType, List<String> locations, List<String> apiVersions, Map<String,JsonBall> properties)
static Error.Details
Error.Details. create(String code, String message, List<Error.Details> details)
static Value
Value. create(String type, String value)
static VirtualMachine
VirtualMachine. create(String id, String name, String type, String location, Map<String,String> tags, VirtualMachineProperties properties, Plan plan)
static VirtualMachine
VirtualMachine. create(String id, String name, String type, String location, Map<String,String> tags, VirtualMachineProperties properties, Plan plan)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain.loadbalancer
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain.loadbalancer with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract IdReference
LoadBalancingRuleProperties. backendAddressPool()
abstract List<BackendAddressPool>
LoadBalancerProperties. backendAddressPools()
abstract Boolean
LoadBalancingRuleProperties. enableFloatingIP()
abstract String
LoadBalancer. etag()
abstract String
LoadBalancingRule. etag()
abstract IdReference
LoadBalancingRuleProperties. frontendIPConfiguration()
abstract List<FrontendIPConfigurations>
LoadBalancerProperties. frontendIPConfigurations()
abstract String
LoadBalancer. id()
abstract String
LoadBalancingRule. id()
abstract Integer
LoadBalancingRuleProperties. idleTimeoutInMinutes()
abstract List<InboundNatRule>
LoadBalancerProperties. inboundNatRules()
abstract List<LoadBalancingRule>
LoadBalancerProperties. loadBalancingRules()
abstract LoadBalancingRuleProperties.LoadDistribution
LoadBalancingRuleProperties. loadDistribution()
abstract String
LoadBalancer. location()
abstract String
LoadBalancer. name()
abstract String
LoadBalancingRule. name()
abstract IdReference
LoadBalancingRuleProperties. probe()
abstract List<Probe>
LoadBalancerProperties. probes()
abstract LoadBalancerProperties
LoadBalancer. properties()
abstract LoadBalancingRuleProperties
LoadBalancingRule. properties()
abstract String
LoadBalancerProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
LoadBalancingRuleProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
LoadBalancerProperties. resourceGuid()
abstract LoadBalancer.SKU
LoadBalancer. sku()
abstract Map<String,String>
LoadBalancer. tags()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain.publicipaddress
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain.publicipaddress with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract DnsSettings
PublicIPAddressProperties. dnsSettings()
abstract Integer
PublicIPAddressProperties. idleTimeoutInMinutes()
abstract String
PublicIPAddressProperties. ipAddress()
abstract IdReference
PublicIPAddressProperties. ipConfiguration()
abstract String
PublicIPAddressProperties. provisioningState()
abstract PublicIPAddress.SKU
PublicIPAddress. sku()
abstract Map<String,String>
PublicIPAddress. tags()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain.vpn
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.domain.vpn with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Boolean
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties. activeActive()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. authorizationKey()
abstract BGPSettings
LocalNetworkGatewayProperties. bgpSettings()
abstract BGPSettings
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties. bgpSettings()
abstract VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection.Status
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. connectionStatus()
abstract DHGroup
IPSecPolicy. dhGroup()
abstract Integer
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. egressBytesTransferred()
abstract String
LocalNetworkGateway. etag()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGateway. etag()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection. etag()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties.IpConfiguration. etag()
abstract String
VPNClientRevokedCertificate. etag()
abstract String
VPNClientRootCertificate. etag()
abstract IdReference
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties. gatewayDefaultSite()
abstract String
LocalNetworkGateway. id()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGateway. id()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection. id()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties.IpConfiguration. id()
abstract String
VPNClientRevokedCertificate. id()
abstract String
VPNClientRootCertificate. id()
abstract IkeEncryption
IPSecPolicy. ikeEncryption()
abstract IkeIntegrity
IPSecPolicy. ikeIntegrity()
abstract Integer
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. ingressBytesTransferred()
abstract IPSecEncryption
IPSecPolicy. ipsecEncryption()
abstract IPSecIntegrity
IPSecPolicy. ipsecIntegrity()
abstract String
TunnelConnectionHealth. lastConnectionEstablishedUtcTime()
abstract AddressSpace
LocalNetworkGatewayProperties. localNetworkAddressSpace()
abstract IdReference
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. peer()
abstract PFSGroup
IPSecPolicy. pfsGroup()
abstract String
LocalNetworkGatewayProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties.IpConfiguration.IpConfigurationProperties. provisioningState()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties. provisioningState()
abstract IdReference
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties.IpConfiguration.IpConfigurationProperties. publicIPAddress()
abstract String
IPSecPolicy. radiusServerAddress()
abstract String
VPNClientConfiguration. radiusServerAddress()
abstract String
IPSecPolicy. radiusServerSecret()
abstract String
VPNClientConfiguration. radiusServerSecret()
abstract String
LocalNetworkGatewayProperties. resourceGuid()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. resourceGuid()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties. resourceGuid()
abstract Integer
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. routingWeight()
abstract Integer
IPSecPolicy. saDataSizeKilobytes()
abstract Integer
IPSecPolicy. saLifeTimeSeconds()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. sharedKey()
abstract IdReference
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties.IpConfiguration.IpConfigurationProperties. subnet()
abstract Map<String,String>
LocalNetworkGateway. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
VirtualNetworkGateway. tags()
abstract Map<String,String>
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection. tags()
abstract String
LocalNetworkGateway. type()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGateway. type()
abstract String
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection. type()
abstract IdReference
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProperties. virtualNetworkGateway2()
abstract AddressSpace
IPSecPolicy. vpnClientAddressPool()
abstract AddressSpace
VPNClientConfiguration. vpnClientAddressPool()
abstract VPNClientConfiguration
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties. vpnClientConfiguration()
abstract VPNType
VirtualNetworkGatewayProperties. vpnType()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.features
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ResourceGroup
ResourceGroupApi. get(String name)
ResourceProviderApi. get(String namespace)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.b2
Methods in org.jclouds.b2 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description B2Error
B2ResponseException. getError()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.b2.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.b2.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
B2Object. accountId()
abstract Action
B2Object. action()
abstract String
B2Object. bucketId()
abstract Long
B2Object. contentLength()
abstract Long
ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse.Entry. contentLength()
Always null.abstract String
B2Object. contentRange()
abstract String
B2Object. contentSha1()
abstract String
ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse.Entry. contentSha1()
Always null.abstract String
B2Object. contentType()
abstract String
B2ObjectList.Entry. fileId()
abstract Map<String,String>
B2Object. fileInfo()
abstract String
B2ObjectList. nextFileId()
abstract String
ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse. nextFileId()
abstract String
B2ObjectList. nextFileName()
abstract Integer
ListPartsResponse. nextPartNumber()
abstract Payload
B2Object. payload()
abstract Date
B2Object. uploadTimestamp()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.b2.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2Object
B2Object. create(String fileId, String fileName, String accountId, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Action action, Long uploadTimestamp, String contentRange, Payload payload)
static B2ObjectList
B2ObjectList. create(List<B2ObjectList.Entry> files, String nextFileId, String nextFileName)
static B2ObjectList
B2ObjectList. create(List<B2ObjectList.Entry> files, String nextFileId, String nextFileName)
static B2ObjectList.Entry
B2ObjectList.Entry. create(Action action, String accountId, String bucketId, String fileId, String fileName, long contentLength, long uploadTimestamp)
static ListPartsResponse
ListPartsResponse. create(Integer nextPartNumber, List<ListPartsResponse.Entry> parts)
static ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse
ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse. create(String nextFileId, List<ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse.Entry> files)
static ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse.Entry
ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse.Entry. create(String accountId, Action action, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, String fileId, Map<String,String> fileInfo, String fileName, long uploadTimestamp)
static ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse.Entry
ListUnfinishedLargeFilesResponse.Entry. create(String accountId, Action action, String bucketId, Long contentLength, String contentSha1, String contentType, String fileId, Map<String,String> fileInfo, String fileName, long uploadTimestamp)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.b2.features
Method parameters in org.jclouds.b2.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description B2ObjectList
ObjectApi. listFileNames(String bucketId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount)
ObjectApi. listFileNames(String bucketId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount)
ObjectApi. listFileNames(String bucketId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
ObjectApi. listFileNames(String bucketId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
ObjectApi. listFileNames(String bucketId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
ObjectApi. listFileNames(String bucketId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
ObjectApi. listFileVersions(String bucketId, String startFileId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount)
ObjectApi. listFileVersions(String bucketId, String startFileId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount)
ObjectApi. listFileVersions(String bucketId, String startFileId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount)
ObjectApi. listFileVersions(String bucketId, String startFileId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
ObjectApi. listFileVersions(String bucketId, String startFileId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
ObjectApi. listFileVersions(String bucketId, String startFileId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
ObjectApi. listFileVersions(String bucketId, String startFileId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
ObjectApi. listFileVersions(String bucketId, String startFileId, String startFileName, Integer maxFileCount, String prefix, String delimiter)
MultipartApi. listParts(String fileId, Integer startPartNumber, Integer maxPartCount)
MultipartApi. listParts(String fileId, Integer startPartNumber, Integer maxPartCount)
MultipartApi. listUnfinishedLargeFiles(String bucketId, String startFileId, Integer maxFileCount)
MultipartApi. listUnfinishedLargeFiles(String bucketId, String startFileId, Integer maxFileCount)
ObjectApi. uploadFile(UploadUrlResponse uploadUrl, String fileName, String contentSha1, Map<String,String> fileInfo, Payload payload)
MultipartApi. uploadPart(GetUploadPartResponse response, int partNumber, String sha1, Payload payload)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.blobstore
Methods in org.jclouds.blobstore with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description BlobMetadata
BlobStore. blobMetadata(String container, String name)
Retrieves the metadata of aBlob
at locationcontainer/name
BlobStore. getBlob(String container, String name)
Retrieves aBlob
representing the data at locationcontainer/name
BlobStore. getBlob(String container, String name, GetOptions options)
Retrieves aBlob
representing the data at locationcontainer/name
Method parameters in org.jclouds.blobstore with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
BlobStore. createContainerInLocation(Location location, String container)
Creates a namespace for your blobsboolean
BlobStore. createContainerInLocation(Location location, String container, CreateContainerOptions options)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.blobstore.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.blobstore.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract BlobMetadata
MultipartUpload. blobMetadata()
BlobMetadata. getContainer()
BlobMetadata. getPublicUri()
If the blob is publicly readable, what is the URI one can access it at.abstract Date
MultipartPart. lastModified()
abstract String
MultipartPart. partETag()
abstract PutOptions
MultipartUpload. putOptions()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.blobstore.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Blob
Blob.Factory. create(MutableBlobMetadata metadata)
Creates a blob, optionally setting its metadata to a known value.static MultipartPart
MultipartPart. create(int partNumber, long partSize, String partETag)
Deprecated.static MultipartPart
MultipartPart. create(int partNumber, long partSize, String partETag, Date lastModified)
static MultipartPart
MultipartPart. create(int partNumber, long partSize, String partETag, Date lastModified)
static MultipartUpload
MultipartUpload. create(String containerName, String blobName, String id, BlobMetadata blobMetadata, PutOptions putOptions)
static MultipartUpload
MultipartUpload. create(String containerName, String blobName, String id, BlobMetadata blobMetadata, PutOptions putOptions)
MutableBlobMetadata. setContainer(String container)
MutableStorageMetadata. setCreationDate(Date creationDate)
MutableStorageMetadata. setLastModified(Date lastModified)
MutableBlobMetadata. setPublicUri(URI publicUri)
MutableStorageMetadata. setSize(Long size)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.internal
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size)
Deprecated.BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
BlobMetadataImpl(String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, URI publicUri, String container, ContentMetadata contentMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
PageSetImpl(Iterable<? extends T> contents, String nextMarker)
StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class, Tier.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class, Tier.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class, Tier.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class, Tier.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class, Tier.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class, Tier.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class, Tier.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size) StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType.class, String.class, String.class, Location.class, URI.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class, Map.class, Long.class, Tier.class)StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
StorageMetadataImpl(StorageType type, String id, String name, Location location, URI uri, String eTag, Date creationDate, Date lastModified, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Long size, Tier tier)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.blobstore.options
Methods in org.jclouds.blobstore.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract ContentMetadata
CopyOptions. contentMetadata()
abstract String
CopyOptions. ifMatch()
abstract Date
CopyOptions. ifModifiedSince()
abstract String
CopyOptions. ifNoneMatch()
abstract Date
CopyOptions. ifUnmodifiedSince()
abstract Map<String,String>
CopyOptions. userMetadata()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.chef
Method parameters in org.jclouds.chef with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Statement
ChefService. createBootstrapScriptForGroup(String group, String nodeName)
Creates all steps necessary to bootstrap the node. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.chef.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.chef.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description JsonBall
BootstrapConfig. getAttributes()
BootstrapConfig. getEnvironment()
BootstrapConfig. getSslCAFile()
BootstrapConfig. getSslCAPath()
BootstrapConfig. getSslVerifyMode()
BootstrapConfig. getVerifyApiCert()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.chef.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Attribute(String required, boolean calculated, Set<String> choice, JsonBall defaultValue, String type, List<String> recipes, String displayName, String description)
Attribute(String required, boolean calculated, Set<String> choice, JsonBall defaultValue, String type, List<String> recipes, String displayName, String description)
BootstrapConfig(List<String> runList, String environment, JsonBall attributes, String sslCAFile, String sslCAPath, BootstrapConfig.SSLVerifyMode sslVerifyMode, Boolean verifyApiCert)
BootstrapConfig(List<String> runList, String environment, JsonBall attributes, String sslCAFile, String sslCAPath, BootstrapConfig.SSLVerifyMode sslVerifyMode, Boolean verifyApiCert)
BootstrapConfig(List<String> runList, String environment, JsonBall attributes, String sslCAFile, String sslCAPath, BootstrapConfig.SSLVerifyMode sslVerifyMode, Boolean verifyApiCert)
BootstrapConfig(List<String> runList, String environment, JsonBall attributes, String sslCAFile, String sslCAPath, BootstrapConfig.SSLVerifyMode sslVerifyMode, Boolean verifyApiCert)
BootstrapConfig(List<String> runList, String environment, JsonBall attributes, String sslCAFile, String sslCAPath, BootstrapConfig.SSLVerifyMode sslVerifyMode, Boolean verifyApiCert)
BootstrapConfig(List<String> runList, String environment, JsonBall attributes, String sslCAFile, String sslCAPath, BootstrapConfig.SSLVerifyMode sslVerifyMode, Boolean verifyApiCert)
Client(X509Certificate certificate, String orgname, String clientname, String name, boolean validator, PrivateKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey)
Client(X509Certificate certificate, String orgname, String clientname, String name, boolean validator, PrivateKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey)
CookbookDefinition(String name, URI url, Set<CookbookDefinition.Version> versions)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
CookbookVersion(String name, Set<Resource> definitions, Set<Resource> attributes, Set<Resource> files, Metadata metadata, Set<Resource> providers, String cookbookName, Set<Resource> resources, Set<Resource> templates, Set<Resource> libraries, String version, Set<Resource> recipes, Set<Resource> rootFiles)
Environment(String name, Map<String,JsonBall> attributes, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, String description, Map<String,String> cookbookVersions)
Environment(String name, Map<String,JsonBall> attributes, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, String description, Map<String,String> cookbookVersions)
Environment(String name, Map<String,JsonBall> attributes, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, String description, Map<String,String> cookbookVersions)
Group(String name, String groupname, String orgname, Set<String> actors, Set<String> clients, Set<String> groups, Set<String> users)
Group(String name, String groupname, String orgname, Set<String> actors, Set<String> clients, Set<String> groups, Set<String> users)
Group(String name, String groupname, String orgname, Set<String> actors, Set<String> clients, Set<String> groups, Set<String> users)
Group(String name, String groupname, String orgname, Set<String> actors, Set<String> clients, Set<String> groups, Set<String> users)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Metadata(String license, String maintainer, Map<String,String> suggestions, Map<String,String> dependencies, String maintainerEmail, Map<String,String> conflicting, String description, Map<String,String> providing, Map<String,String> platforms, String version, Map<String,String> recipes, Map<String,String> replacing, String name, Map<String,Grouping> groupings, String longDescription, Map<String,Attribute> attributes, Map<String,String> recommendations)
Node(String name, Map<String,JsonBall> normalAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> automaticAttributes, List<String> runList, String environment)
Node(String name, Map<String,JsonBall> normalAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> automaticAttributes, List<String> runList, String environment)
Node(String name, Map<String,JsonBall> normalAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> automaticAttributes, List<String> runList, String environment)
Node(String name, Map<String,JsonBall> normalAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> automaticAttributes, List<String> runList, String environment)
Node(String name, Map<String,JsonBall> normalAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, Map<String,JsonBall> automaticAttributes, List<String> runList, String environment)
Role(String name, String description, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, List<String> runList, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,List<String>> envRunList)
Role(String name, String description, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, List<String> runList, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,List<String>> envRunList)
Role(String name, String description, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, List<String> runList, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,List<String>> envRunList)
Role(String name, String description, Map<String,JsonBall> defaultAttributes, List<String> runList, Map<String,JsonBall> overrideAttributes, Map<String,List<String>> envRunList)
Sandbox(String rev, boolean isCompleted, Date createTime, Set<String> checksums, String name, String guid)
UploadSandbox(URI uri, Map<List<Byte>,ChecksumStatus> checksums, String sandboxId)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.chef.functions
Method parameters in org.jclouds.chef.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Statement
GroupToBootScript. apply(String group, String nodeName)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.chef.internal
Method parameters in org.jclouds.chef.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Statement
BaseChefService. createBootstrapScriptForGroup(String group, String nodeName)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.chef.util
Method parameters in org.jclouds.chef.util with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static <T><T>
CollectionUtils. copyOfOrEmpty(List<T> input)
Creates an immutable list with the elements of the given list.static <K,V><K,V>CollectionUtils. copyOfOrEmpty(Map<K,V> input)
Creates an immutable map with the elements of the given map.static <T><T>
CollectionUtils. copyOfOrEmpty(Set<T> input)
Creates an immutable set with the elements of the given set. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.cloudstack.domain
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.cloudstack.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Account(String id, Account.Type type, String networkDomain, String domain, String domainId, Long IPsAvailable, Long IPLimit, long IPs, boolean cleanupRequired, String name, long receivedBytes, long sentBytes, Long snapshotsAvailable, Long snapshotLimit, long snapshots, Account.State state, Long templatesAvailable, Long templateLimit, long templates, Long VMsAvailable, Long VMLimit, long VMsRunning, long VMsStopped, long VMs, Long volumesAvailable, Long volumeLimit, long volumes, Set<User> users)
Alert(String id, String description, Date sent, String type)
Alert(String id, String description, Date sent, String type)
Alert(String id, String description, Date sent, String type)
ApiKeyPair(String apiKey, String secretKey)
ApiKeyPair(String apiKey, String secretKey)
AsyncCreateResponse(String id, String jobId)
AsyncCreateResponse(String id, String jobId)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJob(String accountId, String cmd, Date created, String id, String instanceId, String instanceType, int progress, S result, AsyncJob.ResultCode resultCode, String resultType, AsyncJob.Status status, String userId, AsyncJobError error)
AsyncJobError(AsyncJobError.ErrorCode errorCode, String errorText)
AsyncJobError(AsyncJobError.ErrorCode errorCode, String errorText)
Capabilities(String cloudStackVersion, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, boolean canShareTemplates, boolean firewallRuleUiEnabled, boolean supportELB)
Capability(String name, String value)
Capacity(long capacityTotal, long capacityUsed, double percentUsed, String podId, String podName, Capacity.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Capacity(long capacityTotal, long capacityUsed, double percentUsed, String podId, String podName, Capacity.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Capacity(long capacityTotal, long capacityUsed, double percentUsed, String podId, String podName, Capacity.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Capacity(long capacityTotal, long capacityUsed, double percentUsed, String podId, String podName, Capacity.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Capacity(long capacityTotal, long capacityUsed, double percentUsed, String podId, String podName, Capacity.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Cluster(String id, AllocationState allocationState, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, Cluster.ManagedState managedState, String name, String podId, String podName, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ConfigurationEntry(String category, String description, String name, String value)
ConfigurationEntry(String category, String description, String name, String value)
ConfigurationEntry(String category, String description, String name, String value)
DiskOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int diskSize, boolean customized, Iterable<String> tags)
DiskOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int diskSize, boolean customized, Iterable<String> tags)
DiskOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int diskSize, boolean customized, Iterable<String> tags)
DiskOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int diskSize, boolean customized, Iterable<String> tags)
DiskOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int diskSize, boolean customized, Iterable<String> tags)
DiskOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int diskSize, boolean customized, Iterable<String> tags)
Domain(String id, boolean hasChild, long level, String name, String networkDomain, String parentDomainId, String parentDomainName)
Domain(String id, boolean hasChild, long level, String name, String networkDomain, String parentDomainId, String parentDomainName)
Domain(String id, boolean hasChild, long level, String name, String networkDomain, String parentDomainId, String parentDomainName)
Domain(String id, boolean hasChild, long level, String name, String networkDomain, String parentDomainId, String parentDomainName)
EncryptedPasswordAndPrivateKey(String encryptedPassword, String privateKey)
EncryptedPasswordAndPrivateKey(String encryptedPassword, String privateKey)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
Event(String id, String account, String description, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String level, String parentId, String state, String type, String username)
FirewallRule(String id, Iterable<String> CIDRs, int startPort, int endPort, String icmpCode, String icmpType, String ipAddress, String ipAddressId, FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, FirewallRule.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
FirewallRule(String id, Iterable<String> CIDRs, int startPort, int endPort, String icmpCode, String icmpType, String ipAddress, String ipAddressId, FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, FirewallRule.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
FirewallRule(String id, Iterable<String> CIDRs, int startPort, int endPort, String icmpCode, String icmpType, String ipAddress, String ipAddressId, FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, FirewallRule.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
FirewallRule(String id, Iterable<String> CIDRs, int startPort, int endPort, String icmpCode, String icmpType, String ipAddress, String ipAddressId, FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, FirewallRule.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
FirewallRule(String id, Iterable<String> CIDRs, int startPort, int endPort, String icmpCode, String icmpType, String ipAddress, String ipAddressId, FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, FirewallRule.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
FirewallRule(String id, Iterable<String> CIDRs, int startPort, int endPort, String icmpCode, String icmpType, String ipAddress, String ipAddressId, FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, FirewallRule.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
FirewallRule(String id, Iterable<String> CIDRs, int startPort, int endPort, String icmpCode, String icmpType, String ipAddress, String ipAddressId, FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, FirewallRule.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
FirewallRule(String id, Iterable<String> CIDRs, int startPort, int endPort, String icmpCode, String icmpType, String ipAddress, String ipAddressId, FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, FirewallRule.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
Host(String id, AllocationState allocationState, int averageLoad, String capabilities, String clusterId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String cpuAllocated, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, float cpuWithOverProvisioning, Date created, Date disconnected, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String events, boolean hasEnoughCapacity, Iterable<String> tags, String hypervisor, String ipAddress, boolean localStorageActive, String jobId, AsyncJob.Status jobStatus, Date lastPinged, String managementServerId, long memoryAllocated, long memoryTotal, long memoryUsed, String name, long networkKbsRead, long networkKbsWrite, String osCategoryId, String osCategoryName, String podId, String podName, Date removed, Host.State state, Host.Type type, String version, String zoneId, String zoneName)
IngressRule(String account, String CIDR, int endPort, int ICMPCode, int ICMPType, String protocol, String id, String securityGroupName, int startPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IngressRule(String account, String CIDR, int endPort, int ICMPCode, int ICMPType, String protocol, String id, String securityGroupName, int startPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IngressRule(String account, String CIDR, int endPort, int ICMPCode, int ICMPType, String protocol, String id, String securityGroupName, int startPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IngressRule(String account, String CIDR, int endPort, int ICMPCode, int ICMPType, String protocol, String id, String securityGroupName, int startPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IngressRule(String account, String CIDR, int endPort, int ICMPCode, int ICMPType, String protocol, String id, String securityGroupName, int startPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IPForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int startPort, String protocol, int endPort, String state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, int publicPort, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IPForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int startPort, String protocol, int endPort, String state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, int publicPort, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IPForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int startPort, String protocol, int endPort, String state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, int publicPort, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IPForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int startPort, String protocol, int endPort, String state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, int publicPort, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IPForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int startPort, String protocol, int endPort, String state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, int publicPort, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IPForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int startPort, String protocol, int endPort, String state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, int publicPort, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
IPForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int startPort, String protocol, int endPort, String state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, int publicPort, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISO(String id, String account, String accountId, boolean bootable, String checksum, Date created, boolean crossZones, String displayText, String domain, String domainid, String format, String hostId, String hostName, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, boolean isFeatured, boolean isPublic, boolean isReady, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String osTypeId, String osTypeName, boolean passwordEnabled, Date removed, long size, String sourceTemplateId, String status, String templateTag, String templateType, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
ISOPermissions(String id, Set<String> accounts, String domainId, boolean isPublic)
ISOPermissions(String id, Set<String> accounts, String domainId, boolean isPublic)
JobResult(boolean success, String displayText)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoadBalancerRule(String id, String account, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String description, String domain, String domainId, String name, int privatePort, String publicIP, String publicIPId, int publicPort, LoadBalancerRule.State state, Iterable<String> CIDRs, String zoneId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
LoginResponse(String username, String userId, String password, String domainId, long timeout, boolean registered, String accountName, String firstName, String lastName, Account.Type accountType, String timezone, String timezoneOffset, String sessionKey, String jSessionId)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
Network(String id, String account, String broadcastDomainType, URI broadcastURI, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String endIP, String gateway, boolean isDefault, boolean isShared, boolean isSystem, String netmask, String networkDomain, String networkOfferingAvailability, String networkOfferingDisplayText, String networkOfferingId, String networkOfferingName, String related, String startIP, String name, String state, GuestIPType guestIPType, String vlan, TrafficType trafficType, String zoneId, Set<Tag> tags, boolean securityGroupEnabled, Set<? extends NetworkService> services)
NetworkOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, NetworkOfferingAvailabilityType availability, Integer maxConnections, boolean isDefault, boolean supportsVLAN, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType, int networkRate, Iterable<String> tags)
NetworkOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, NetworkOfferingAvailabilityType availability, Integer maxConnections, boolean isDefault, boolean supportsVLAN, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType, int networkRate, Iterable<String> tags)
NetworkOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, NetworkOfferingAvailabilityType availability, Integer maxConnections, boolean isDefault, boolean supportsVLAN, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType, int networkRate, Iterable<String> tags)
NetworkOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, NetworkOfferingAvailabilityType availability, Integer maxConnections, boolean isDefault, boolean supportsVLAN, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType, int networkRate, Iterable<String> tags)
NetworkOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, NetworkOfferingAvailabilityType availability, Integer maxConnections, boolean isDefault, boolean supportsVLAN, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType, int networkRate, Iterable<String> tags)
NetworkOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, NetworkOfferingAvailabilityType availability, Integer maxConnections, boolean isDefault, boolean supportsVLAN, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType, int networkRate, Iterable<String> tags)
NetworkOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, NetworkOfferingAvailabilityType availability, Integer maxConnections, boolean isDefault, boolean supportsVLAN, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType, int networkRate, Iterable<String> tags)
NetworkOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, NetworkOfferingAvailabilityType availability, Integer maxConnections, boolean isDefault, boolean supportsVLAN, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType, int networkRate, Iterable<String> tags)
NetworkService(String name, Set<NetworkService.Capability> capabilities)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
NIC(String id, URI broadcastURI, String gateway, String IPAddress, boolean isDefault, URI isolationURI, String netmask, String macAddress, String networkId, TrafficType trafficType, GuestIPType guestIPType)
OSType(String id, String OSCategoryId, String description)
OSType(String id, String OSCategoryId, String description)
Pod(String id, String name, String zoneId, String zoneName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIp, String endIp, AllocationState allocationState)
Pod(String id, String name, String zoneId, String zoneName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIp, String endIp, AllocationState allocationState)
Pod(String id, String name, String zoneId, String zoneName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIp, String endIp, AllocationState allocationState)
Pod(String id, String name, String zoneId, String zoneName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIp, String endIp, AllocationState allocationState)
Pod(String id, String name, String zoneId, String zoneName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIp, String endIp, AllocationState allocationState)
Pod(String id, String name, String zoneId, String zoneName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIp, String endIp, AllocationState allocationState)
Pod(String id, String name, String zoneId, String zoneName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIp, String endIp, AllocationState allocationState)
Pod(String id, String name, String zoneId, String zoneName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIp, String endIp, AllocationState allocationState)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
PortForwardingRule(String id, String IPAddress, String IPAddressId, int privatePort, PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol, int publicPort, PortForwardingRule.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, Set<String> CIDRs, int privateEndPort, int publicEndPort, Set<Tag> tags)
Project(String id, String account, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String name, Project.State state, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
PublicIPAddress(String id, String account, Date allocated, String associatedNetworkId, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String IPAddress, boolean isSourceNAT, boolean isStaticNAT, String networkId, PublicIPAddress.State state, String virtualMachineDisplayName, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String VLANId, String VLANName, String zoneId, String zoneName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<Tag> tags)
ResourceLimit(String account, String domain, String domainId, int max, ResourceLimit.ResourceType resourceType)
ResourceLimit(String account, String domain, String domainId, int max, ResourceLimit.ResourceType resourceType)
ResourceLimit(String account, String domain, String domainId, int max, ResourceLimit.ResourceType resourceType)
ResourceLimit(String account, String domain, String domainId, int max, ResourceLimit.ResourceType resourceType)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
SecurityGroup(String id, String account, String name, String description, String domain, String domainId, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, Set<IngressRule> ingressRules, Set<Tag> tags)
ServiceOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, int memory, boolean haSupport, StorageType storageType, Iterable<String> tags, boolean defaultUse, boolean systemOffering, boolean cpuUseLimited, long networkRate, boolean systemVmType)
ServiceOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, int memory, boolean haSupport, StorageType storageType, Iterable<String> tags, boolean defaultUse, boolean systemOffering, boolean cpuUseLimited, long networkRate, boolean systemVmType)
ServiceOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, int memory, boolean haSupport, StorageType storageType, Iterable<String> tags, boolean defaultUse, boolean systemOffering, boolean cpuUseLimited, long networkRate, boolean systemVmType)
ServiceOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, int memory, boolean haSupport, StorageType storageType, Iterable<String> tags, boolean defaultUse, boolean systemOffering, boolean cpuUseLimited, long networkRate, boolean systemVmType)
ServiceOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, int memory, boolean haSupport, StorageType storageType, Iterable<String> tags, boolean defaultUse, boolean systemOffering, boolean cpuUseLimited, long networkRate, boolean systemVmType)
ServiceOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, int memory, boolean haSupport, StorageType storageType, Iterable<String> tags, boolean defaultUse, boolean systemOffering, boolean cpuUseLimited, long networkRate, boolean systemVmType)
ServiceOffering(String id, String name, String displayText, Date created, String domain, String domainId, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeed, int memory, boolean haSupport, StorageType storageType, Iterable<String> tags, boolean defaultUse, boolean systemOffering, boolean cpuUseLimited, long networkRate, boolean systemVmType)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
Snapshot(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, Snapshot.Interval interval, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, Snapshot.Type snapshotType, Snapshot.State state, String volumeId, String volumeName, Volume.Type volumeType, Set<Tag> tags)
SnapshotPolicy(String id, Snapshot.Interval interval, long numberToRetain, String schedule, String timezone, String volumeId)
SnapshotPolicy(String id, Snapshot.Interval interval, long numberToRetain, String schedule, String timezone, String volumeId)
SnapshotPolicy(String id, Snapshot.Interval interval, long numberToRetain, String schedule, String timezone, String volumeId)
SnapshotPolicy(String id, Snapshot.Interval interval, long numberToRetain, String schedule, String timezone, String volumeId)
SnapshotPolicySchedule(Snapshot.Interval interval, String time)
SnapshotPolicySchedule(Snapshot.Interval interval, String time)
SshKeyPair(String fingerprint, String name, String privateKey)
SshKeyPair(String fingerprint, String name, String privateKey)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
StoragePool(String id, String name, String path, Iterable<String> tags, StoragePool.State state, StoragePool.Type type, String zoneId, String zoneName, String podId, String podName, String clusterId, String clusterName, Date created, long diskSizeAllocated, long diskSizeTotal, String ipAddress, String jobId, String jobStatus)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Tag(String account, String customer, String domain, String domainId, String key, String project, String projectId, String resourceId, Tag.ResourceType resourceType, String value)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
Template(String id, String displayText, String domain, String domainId, String account, String accountId, String zone, String zoneId, String OSType, String OSTypeId, String name, Template.Type type, Template.Status status, Template.Format format, String hypervisor, Long size, Date created, Date removed, boolean crossZones, boolean bootable, boolean extractable, boolean featured, boolean ispublic, boolean ready, boolean passwordEnabled, String jobId, String jobStatus, String checksum, String hostId, String hostName, String sourceTemplateId, String templateTag, Set<Tag> tags)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateExtraction(String id, String accountId, Date created, String extractId, ExtractMode extractMode, String name, String state, String status, String storageType, int uploadPercentage, String url, String zoneId, String zoneName)
TemplateMetadata(String name, String osTypeId, String displayText, String snapshotId, String volumeId, String virtualMachineId, Boolean passwordEnabled)
TemplateMetadata(String name, String osTypeId, String displayText, String snapshotId, String volumeId, String virtualMachineId, Boolean passwordEnabled)
TemplateMetadata(String name, String osTypeId, String displayText, String snapshotId, String volumeId, String virtualMachineId, Boolean passwordEnabled)
TemplateMetadata(String name, String osTypeId, String displayText, String snapshotId, String volumeId, String virtualMachineId, Boolean passwordEnabled)
TemplatePermission(String id, String account, String domainId, boolean isPublic)
TemplatePermission(String id, String account, String domainId, boolean isPublic)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
UsageRecord(String id, String description, String accountId, String accountName, String domainId, Date startDate, Date endDate, Date assignDate, String releaseDate, String zoneId, String virtualMachineId, String virtualMachineName, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, String ipAddress, Boolean isSourceNAT, double rawUsageHours, String usage, Long size, String type, UsageRecord.UsageType usageType, String project, String projectId, String domain, Long virtualSize, Long cpuNumber, Long cpuSpeed, Long memory, Boolean isSystem, String networkId, Boolean isDefault, Set<Tag> tags)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
User(String id, String name, String firstName, String lastName, String email, Date created, User.State state, String account, Account.Type accountType, String domain, String domainId, String timeZone, String apiKey, String secretKey)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VirtualMachine(String id, String account, long cpuCount, long cpuSpeed, String cpuUsed, String displayName, Date created, String domain, String domainId, boolean usesVirtualNetwork, String group, String groupId, String guestOSId, boolean HAEnabled, String hostId, String hostname, String IPAddress, String ISODisplayText, String ISOId, String ISOName, String jobId, Integer jobStatus, long memory, String name, Long networkKbsRead, Long networkKbsWrite, String password, boolean passwordEnabled, String publicIP, String publicIPId, String rootDeviceId, String rootDeviceType, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, VirtualMachine.State state, String templateDisplayText, String templateId, String templateName, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<NIC> nics, String hypervisor, Set<SecurityGroup> securityGroups, Set<Tag> tags)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VlanIPRange(String id, String description, boolean forVirtualNetwork, String zoneId, String vlan, String account, String domainId, String domain, String podId, String podName, String gateway, String netmask, String startIP, String endIP, String networkId)
VMGroup(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String name)
VMGroup(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String name)
VMGroup(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String name)
VMGroup(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String name)
VMGroup(String id, String account, Date created, String domain, String domainId, String name)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Volume(String id, String account, Date attached, Date created, boolean destroyed, String deviceId, String diskOfferingDisplayText, String diskOfferingId, String diskOfferingName, String domain, String domainId, String hypervisor, boolean isExtractable, String jobId, String jobStatus, String name, String serviceOfferingDisplayText, String serviceOfferingId, String serviceOfferingName, long size, String snapshotId, Volume.State state, String storage, String storageType, Volume.Type type, String virtualMachineId, String vmDisplayName, String vmName, VirtualMachine.State vmState, String zoneId, String zoneName, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Zone(String id, String description, String displayText, String dns1, String dns2, String domain, String domainId, String guestCIDRAddress, String internalDNS1, String internalDNS2, String name, NetworkType networkType, String vlan, boolean securityGroupsEnabled, AllocationState allocationState, String dhcpProvider, String zoneToken, Set<Tag> tags)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.cloudstack.functions
Method parameters in org.jclouds.cloudstack.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LoginCredentials
WindowsLoginCredentialsFromEncryptedData. apply(EncryptedPasswordAndPrivateKey dataAndKey)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.cloudstack.options
Method parameters in org.jclouds.cloudstack.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static CreateZoneOptions
CreateZoneOptions.Builder. domainId(String domainId)
CreateZoneOptions. domainId(String domainId)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.cloudwatch
Method parameters in org.jclouds.cloudwatch with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description AlarmApi
CloudWatchApi. getAlarmApiForRegion(String region)
Provides synchronous access to Alarm features.MetricApi
CloudWatchApi. getMetricApiForRegion(String region)
Provides synchronous access to Metric features. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.cloudwatch.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.cloudwatch.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Double
Datapoint. getAverage()
return Average of samples for the datapoint.String
Datapoint. getCustomUnit()
return CustomUnit defined for the datapoint.Set<Dimension>
Metric. getDimensions()
return the available dimensions for the metricDouble
Datapoint. getMaximum()
return Maximum of the samples used for the datapoint.Double
Datapoint. getMinimum()
return Minimum of samples for the datapoint.String
ListMetricsResponse. getNextToken()
return the next token or null if there is none.Double
Datapoint. getSamples()
return The number of Measurements that contributed to the aggregate value of this datapoint.Double
Datapoint. getSum()
return Sum of samples for the datapoint.Date
Datapoint. getTimestamp()
return Indicates the beginning of the time aggregation for this value and samples.Unit
Datapoint. getUnit()
return Standard unit used for the datapoint.Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.cloudwatch.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Datapoint(Double average, Double maximum, Double minimum, Date timestamp, Double samples, Double sum, Unit unit, String customUnit)
Datapoint(Double average, Double maximum, Double minimum, Date timestamp, Double samples, Double sum, Unit unit, String customUnit)
Datapoint(Double average, Double maximum, Double minimum, Date timestamp, Double samples, Double sum, Unit unit, String customUnit)
Datapoint(Double average, Double maximum, Double minimum, Date timestamp, Double samples, Double sum, Unit unit, String customUnit)
Datapoint(Double average, Double maximum, Double minimum, Date timestamp, Double samples, Double sum, Unit unit, String customUnit)
Datapoint(Double average, Double maximum, Double minimum, Date timestamp, Double samples, Double sum, Unit unit, String customUnit)
Datapoint(Double average, Double maximum, Double minimum, Date timestamp, Double samples, Double sum, Unit unit, String customUnit)
Datapoint(Double average, Double maximum, Double minimum, Date timestamp, Double samples, Double sum, Unit unit, String customUnit)
GetMetricStatisticsResponse(Iterable<Datapoint> datapoints, String label)
ListMetricsResponse(Set<Metric> metrics, String nextToken)
ListMetricsResponse(Set<Metric> metrics, String nextToken)
Metric(String metricName, String namespace, Set<Dimension> dimensions)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.cloudwatch.features
Method parameters in org.jclouds.cloudwatch.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description void
AlarmApi. setState(String alarmName, String stateReason, String stateReasonData, Alarm.State state)
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.collect
Method parameters in org.jclouds.collect with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static <T> IterableWithMarker<T>
IterableWithMarkers. from(Iterable<T> elements, Object marker)
Returns a paginated iterable containing the given elements and marker. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute
Methods in org.jclouds.compute with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LoginCredentials
ComputeServiceAdapter.NodeAndInitialCredentials. getCredentials()
ComputeServiceAdapter. getImage(String id)
get a specific image by idSshClient.Factory
Utils. getSshClientFactory()
Utils. sshFactory()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.compute with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description NodeAndInitialCredentials(N node, String nodeId, LoginCredentials credentials)
RunScriptOnNodesException(Statement runScript, RunScriptOptions options, Map<NodeMetadata,ExecResponse> successfulNodes, Map<?,Exception> executionExceptions, Map<? extends NodeMetadata,? extends Throwable> failedNodes)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute.config
Methods in org.jclouds.compute.config with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LoginCredentials
GetLoginForProviderFromPropertiesAndStoreCredentialsOrReturnNull. get()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute.domain
Fields in org.jclouds.compute.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Field Description protected String
OperatingSystem. arch
protected OsFamily
OperatingSystem. family
protected String
OperatingSystem. name
protected String
OperatingSystem. version
Methods in org.jclouds.compute.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
OperatingSystem. getArch()
architecture of the operating system; ex.String
ComputeMetadataIncludingStatus. getBackendStatus()
status of the resource, as supplied literally from the backend api.LoginCredentials
NodeMetadata. getCredentials()
If possible, these are returned upon all detail requests.String
Image. getDescription()
Description of the image.String
Volume. getDevice()
OperatingSystem. getFamily()
Type of the operating systemString
NodeMetadata. getGroup()
Tag used for all resources that belong to the same logical group.Hardware
NodeMetadata. getHardware()
The hardware this node is running, if possible to determine.String
NodeMetadata. getHostname()
Hardware. getHypervisor()
Volume. getId()
Unique identifier.String
NodeMetadata. getImageId()
The id of the image this node was created from, if possible to correlate.String
ComputeMetadata. getName()
OperatingSystem. getName()
name of the operating system; ex.OperatingSystem
NodeMetadata. getOperatingSystem()
The operating system this node is running, if possible to determine.Float
Volume. getSize()
OperatingSystem. getVersion()
version of the operating system; ex.Method parameters in org.jclouds.compute.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description OperatingSystem.Builder
OperatingSystem.Builder. arch(String arch)
ImageBuilder. backendStatus(String backendStatus)
NodeMetadataBuilder. backendStatus(String backendStatus)
NodeMetadataBuilder. credentials(LoginCredentials credentials)
ImageBuilder. defaultCredentials(LoginCredentials defaultLoginCredentials)
ImageBuilder. description(String description)
VolumeBuilder. device(String device)
OperatingSystem.Builder. family(OsFamily family)
NodeMetadataBuilder. group(String group)
NodeMetadataBuilder. hardware(Hardware hardware)
NodeMetadataBuilder. imageId(String imageId)
OperatingSystem.Builder. name(String name)
NodeMetadataBuilder. operatingSystem(OperatingSystem os)
CIMOperatingSystem.Builder. osType(OSType osType)
TemplateBuilderSpec.ValueParser. parse(TemplateBuilderSpec spec, String key, String value)
VolumeBuilder. size(Float size)
ImageBuilder. version(String version)
OperatingSystem.Builder. version(String version)
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.compute.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description CIMOperatingSystem(OsFamily family, String name, String version, String arch, String description, boolean is64Bit, OSType osType)
CIMOperatingSystem(OsFamily family, String name, String version, String arch, String description, boolean is64Bit, OSType osType)
CIMOperatingSystem(OsFamily family, String name, String version, String arch, String description, boolean is64Bit, OSType osType)
CIMOperatingSystem(OsFamily family, String name, String version, String arch, String description, boolean is64Bit, OSType osType)
OperatingSystem(OsFamily family, String name, String version, String arch, String description, boolean is64Bit)
OperatingSystem(OsFamily family, String name, String version, String arch, String description, boolean is64Bit)
OperatingSystem(OsFamily family, String name, String version, String arch, String description, boolean is64Bit)
OperatingSystem(OsFamily family, String name, String version, String arch, String description, boolean is64Bit)
SecurityGroup(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, Iterable<IpPermission> ipPermissions, String ownerId)
SecurityGroup(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, Iterable<IpPermission> ipPermissions, String ownerId)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute.domain.internal
Methods in org.jclouds.compute.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
HardwareImpl. getHypervisor()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.compute.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description HardwareImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, Iterable<? extends Processor> processors, int ram, Iterable<? extends Volume> volumes,<Image> supportsImage, String hypervisor, boolean deprecated)
HardwareImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, Iterable<? extends Processor> processors, int ram, Iterable<? extends Volume> volumes,<Image> supportsImage, String hypervisor, boolean deprecated)
ImageImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, Image.Status status, String backendStatus, String description, String version, LoginCredentials defaultCredentials)
ImageImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, Image.Status status, String backendStatus, String description, String version, LoginCredentials defaultCredentials)
ImageImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, Image.Status status, String backendStatus, String description, String version, LoginCredentials defaultCredentials)
ImageImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, Image.Status status, String backendStatus, String description, String version, LoginCredentials defaultCredentials)
NodeMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, String group, Hardware hardware, String imageId, OperatingSystem os, NodeMetadata.Status status, String backendStatus, int loginPort, Iterable<String> publicAddresses, Iterable<String> privateAddresses, LoginCredentials credentials, String hostname)
NodeMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, String group, Hardware hardware, String imageId, OperatingSystem os, NodeMetadata.Status status, String backendStatus, int loginPort, Iterable<String> publicAddresses, Iterable<String> privateAddresses, LoginCredentials credentials, String hostname)
NodeMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, String group, Hardware hardware, String imageId, OperatingSystem os, NodeMetadata.Status status, String backendStatus, int loginPort, Iterable<String> publicAddresses, Iterable<String> privateAddresses, LoginCredentials credentials, String hostname)
NodeMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, String group, Hardware hardware, String imageId, OperatingSystem os, NodeMetadata.Status status, String backendStatus, int loginPort, Iterable<String> publicAddresses, Iterable<String> privateAddresses, LoginCredentials credentials, String hostname)
NodeMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, String group, Hardware hardware, String imageId, OperatingSystem os, NodeMetadata.Status status, String backendStatus, int loginPort, Iterable<String> publicAddresses, Iterable<String> privateAddresses, LoginCredentials credentials, String hostname)
NodeMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, String id, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Set<String> tags, String group, Hardware hardware, String imageId, OperatingSystem os, NodeMetadata.Status status, String backendStatus, int loginPort, Iterable<String> publicAddresses, Iterable<String> privateAddresses, LoginCredentials credentials, String hostname)
VolumeImpl(Float size, boolean bootDevice, boolean durable)
VolumeImpl(Float size, String device, boolean bootDevice, boolean durable)
VolumeImpl(Float size, String device, boolean bootDevice, boolean durable)
VolumeImpl(String id, Volume.Type type, Float size, String device, boolean bootDevice, boolean durable)
VolumeImpl(String id, Volume.Type type, Float size, String device, boolean bootDevice, boolean durable)
VolumeImpl(String id, Volume.Type type, Float size, String device, boolean bootDevice, boolean durable)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute.functions
Methods in org.jclouds.compute.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Statement
NodeAndTemplateOptionsToStatement. apply(NodeMetadata node, TemplateOptions options)
Returns the script that has to be executed in the given node.String
GroupNamingConvention. groupInSharedNameOrNull(String encoded)
retrieve the group associated with the encoded nameString
GroupNamingConvention. groupInUniqueNameOrNull(String encoded)
retrieve the group associated with the encoded nameMethod parameters in org.jclouds.compute.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static LoginCredentials
DefaultCredentialsFromImageOrOverridingCredentials. overrideDefaultCredentialsWithOptionsIfPresent(LoginCredentials defaultCreds, RunScriptOptions options)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute.internal
Methods in org.jclouds.compute.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description protected NodeMetadata
BaseComputeService. doDestroyNode(String id)
Method parameters in org.jclouds.compute.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description<NodeMetadata,NodeMetadata>
PersistNodeCredentials. always(Statement statement)<NodeMetadata,NodeMetadata>
PersistNodeCredentials. ifAdminAccess(Statement statement)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute.options
Methods in org.jclouds.compute.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
RunScriptOptions. getLoginPassword()
RunScriptOptions. getLoginPrivateKey()
RunScriptOptions. getLoginUser()
RunScriptOptions. shouldAuthenticateSudo()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute.strategy
Methods in org.jclouds.compute.strategy with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description NodeMetadata
DestroyNodeStrategy. destroyNode(String id)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.compute.strategy.impl
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.compute.strategy.impl with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description ReturnCredentialsBoundToImage(LoginCredentials creds, Map<String,Credentials> credentialStore, Map<OsFamily,LoginCredentials> osFamilyToCredentials)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.concurrent
Method parameters in org.jclouds.concurrent with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static <F> Map<F,Exception>
FutureIterables. awaitCompletion(Map<F,? extends<?>> responses, exec, Long maxTime, Logger logger, String logPrefix)
static <F,T>
Iterable<T>FutureIterables. transformParallel(Iterable<F> fromIterable,<? super F,<? extends T>> function, exec, Long maxTime, Logger logger, String logPrefix)
static <F,T>
Iterable<T>FutureIterables. transformParallel(Iterable<F> fromIterable,<? super F,<? extends T>> function, exec, Long maxTime, Logger logger, String logPrefix, BackoffLimitedRetryHandler retryHandler, int maxRetries)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.crypto
Method parameters in org.jclouds.crypto with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static X509Certificate
Pems. x509Certificate( supplier, CertificateFactory certFactory)
Returns theX509EncodedKeySpec
that is pem encoded in the supplier. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Date
Action. completedAt()
abstract Image
Droplet. image()
abstract Kernel
Droplet. kernel()
abstract Networks
Droplet. networks()
abstract Region
Action. region()
abstract Region
Droplet. region()
abstract String
Action. regionSlug()
abstract Size
Droplet. size()
abstract String
Backup. slug()
abstract String
Image. slug()
abstract String
Snapshot. slug()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.domain.internal
Methods in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract URI
PaginatedCollection.Links.Pages. first()
abstract URI
PaginatedCollection.Links.Pages. last()
abstract URI
PaginatedCollection.Links.Pages. next()
abstract PaginatedCollection.Links.Pages
PaginatedCollection.Links. pages()
abstract URI
PaginatedCollection.Links.Pages. prev()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.features
Methods in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Action
ActionApi. get(int id)
DropletApi. get(int id)
ImageApi. get(int id)
ImageApi. get(String slug)
KeyApi. get(int id)
KeyApi. get(String fingerprint)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.docker.compute.options
Fields in org.jclouds.docker.compute.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Field Description protected Integer
DockerTemplateOptions. cpuShares
protected List<String>
DockerTemplateOptions. env
protected String
DockerTemplateOptions. hostname
protected Integer
DockerTemplateOptions. memory
protected String
DockerTemplateOptions. networkMode
Method parameters in org.jclouds.docker.compute.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static DockerTemplateOptions
DockerTemplateOptions.Builder. cpuShares(Integer cpuShares)
DockerTemplateOptions. cpuShares(Integer cpuShares)
static DockerTemplateOptions
DockerTemplateOptions.Builder. hostname(String hostname)
DockerTemplateOptions. hostname(String hostname)
static DockerTemplateOptions
DockerTemplateOptions.Builder. memory(Integer memory)
DockerTemplateOptions. memory(Integer memory)
static DockerTemplateOptions
DockerTemplateOptions.Builder. networkMode(String networkMode)
DockerTemplateOptions. networkMode(String networkMode)
Sets the networking mode for the container. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.docker.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.docker.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
Image. author()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. binds()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. capAdd()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. capDrop()
abstract List<String>
Config. cmd()
abstract String
Container. command()
abstract String
Image. comment()
abstract Config
Container. config()
abstract Config
Image. config()
abstract Config
Image. containerConfig()
abstract String
HostConfig. containerIDFile()
abstract Map<String,Network.Details>
Network. containers()
abstract Date
Container. created()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. dns()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. dnsSearch()
abstract String
Config. domainname()
abstract String
Container. driver()
abstract String
Network. driver()
abstract String
Network.IPAM. driver()
abstract String
NetworkSettings. endpointId()
abstract List<String>
Config. entrypoint()
abstract List<String>
Config. env()
abstract String
State. error()
abstract String
Container. execDriver()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. extraHosts()
abstract String
Network.IPAM.Config. gateway()
abstract String
NetworkSettings. globalIPv6Address()
abstract HostConfig
Config. hostConfig()
abstract HostConfig
Container. hostConfig()
abstract String
Config. hostname()
abstract String
Container. hostnamePath()
abstract String
Container. hostsPath()
abstract String
Network. id()
abstract String
Container. image()
abstract String
Info. initPath()
abstract String
Info. initSha1()
abstract String
Node. ip()
abstract String
Port. ip()
abstract Network.IPAM
Network. ipam()
abstract String
Network.IPAM.Config. ipRange()
abstract String
NetworkSettings. ipv6Gateway()
abstract List<String>
Info. labels()
abstract String
NetworkSettings. linkLocalIPv6Address()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. links()
abstract String
NetworkSettings. macAddress()
abstract String
Container. mountLabel()
abstract String
Container. name()
abstract String
Network. name()
abstract String
HostConfig. networkMode()
abstract NetworkSettings
Container. networkSettings()
abstract Map<String,String>
Network. options()
abstract String
Container. path()
abstract String
NetworkSettings. portMapping()
abstract Map<String,List<Map<String,String>>>
NetworkSettings. ports()
abstract String
Container. processLabel()
abstract Integer
Port. publicPort()
abstract List<String>
Image. repoTags()
Tags of the image.abstract String
Container. resolvConfPath()
abstract String
NetworkSettings. sandboxId()
abstract String
NetworkSettings. sandboxKey()
abstract String
Network. scope()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. securityOpt()
abstract State
Container. state()
abstract String
Container. status()
abstract String
State. status()
abstract String
Container. sysInitPath()
abstract List<String>
ImageHistory. tags()
abstract String
Config. user()
abstract Map<String,?>
Config. volumes()
abstract List<String>
HostConfig. volumesFrom()
abstract String
Config. workingDir()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.docker.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Network.Builder
Network.Builder. containers(Map<String,Network.Details> containers)
static Network
Network. create(String name, String id, String scope, String driver, Network.IPAM ipam, Map<String,Network.Details> containers, Map<String,String> options)
static Network
Network. create(String name, String id, String scope, String driver, Network.IPAM ipam, Map<String,Network.Details> containers, Map<String,String> options)
static Network
Network. create(String name, String id, String scope, String driver, Network.IPAM ipam, Map<String,Network.Details> containers, Map<String,String> options)
static Network
Network. create(String name, String id, String scope, String driver, Network.IPAM ipam, Map<String,Network.Details> containers, Map<String,String> options)
static Network
Network. create(String name, String id, String scope, String driver, Network.IPAM ipam, Map<String,Network.Details> containers, Map<String,String> options)
static Network
Network. create(String name, String id, String scope, String driver, Network.IPAM ipam, Map<String,Network.Details> containers, Map<String,String> options)
static Network
Network. create(String name, String id, String scope, String driver, Network.IPAM ipam, Map<String,Network.Details> containers, Map<String,String> options)
static Network.IPAM.Config
Network.IPAM.Config. create(String subnet, String ipRange, String gateway)
static Network.IPAM.Config
Network.IPAM.Config. create(String subnet, String ipRange, String gateway)
static Network.IPAM
Network.IPAM. create(String driver, List<Network.IPAM.Config> config)
abstract Network.Builder
Network.Builder. driver(String driver)
abstract Network.IPAM.Builder
Network.IPAM.Builder. driver(String driver)
abstract Network.IPAM.Config.Builder
Network.IPAM.Config.Builder. gateway(String gateway)
abstract Network.Builder
Network.Builder. id(String id)
abstract Network.Builder
Network.Builder. ipam(Network.IPAM ipam)
abstract Network.IPAM.Config.Builder
Network.IPAM.Config.Builder. ipRange(String ipRange)
abstract Network.Builder
Network.Builder. name(String name)
abstract Network.Builder
Network.Builder. options(Map<String,String> options)
abstract Network.Builder
Network.Builder. scope(String scope)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.docker.features
Methods in org.jclouds.docker.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Image
ImageApi. inspectImage(String imageName)
Return low-level information on the image with given name. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.docker.internal
Method parameters in org.jclouds.docker.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static <E> List<E>
NullSafeCopies. copyOf(E[] array)
static <E> List<E>
NullSafeCopies. copyOf(Iterable<E> list)
static <E> List<E>
NullSafeCopies. copyOf(List<E> list)
static <K,V>
Map<K,V>NullSafeCopies. copyOf(Map<K,V> map)
static <E> List<E>
NullSafeCopies. copyWithNullOf(E[] array)
Copies given array into immutableList
with keeping null value if provided.static <E> List<E>
NullSafeCopies. copyWithNullOf(Iterable<E> iterable)
static <E> List<E>
NullSafeCopies. copyWithNullOf(List<E> list)
Copies given List with keeping null value if provided.static <K,V>
Map<K,V>NullSafeCopies. copyWithNullOf(Map<K,V> map)
Copies given Map with keeping null value if provided. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
LoginCredentials. getPassword()
Deprecated.since 1.8; instead useLoginCredentials.getOptionalPassword()
LoginCredentials. getPrivateKey()
Deprecated.since 1.8; instead useLoginCredentials.getOptionalPrivateKey()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.domain.internal
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description LocationImpl(LocationScope scope, String id, String description, Location parent, Iterable<String> iso3166Codes, Map<String,Object> metadata)
ResourceMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
ResourceMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
ResourceMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
ResourceMetadataImpl(String providerId, String name, Location location, URI uri, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.dynect.v3
Methods in org.jclouds.dynect.v3 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Job
DynECTApi. getJob(long jobId)
returns the current status of a job. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.dynect.v3.features
Methods in org.jclouds.dynect.v3.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Job
ZoneApi. delete(String fqdn)
Deletes the zone.GeoRegionGroup
GeoRegionGroupApi. get(String groupName)
Retrieves information about the specified geo region groupGeoService
GeoServiceApi. get(String serviceName)
Retrieves information about the specified geo service.Record<? extends Map<String,Object>>
RecordApi. get(RecordId recordId)
retrieves a resource record without regard to typeZone
ZoneApi. get(String fqdn)
Retrieves information about the specified zone.Record<AData>
RecordApi. getA(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theARecord
or null if not present.Record<AAAAData>
RecordApi. getAAAA(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theAAAARecord
or null if not present.Record<CNAMEData>
RecordApi. getCNAME(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theCNAMERecord
or null if not present.Record<MXData>
RecordApi. getMX(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theMXRecord
or null if not present.Record<NSData>
RecordApi. getNS(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theNSRecord
or null if not present.Record<PTRData>
RecordApi. getPTR(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets thePTRRecord
or null if not present.SOARecord
RecordApi. getSOA(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theSOARecord
or null if not present.Record<SPFData>
RecordApi. getSPF(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theSPFRecord
or null if not present.Record<SRVData>
RecordApi. getSRV(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theSRVRecord
or null if not present.Record<SSHFPData>
RecordApi. getSSHFP(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theSSHFPRecord
or null if not present.Record<TXTData>
RecordApi. getTXT(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theTXTRecord
or null if not present.Job
RecordApi. scheduleDelete(RecordId recordId)
Schedules deletion of a record into the current session. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ec2
Method parameters in org.jclouds.ec2 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description<? extends AMIApi>
EC2Api. getAMIApiForRegion(String region)<? extends AvailabilityZoneAndRegionApi>
EC2Api. getAvailabilityZoneAndRegionApiForRegion(String region)<? extends ElasticBlockStoreApi>
EC2Api. getElasticBlockStoreApiForRegion(String region)<? extends ElasticIPAddressApi>
EC2Api. getElasticIPAddressApiForRegion(String region)<? extends InstanceApi>
EC2Api. getInstanceApiForRegion(String region)<? extends KeyPairApi>
EC2Api. getKeyPairApiForRegion(String region)<? extends SecurityGroupApi>
EC2Api. getSecurityGroupApiForRegion(String region)<? extends SubnetApi>
EC2Api. getSubnetApiForRegion(String region)<? extends TagApi>
EC2Api. getTagApiForRegion(String region)<? extends WindowsApi>
EC2Api. getWindowsApiForRegion(String region)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ec2.compute.functions
Method parameters in org.jclouds.ec2.compute.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LoginCredentials
WindowsLoginCredentialsFromEncryptedData. apply(PasswordDataAndPrivateKey dataAndKey)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ec2.compute.options
Method parameters in org.jclouds.ec2.compute.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static EC2TemplateOptions
EC2TemplateOptions.Builder. mapEBSSnapshotToDeviceName(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination)
EC2TemplateOptions. mapEBSSnapshotToDeviceName(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination)
EC2TemplateOptions. mapEBSSnapshotToDeviceName(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
EC2TemplateOptions. mapEBSSnapshotToDeviceName(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
EC2TemplateOptions. mapEBSSnapshotToDeviceName(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
EC2TemplateOptions. mapNewVolumeToDeviceName(String deviceName, int sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
EC2TemplateOptions. mapNewVolumeToDeviceName(String deviceName, int sizeInGib, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ec2.compute.strategy
Method parameters in org.jclouds.ec2.compute.strategy with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Set<String>
CreateKeyPairAndSecurityGroupsAsNeededAndReturnRunOptions. getSecurityGroupsForTagAndOptions(String region, String group, String vpcId, TemplateOptions options)
CreateKeyPairAndSecurityGroupsAsNeededAndReturnRunOptions. getSecurityGroupsForTagAndOptions(String region, String group, String vpcId, TemplateOptions options)
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.ec2.compute.strategy with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description EC2PopulateDefaultLoginCredentialsForImageStrategy(LoginCredentials creds, Map<String,Credentials> credentialStore, Map<OsFamily,LoginCredentials> osFamilyToCredentials)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ec2.domain
Fields in org.jclouds.ec2.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Field Description protected String
RunningInstance. dnsName
protected String
RunningInstance. ipAddress
protected String
RunningInstance. kernelId
protected String
RunningInstance. keyName
protected String
RunningInstance. platform
protected String
RunningInstance. privateDnsName
protected String
RunningInstance. privateIpAddress
protected String
RunningInstance. ramdiskId
protected String
RunningInstance. reason
protected String
RunningInstance. rootDeviceName
Methods in org.jclouds.ec2.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
SecurityGroup. getId()
id of the security group.Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.ec2.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description BundleInstanceS3Storage(String ccessKeyId, String bucket, String prefix, String secretAccessKey, String uploadPolicy, String uploadPolicySignature)
BundleInstanceS3Storage(String ccessKeyId, String bucket, String prefix, String secretAccessKey, String uploadPolicy, String uploadPolicySignature)
BundleInstanceS3Storage(String ccessKeyId, String bucket, String prefix, String secretAccessKey, String uploadPolicy, String uploadPolicySignature)
BundleInstanceS3Storage(String ccessKeyId, String bucket, String prefix, String secretAccessKey, String uploadPolicy, String uploadPolicySignature)
BundleTask(String region, String bundleId, BundleTask.Error error, String instanceId, int progress, Date startTime, String state, String bucket, String prefix, Date updateTime)
EbsBlockDevice(String snapshotId, long volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
EbsBlockDevice(String snapshotId, long volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
EbsBlockDevice(String snapshotId, long volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
Image(String region, Image.Architecture architecture, String name, String description, String imageId, String imageLocation, String imageOwnerId, Image.ImageState imageState, String rawState, Image.ImageType imageType, boolean isPublic, Iterable<String> productCodes, String kernelId, String platform, String ramdiskId, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,Image.EbsBlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags, VirtualizationType virtualizationType, Hypervisor hypervisor)
Image(String region, Image.Architecture architecture, String name, String description, String imageId, String imageLocation, String imageOwnerId, Image.ImageState imageState, String rawState, Image.ImageType imageType, boolean isPublic, Iterable<String> productCodes, String kernelId, String platform, String ramdiskId, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,Image.EbsBlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags, VirtualizationType virtualizationType, Hypervisor hypervisor)
Image(String region, Image.Architecture architecture, String name, String description, String imageId, String imageLocation, String imageOwnerId, Image.ImageState imageState, String rawState, Image.ImageType imageType, boolean isPublic, Iterable<String> productCodes, String kernelId, String platform, String ramdiskId, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,Image.EbsBlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags, VirtualizationType virtualizationType, Hypervisor hypervisor)
Image(String region, Image.Architecture architecture, String name, String description, String imageId, String imageLocation, String imageOwnerId, Image.ImageState imageState, String rawState, Image.ImageType imageType, boolean isPublic, Iterable<String> productCodes, String kernelId, String platform, String ramdiskId, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,Image.EbsBlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags, VirtualizationType virtualizationType, Hypervisor hypervisor)
Image(String region, Image.Architecture architecture, String name, String description, String imageId, String imageLocation, String imageOwnerId, Image.ImageState imageState, String rawState, Image.ImageType imageType, boolean isPublic, Iterable<String> productCodes, String kernelId, String platform, String ramdiskId, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,Image.EbsBlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags, VirtualizationType virtualizationType, Hypervisor hypervisor)
Image(String region, Image.Architecture architecture, String name, String description, String imageId, String imageLocation, String imageOwnerId, Image.ImageState imageState, String rawState, Image.ImageType imageType, boolean isPublic, Iterable<String> productCodes, String kernelId, String platform, String ramdiskId, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,Image.EbsBlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags, VirtualizationType virtualizationType, Hypervisor hypervisor)
KeyPair(String region, String keyName, String sha1OfPrivateKey, String keyMaterial, String fingerprint)
KeyPair(String region, String keyName, String sha1OfPrivateKey, String keyMaterial, String fingerprint)
MapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
MapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
MapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
MapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
MapEBSSnapshotToDevice(String deviceName, String snapshotId, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
MapNewVolumeToDevice(String deviceName, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
MapNewVolumeToDevice(String deviceName, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
MapNewVolumeToDevice(String deviceName, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
MapNewVolumeToDevice(String deviceName, Integer sizeInGib, Boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, Boolean encrypted)
PublicIpInstanceIdPair(String region, String publicIp, String instanceId, Map<String,String> tags)
PublicIpInstanceIdPair(String region, String publicIp, String instanceId, Map<String,String> tags)
Reservation(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, Iterable<T> instances, String ownerId, String requesterId, String reservationId)
Reservation(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, Iterable<T> instances, String ownerId, String requesterId, String reservationId)
Reservation(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, Iterable<T> instances, String ownerId, String requesterId, String reservationId)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
RunningInstance(String region, Iterable<String> groupNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String,BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String,String> tags)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ec2.features
Method parameters in org.jclouds.ec2.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description void
ElasticBlockStoreApi. addCreateVolumePermissionsToSnapshotInRegion(String region, Iterable<String> userIds, Iterable<String> userGroups, String snapshotId)
s to an EBS snapshot.void
AMIApi. addLaunchPermissionsToImageInRegion(String region, Iterable<String> userIds, Iterable<String> userGroups, String imageId)
s to an AMI.String
ElasticIPAddressApi. allocateAddressInRegion(String region)
Acquires an elastic IP address for use with your identity.void
ElasticIPAddressApi. associateAddressInRegion(String region, String publicIp, String instanceId)
Associates an elastic IP address with an instance.Attachment
ElasticBlockStoreApi. attachVolumeInRegion(String region, String volumeId, String instanceId, String device)
Attaches an Amazon EBS volume to a running instance and exposes it as the specified device.void
SecurityGroupApi. authorizeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region, String groupName, UserIdGroupPair sourceSecurityGroup)
Adds permissions to a security group based on another group.void
SecurityGroupApi. authorizeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region, String groupName, IpProtocol ipProtocol, int fromPort, int toPort, String cidrIp)
Adds permissions to a security group.BundleTask
WindowsApi. bundleInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId, String prefix, String bucket, String uploadPolicy, BundleInstanceS3StorageOptions... options)
Bundles the Windows instance.BundleTask
WindowsApi. cancelBundleTaskInRegion(String region, String bundleId)
Cancels an Amazon EC2 bundling operation.String
AMIApi. createImageInRegion(String region, String name, String instanceId, CreateImageOptions... options)
Creates an AMI that uses an Amazon EBS root device from a "running" or "stopped" instance.KeyPair
KeyPairApi. createKeyPairInRegion(String region, String keyName)
Creates a new 2048-bit RSA key pair with the specified name.void
SecurityGroupApi. createSecurityGroupInRegion(String region, String name, String description)
Creates a new security group.Snapshot
ElasticBlockStoreApi. createSnapshotInRegion(String region, String volumeId, CreateSnapshotOptions... options)
Creates a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3.void
KeyPairApi. deleteKeyPairInRegion(String region, String keyName)
Deletes the specified key pair, by removing the public key from Amazon EC2.void
SecurityGroupApi. deleteSecurityGroupInRegion(String region, String name)
Deletes a security group that you own.void
SecurityGroupApi. deleteSecurityGroupInRegionById(String region, String id)
Deletes a security group by ID.void
ElasticBlockStoreApi. deleteSnapshotInRegion(String region, String snapshotId)
Deletes a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume that you own.void
ElasticBlockStoreApi. deleteVolumeInRegion(String region, String volumeId)
Deletes an Amazon EBS volume that you own.void
AMIApi. deregisterImageInRegion(String region, String imageId)
Deregisters the specified AMI.Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair>
ElasticIPAddressApi. describeAddressesInRegion(String region, String... publicIps)
Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your identity or provides information about a specific address.Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair>
ElasticIPAddressApi. describeAddressesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your identity or provides information on addresses matching a given filter.Set<AvailabilityZoneInfo>
AvailabilityZoneAndRegionApi. describeAvailabilityZonesInRegion(String region, DescribeAvailabilityZonesOptions... options)
Displays Availability Zones that are currently available to the identity and their states.Set<BundleTask>
WindowsApi. describeBundleTasksInRegion(String region, String... bundleTaskIds)
Describes current bundling tasks.Set<BundleTask>
WindowsApi. describeBundleTasksInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes current bundling tasks.Set<? extends Image>
AMIApi. describeImagesInRegion(String region, DescribeImagesOptions... options)
Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs.Set<? extends Image>
AMIApi. describeImagesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter, DescribeImagesOptions... options)
Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs.Set<? extends Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>>
InstanceApi. describeInstancesInRegion(String region, String... instanceIds)
Returns information about instances that you own.Set<? extends Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>>
InstanceApi. describeInstancesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about instances that you own.Set<KeyPair>
KeyPairApi. describeKeyPairsInRegion(String region, String... keyPairNames)
Returns information about key pairs available to you.Set<KeyPair>
KeyPairApi. describeKeyPairsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about key pairs available to you.Set<SecurityGroup>
SecurityGroupApi. describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region, String... securityGroupNames)
Returns information about security groups that you own.Set<SecurityGroup>
SecurityGroupApi. describeSecurityGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about security groups that you own.Set<Snapshot>
ElasticBlockStoreApi. describeSnapshotsInRegion(String region, DescribeSnapshotsOptions... options)
Returns information about Amazon EBS snapshots available to the user.Set<Snapshot>
ElasticBlockStoreApi. describeSnapshotsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter, DescribeSnapshotsOptions... options)
Returns information about EBS snapshots matching the given filters.Set<Volume>
ElasticBlockStoreApi. describeVolumesInRegion(String region, String... volumeIds)
Describes the specified Amazon EBS volumes that you own.Set<Volume>
ElasticBlockStoreApi. describeVolumesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes the specified Amazon EBS volumes that you own and match the given filters.void
ElasticBlockStoreApi. detachVolumeInRegion(String region, String volumeId, boolean force, DetachVolumeOptions... options)
Attaches an Amazon EBS volume to a running instance and exposes it as the specified device.void
ElasticIPAddressApi. disassociateAddressInRegion(String region, String publicIp)
Disassociates the specified elastic IP address from the instance to which it is assigned.Map<String,BlockDevice>
InstanceApi. getBlockDeviceMappingForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
AMIApi. getBlockDeviceMappingsForImageInRegion(String region, String imageId)
Returns a map of device name to block device for the image.String
InstanceApi. getConsoleOutputForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
Retrieves console output for the specified instance.Permission
ElasticBlockStoreApi. getCreateVolumePermissionForSnapshotInRegion(String region, String snapshotId)
Returns thePermission
s of an snapshot.Volume.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior
InstanceApi. getInstanceInitiatedShutdownBehaviorForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
InstanceApi. getInstanceTypeForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
InstanceApi. getKernelForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
AMIApi. getLaunchPermissionForImageInRegion(String region, String imageId)
Returns thePermission
s of an image.PasswordData
WindowsApi. getPasswordDataInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
Retrieves the encrypted administrator password for the instances running Windows.String
InstanceApi. getRamdiskForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
InstanceApi. getRootDeviceNameForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
InstanceApi. getUserDataForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
InstanceApi. isApiTerminationDisabledForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
InstanceApi. rebootInstancesInRegion(String region, String... instanceIds)
Requests a reboot of one or more instances.String
AMIApi. registerImageFromManifestInRegion(String region, String imageName, String pathToManifest, RegisterImageOptions... options)
Registers an AMI with Amazon EC2.String
AMIApi. registerUnixImageBackedByEbsInRegion(String region, String imageName, String ebsSnapshotId, RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions... options)
Registers an AMI with Amazon EC2.void
ElasticIPAddressApi. releaseAddressInRegion(String region, String publicIp)
Releases an elastic IP address associated with your identity.void
ElasticBlockStoreApi. removeCreateVolumePermissionsFromSnapshotInRegion(String region, Iterable<String> userIds, Iterable<String> userGroups, String snapshotId)
s from an EBS snapshot.void
AMIApi. removeLaunchPermissionsFromImageInRegion(String region, Iterable<String> userIds, Iterable<String> userGroups, String imageId)
ElasticBlockStoreApi. resetCreateVolumePermissionsOnSnapshotInRegion(String region, String snapshotId)
Resets thecreateVolumePermission
s on an EBS snapshot.void
InstanceApi. resetKernelForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
Resets an attribute of an instance to its default value.void
AMIApi. resetLaunchPermissionsOnImageInRegion(String region, String imageId)
Resets thelaunchPermission
s on an AMI.void
InstanceApi. resetRamdiskForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId)
Resets an attribute of an instance to its default value.void
SecurityGroupApi. revokeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region, String groupName, UserIdGroupPair sourceSecurityGroup)
Revokes permissions from a security group.void
SecurityGroupApi. revokeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region, String groupName, IpProtocol ipProtocol, int fromPort, int toPort, String cidrIp)
Revokes permissions from a security group.Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>
InstanceApi. runInstancesInRegion(String region, String nullableAvailabilityZone, String imageId, int minCount, int maxCount, RunInstancesOptions... options)
Launches a specified number of instances of an AMI for which you have permissions.Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>
InstanceApi. runInstancesInRegion(String region, String nullableAvailabilityZone, String imageId, int minCount, int maxCount, RunInstancesOptions... options)
Launches a specified number of instances of an AMI for which you have permissions.void
InstanceApi. setApiTerminationDisabledForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId, boolean apiTerminationDisabled)
This command works while the instance is running and controls whether or not the api can be used to terminate the instance.void
InstanceApi. setBlockDeviceMappingForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId, Map<String,BlockDevice> blockDeviceMapping)
Sets the blockDeviceMapping used for an instance.void
InstanceApi. setInstanceInitiatedShutdownBehaviorForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId, Volume.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior)
Specifies whether the instance's Amazon EBS volumes are stopped or terminated when the instance is shut down.void
InstanceApi. setInstanceTypeForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId, String instanceType)
Sets the instanceType used for starting the instance.void
InstanceApi. setKernelForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId, String kernel)
Sets the kernelId used for starting the instance.void
InstanceApi. setRamdiskForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId, String ramdisk)
Sets the ramdisk used for starting the instance.void
InstanceApi. setUserDataForInstanceInRegion(String region, String instanceId, byte[] unencodedData)
Sets the userData used for starting the instance.Set<? extends InstanceStateChange>
InstanceApi. startInstancesInRegion(String region, String... instanceIds)
Starts an instance that uses an Amazon EBS volume as its root device.Set<? extends InstanceStateChange>
InstanceApi. stopInstancesInRegion(String region, boolean force, String... instanceIds)
Stops an instance that uses an Amazon EBS volume as its root device.Set<? extends InstanceStateChange>
InstanceApi. terminateInstancesInRegion(String region, String... instanceIds)
Shuts down one or more instances. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ec2.options
Method parameters in org.jclouds.ec2.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId)
adds a block device to the image from an ebs snapshot.RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
adds a block device to the image from an ebs snapshot.RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
adds a block device to the image from an ebs snapshot.RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
adds a block device to the image from an ebs snapshot.static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId)
static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addEphemeralBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId)
adds a block device to the image from an ebs snapshot.static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addEphemeralBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName, String virtualName, String snapshotId)
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize)
adds a new block device to the image.RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
adds a new block device to the image.RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
adds a new block device to the image.RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
adds a new block device to the image.static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize)
static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize, boolean deleteOnTermination, String volumeType, Integer iops, boolean encrypted)
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions. addNewEphemeralBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize)
adds a new block device to the image.static RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions.Builder. addNewEphemeralBlockDevice(String deviceName, String virtualName, int volumeSize)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.elasticstack.domain
Fields in org.jclouds.elasticstack.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Field Description protected Map<String,? extends Device>
Server. devices
protected String
DriveInfo.Builder. encryptionCipher
protected String
DriveInfo. encryptionCipher
protected String
DriveInfo.Builder. imaging
protected String
DriveInfo. imaging
protected Date
ServerInfo. started
protected String
ServerInfo. user
protected String
Item. uuid
Methods in org.jclouds.elasticstack.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ClaimType
Drive. getClaimType()
CreateDriveRequest. getEncryptionCipher()
DriveInfo. getEncryptionCipher()
ServerInfo. getMetrics()
Item. getUuid()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.elasticstack.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description CreateDriveRequest(String name, long size, ClaimType claimType, Iterable<String> readers, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata, String encryptionCipher, Iterable<String> avoid)
CreateDriveRequest(String name, long size, ClaimType claimType, Iterable<String> readers, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata, String encryptionCipher, Iterable<String> avoid)
Drive(String uuid, String name, long size, ClaimType claimType, Iterable<String> readers, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
Drive(String uuid, String name, long size, ClaimType claimType, Iterable<String> readers, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
DriveData(String uuid, String name, long size, ClaimType claimType, Iterable<String> readers, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
DriveData(String uuid, String name, long size, ClaimType claimType, Iterable<String> readers, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
Item(String uuid, String name, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata)
NIC(String dhcp, Model model, String vlan, String mac, Iterable<String> block)
NIC(String dhcp, Model model, String vlan, String mac, Iterable<String> block)
NIC(String dhcp, Model model, String vlan, String mac, Iterable<String> block)
Server(String uuid, String name, int cpu, Integer smp, int mem, boolean persistent, Map<String,? extends Device> devices, Iterable<String> bootDeviceIds, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Iterable<NIC> nics, VNC vnc)
Server(String uuid, String name, int cpu, Integer smp, int mem, boolean persistent, Map<String,? extends Device> devices, Iterable<String> bootDeviceIds, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Iterable<NIC> nics, VNC vnc)
ServerInfo(String uuid, String name, int cpu, Integer smp, int mem, boolean persistent, Map<String,? extends Device> devices, Iterable<String> bootDeviceIds, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata, Iterable<NIC> nics, VNC vnc, ServerStatus status, Date started, String user, ServerMetrics metrics)
StandardDrive(String uuid, String name, long size, ClaimType claimType, Iterable<String> readers, Iterable<String> tags, Map<String,String> userMetadata, ImageConversionType format, MediaType media, long rawSize)
WellKnownImage(String loginUser, String uuid, String description, OsFamily osFamily, String osVersion, int size, Boolean is64bit)
WellKnownImage(String loginUser, String uuid, String description, OsFamily osFamily, String osVersion, int size, Boolean is64bit)
WellKnownImage(String loginUser, String uuid, String description, OsFamily osFamily, String osVersion, int size, Boolean is64bit)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.encryption.internal
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.encryption.internal with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description JCECrypto(Provider provider)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.glesys.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.glesys.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
EmailAccount. getAutoRespondMessage()
IpDetails. getBroadcast()
ServerStatus. getCpu()
DomainRecord. getData()
ServerStatus. getDisk()
IpDetails. getGateway()
ServerStatus. getMemory()
EmailAccount. getModified()
IpDetails. getNetmask()
Domain. getPrimaryNameServer()
Domain. getResponsiblePerson()
The E-mail address of the person responsible for this domain (reformatted with '.' at end).String
IpDetails. getServerId()
ServerStatus. getState()
ServerStatus. getUptime()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.glesys.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Domain(String domainName, Date createTime, int recordCount, GleSYSBoolean useGlesysNameServer, String primaryNameServer, String responsiblePerson, int ttl, int refresh, int retry, int expire, int minimum)
Domain(String domainName, Date createTime, int recordCount, GleSYSBoolean useGlesysNameServer, String primaryNameServer, String responsiblePerson, int ttl, int refresh, int retry, int expire, int minimum)
Domain(String domainName, Date createTime, int recordCount, GleSYSBoolean useGlesysNameServer, String primaryNameServer, String responsiblePerson, int ttl, int refresh, int retry, int expire, int minimum)
DomainRecord(String id, String domainname, String host, String type, String data, int ttl)
DomainRecord(String id, String domainname, String host, String type, String data, int ttl)
EmailAccount(String account, EmailQuota quota, int antispamLevel, GleSYSBoolean antiVirus, GleSYSBoolean autoRespond, String autoRespondMessage, GleSYSBoolean autoRespondSaveEmail, Date created, Date modified)
EmailAccount(String account, EmailQuota quota, int antispamLevel, GleSYSBoolean antiVirus, GleSYSBoolean autoRespond, String autoRespondMessage, GleSYSBoolean autoRespondSaveEmail, Date created, Date modified)
IpDetails(String datacenter, int version, String ptr, String platform, String address, String netmask, String broadcast, String gateway, List<String> nameServers, String serverId, Cost cost, GleSYSBoolean reserved)
IpDetails(String datacenter, int version, String ptr, String platform, String address, String netmask, String broadcast, String gateway, List<String> nameServers, String serverId, Cost cost, GleSYSBoolean reserved)
IpDetails(String datacenter, int version, String ptr, String platform, String address, String netmask, String broadcast, String gateway, List<String> nameServers, String serverId, Cost cost, GleSYSBoolean reserved)
IpDetails(String datacenter, int version, String ptr, String platform, String address, String netmask, String broadcast, String gateway, List<String> nameServers, String serverId, Cost cost, GleSYSBoolean reserved)
ServerDetails(String id, String hostname, String datacenter, String platform, Server.State state, String description, String templateName, int cpuCores, int memorySizeMB, int diskSizeGB, int transferGB, Cost cost, Set<Ip> ips)
ServerDetails(String id, String hostname, String datacenter, String platform, Server.State state, String description, String templateName, int cpuCores, int memorySizeMB, int diskSizeGB, int transferGB, Cost cost, Set<Ip> ips)
ServerDetails(String id, String hostname, String datacenter, String platform, Server.State state, String description, String templateName, int cpuCores, int memorySizeMB, int diskSizeGB, int transferGB, Cost cost, Set<Ip> ips)
ServerStatus(Server.State state, ResourceStatus cpu, ResourceStatus memory, ResourceStatus disk, ServerUptime uptime)
ServerStatus(Server.State state, ResourceStatus cpu, ResourceStatus memory, ResourceStatus disk, ServerUptime uptime)
ServerStatus(Server.State state, ResourceStatus cpu, ResourceStatus memory, ResourceStatus disk, ServerUptime uptime)
ServerStatus(Server.State state, ResourceStatus cpu, ResourceStatus memory, ResourceStatus disk, ServerUptime uptime)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.gogrid
Methods in org.jclouds.gogrid with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Set<ErrorResponse>
GoGridResponseException. getError()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.gogrid.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.gogrid.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Option
ServerImage. getArchitecture()
ServerImage. getCreatedTime()
Ip. getDatacenter()
Server. getDatacenter()
LoadBalancer. getDescription()
Option. getDescription()
Server. getDescription()
Job. getLastUpdatedOn()
JobProperties. getNote()
Ip. getSubnet()
ServerImage. getUpdatedTime()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.gogrid.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Ip(long id, String ip, String subnet, boolean isPublic, IpState state, Option datacenter)
Ip(long id, String ip, String subnet, boolean isPublic, IpState state, Option datacenter)
Ip(long id, String ip, String subnet, boolean isPublic, IpState state, Option datacenter)
Job(long id, Option command, ObjectType objectType, Date createdOn, Date lastUpdatedOn, JobState currentState, int attempts, String owner, Set<JobProperties> history, Map<String,String> details)
JobProperties(long id, Date updatedOn, JobState state, String note)
LoadBalancer(long id, String name, String description, IpPortPair virtualIp, Set<IpPortPair> realIpList, LoadBalancerType type, LoadBalancerPersistenceType persistence, LoadBalancerOs os, LoadBalancerState state, Option datacenter)
Option(Long id, String name, String description)
Server(long id, boolean isSandbox, String name, String description, ServerState state, Option datacenter, Option type, Option ram, Option os, Ip ip, ServerImage image)
Server(long id, boolean isSandbox, String name, String description, ServerState state, Option datacenter, Option type, Option ram, Option os, Ip ip, ServerImage image)
ServerImage(long id, String name, String friendlyName, String description, Option os, Option architecture, ServerImageType type, ServerImageState state, double price, String location, boolean isActive, boolean isPublic, Date createdTime, Date updatedTime, Set<BillingToken> billingTokens, Customer owner)
ServerImage(long id, String name, String friendlyName, String description, Option os, Option architecture, ServerImageType type, ServerImageState state, double price, String location, boolean isActive, boolean isPublic, Date createdTime, Date updatedTime, Set<BillingToken> billingTokens, Customer owner)
ServerImage(long id, String name, String friendlyName, String description, Option os, Option architecture, ServerImageType type, ServerImageState state, double price, String location, boolean isActive, boolean isPublic, Date createdTime, Date updatedTime, Set<BillingToken> billingTokens, Customer owner)
ServerImage(long id, String name, String friendlyName, String description, Option os, Option architecture, ServerImageType type, ServerImageState state, double price, String location, boolean isActive, boolean isPublic, Date createdTime, Date updatedTime, Set<BillingToken> billingTokens, Customer owner)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecloud.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecloud.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
ForwardingListPage. nextPageToken()
ListPage. nextPageToken()
Indicates more data is available. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecloud.internal
Method parameters in org.jclouds.googlecloud.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static <E> List<E>
NullSafeCopies. copyOf(List<E> list)
static <K,V>
Map<K,V>NullSafeCopies. copyOf(Map<K,V> map)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Integer
Bucket.LifeCycle.Rule.Condition. age()
abstract String
ObjectAccessControls. bucket()
abstract String
GoogleCloudStorageObject. cacheControl()
abstract Integer
GoogleCloudStorageObject. componentCount()
abstract String
GoogleCloudStorageObject. contentDisposition()
abstract String
GoogleCloudStorageObject. contentEncoding()
abstract String
GoogleCloudStorageObject. contentLanguage()
abstract String
ResumableUpload. contentLength()
abstract String
GoogleCloudStorageObject. contentType()
abstract String
GoogleCloudStorageObject. crc32c()
abstract Date
Bucket.LifeCycle.Rule.Condition. createdBefore()
abstract String
BucketAccessControls. domain()
abstract String
ObjectAccessControls. domain()
abstract String
BucketAccessControls. email()
abstract String
ObjectAccessControls. email()
abstract String
BucketAccessControls. entityId()
abstract String
ObjectAccessControls. entityId()
abstract String
Owner. entityId()
abstract Long
ObjectAccessControls. generation()
abstract String
ObjectAccessControls. id()
abstract Boolean
Bucket.LifeCycle.Rule.Condition. isLive()
abstract Bucket.LifeCycle
Bucket. lifeCycle()
abstract DomainResourceReferences.Location
Bucket. location()
abstract Bucket.Logging
Bucket. logging()
abstract String
Bucket.Logging. logObjectPrefix()
abstract String
Bucket.Website. mainPageSuffix()
abstract Integer
Bucket.Cors. maxAgeSeconds()
abstract String
GoogleCloudStorageObject. md5Hash()
ListPageWithPrefixes. nextPageToken()
abstract String
Bucket.Website. notFoundPage()
abstract Integer
Bucket.LifeCycle.Rule.Condition. numNewerVersions()
abstract String
ObjectAccessControls. object()
abstract Owner
Bucket. owner()
abstract Owner
GoogleCloudStorageObject. owner()
abstract Long
Bucket. projectNumber()
abstract ProjectTeam
BucketAccessControls. projectTeam()
abstract ProjectTeam
ObjectAccessControls. projectTeam()
abstract Long
ResumableUpload. rangeLowerValue()
abstract Long
ResumableUpload. rangeUpperValue()
abstract String
RewriteResponse. rewriteToken()
abstract DomainResourceReferences.StorageClass
Bucket. storageClass()
abstract Date
GoogleCloudStorageObject. timeDeleted()
abstract String
ResumableUpload. uploadId()
abstract Bucket.Versioning
Bucket. versioning()
abstract Bucket.Website
Bucket. website()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.domain.templates
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.domain.templates with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Long
ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject. generation()
abstract ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject.ObjectPreconditions
ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject. objectPreconditions()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.domain.templates with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject
ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject. create(String name, Long generation, ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject.ObjectPreconditions objectPreconditions)
static ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject
ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject. create(String name, Long generation, ComposeObjectTemplate.SourceObject.ObjectPreconditions objectPreconditions)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.features
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description HttpResponse
BucketAccessControlsApi. deleteBucketAccessControls(String bucketName, String entity)
Permanently deletes the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket.HttpResponse
DefaultObjectAccessControlsApi. deleteDefaultObjectAccessControls(String bucketName, String entity)
Permanently deletes the DefaultObjectAcessControl entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket.PayloadEnclosing
ObjectApi. download(String bucketName, String objectName)
Retrieve an object or their metadataPayloadEnclosing
ObjectApi. download(String bucketName, String objectName, HttpRequestOptions options)
Retrieves objectsBucket
BucketApi. getBucket(String bucketName)
Returns metadata for the specified bucket.Bucket
BucketApi. getBucket(String bucketName, GetBucketOptions options)
Returns metadata for the specified bucketBucketAccessControls
BucketAccessControlsApi. getBucketAccessControls(String bucketName, String entity)
Returns the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket.ObjectAccessControls
DefaultObjectAccessControlsApi. getDefaultObjectAccessControls(String bucketName, String entity)
Returns the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified object.GoogleCloudStorageObject
ObjectApi. getObject(String bucketName, String objectName)
Retrieve an object metadataGoogleCloudStorageObject
ObjectApi. getObject(String bucketName, String objectName, HttpRequestOptions options)
Retrieves objects metadataObjectAccessControls
ObjectAccessControlsApi. getObjectAccessControls(String bucketName, String objectName, String entity)
Returns the acl entry for the specified entity on the specified object.ObjectAccessControls
ObjectAccessControlsApi. getObjectAccessControls(String bucketName, String objectName, String entity, Long generation)
Returns the acl entry for the specified entity on the specified object.List<BucketAccessControls>
BucketAccessControlsApi. listBucketAccessControls(String bucketName)
Retrieves all ACL entries on a specified bucketList<ObjectAccessControls>
DefaultObjectAccessControlsApi. listDefaultObjectAccessControls(String bucketName)
Retrieves ACL entries on a specified objectList<ObjectAccessControls>
ObjectAccessControlsApi. listObjectAccessControls(String bucketName, String objectName)
Retrieves acl entries on a specified objectList<ObjectAccessControls>
ObjectAccessControlsApi. listObjectAccessControls(String bucketName, String objectName, Long generation)
Retrieves acl entries on a specified object -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.compute.functions
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.compute.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Operation
Resources. delete(URI selfLink)
Deletes any resource by self-link and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Disk
Resources. disk(URI selfLink)
Returns a disk by self-link or null if not found.Image
Resources. image(URI selfLink)
Returns an image by self-link or null if not found.Instance
Resources. instance(URI selfLink)
Returns an instance by self-link or null if not found.Network
Resources. network(URI selfLink)
Returns an network by self-link or null if not found.Operation
Resources. operation(URI selfLink)
Returns an operation by self-link or null if not found.Subnetwork
Resources. subnetwork(URI selfLink)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Long
Image. archiveSizeBytes()
abstract List<BackendService.Backend>
BackendService. backends()
abstract URI
TargetPool. backupPool()
This field is applicable only when the target pool is serving a forwarding rule as the primary pool.abstract BackendService.Backend.BalancingModes
BackendService.Backend. balancingMode()
abstract Boolean
Instance. canIpForward()
abstract Boolean
NewInstance. canIpForward()
abstract Float
BackendService.Backend. capacityScaler()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheck. checkIntervalSec()
How often (in seconds) to send a health check.abstract String
Operation. clientOperationId()
Identifier specified by the client when the mutation was initiated.abstract Date
Instance. creationTimestamp()
abstract Date
Operation. creationTimestamp()
abstract String
Deprecated. deleted()
An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to DELETED.abstract String
Deprecated. deprecated()
An optional RFC3339 timestamp for when the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to DEPRECATED.abstract Deprecated
DiskType. deprecated()
abstract Deprecated
Image. deprecated()
abstract Deprecated
MachineType. deprecated()
abstract Deprecated
Zone. deprecated()
abstract String
Address. description()
abstract String
BackendService.Backend. description()
abstract String
BackendService. description()
abstract String
Disk. description()
abstract String
DiskType. description()
abstract String
Firewall. description()
abstract String
ForwardingRule. description()
abstract String
HttpHealthCheck. description()
abstract String
Image. description()
abstract String
Instance. description()
abstract String
MachineType. description()
abstract String
Network. description()
abstract String
NewInstance. description()
abstract String
NewTargetInstance. description()
abstract String
Operation. description()
abstract String
Project. description()
abstract String
Region. description()
abstract String
Route. description()
abstract String
Snapshot. description()
abstract String
Subnetwork. description()
abstract String
TargetHttpProxy. description()
abstract String
TargetInstance. description()
abstract String
TargetPool. description()
abstract String
UrlMap. description()
abstract String
UrlMap.HostRule. description()
abstract String
UrlMap.PathMatcher. description()
abstract String
UrlMap.UrlMapTest. description()
abstract String
Zone. description()
abstract String
Zone.MaintenanceWindow. description()
abstract String
AttachDisk. deviceName()
Must be unique within the instance when specified.abstract String
Instance.AttachedDisk. deviceName()
Must be unique within the instance when specified.abstract AttachDisk.DiskInterface
AttachDisk. diskInterface()
abstract AttachDisk.DiskInterface
Instance.AttachedDisk. diskInterface()
abstract String
AttachDisk.InitializeParams. diskName()
Override the default naming convention.abstract Long
AttachDisk.InitializeParams. diskSizeGb()
Set to use a size larger than theAttachDisk.InitializeParams.sourceImage()
.abstract URI
AttachDisk.InitializeParams. diskType()
abstract Date
Operation. endTime()
abstract Float
TargetPool. failoverRatio()
This field is applicable only when the target pool is serving a forwarding rule as the primary pool.abstract String
BackendService. fingerprint()
abstract String
Metadata. fingerprint()
The fingerprint for the items - needed for updating them.abstract String
Tags. fingerprint()
The fingerprint for the items - needed for updating them.abstract String
Network. gatewayIPv4()
This must be within the range specified by IPv4Range, and is typically the first usable address in that range.String
Metadata. get(String key)
Returns the value with the supplied key, or null.abstract List<URI>
BackendService. healthChecks()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheck. healthyThreshold()
An unhealthy VM will be marked healthy after this many consecutive successes.abstract String
HttpHealthCheck. host()
The value of the host header in the HTTP health check request.abstract List<UrlMap.HostRule>
UrlMap. hostRules()
abstract String
Operation. httpErrorMessage()
abstract Integer
Operation. httpErrorStatusCode()
abstract Integer
MachineType. imageSpaceGb()
abstract AttachDisk.InitializeParams
AttachDisk. initializeParams()
Set to automatically create a boot diskabstract AttachDisk.InitializeParams
Instance.AttachedDisk. initializeParams()
abstract URI
NewTargetInstance. instance()
abstract URI
TargetInstance. instance()
abstract String
ForwardingRule. ipAddress()
The external IP address that this forwarding rule is serving on behalf of.abstract String
HealthStatus.HealthStatusInternal. ipAddress()
abstract List<String>
AttachDisk. licenses()
abstract List<String>
Disk. licenses()
abstract List<String>
Image. licenses()
abstract List<String>
Instance.AttachedDisk. licenses()
abstract List<String>
Snapshot. licenses()
abstract List<String>
UrlMapValidateResult.UrlMapValidateResultInternal. loadErrors()
abstract String
Operation.Error.Entry. location()
The field in the request which caused the error.abstract Integer
BackendService.Backend. maxRate()
abstract Float
BackendService.Backend. maxRatePerInstance()
abstract Float
BackendService.Backend. maxUtilization()
abstract String
Operation.Error.Entry. message()
abstract String
Warning. message()
abstract String
Quota. metric()
abstract AttachDisk.Mode
AttachDisk. mode()
abstract String
Instance.NetworkInterface.AccessConfig. name()
abstract String
Instance.NetworkInterface.AccessConfig. natIP()
An external IP address associated with this instance, if there is one.abstract String
NewTargetInstance. natPolicy()
abstract String
Instance.NetworkInterface. networkIP()
An IPV4 internal network address to assign to this instance.abstract URI
Route. nextHopGateway()
The gateway that should handle matching packets.abstract URI
Route. nextHopInstance()
The fully-qualified URL to an instance that should handle matching packets.abstract String
Route. nextHopIp()
The network IP address of an instance that should handle matching packets.abstract URI
Route. nextHopNetwork()
The local network if it should handle matching packets.abstract URI
Route. nextHopVpnTunnel()
The URL to a VpnTunnel that should handle matching packets.abstract String
Deprecated. obsolete()
An optional RFC3339 timestamp on or after which the deprecation state of this resource will be changed to OBSOLETE.abstract List<UrlMap.PathMatcher>
UrlMap. pathMatchers()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheck. port()
The TCP port number for the HTTP health check request.abstract String
BackendService. portName()
abstract String
ForwardingRule. portRange()
If IPProtocol is TCP or UDP, packets addressed to ports in the specified range will be forwarded to backend.abstract List<String>
Firewall.Rule. ports()
An optional list of ports which are allowed.abstract Integer
Operation. progress()
A progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100.abstract String
BackendService. protocol()
abstract String
Network. rangeIPv4()
The range of internal addresses that are legal on this network.abstract Image.RawDisk
Image. rawDisk()
abstract URI
ForwardingRule. region()
null when representing a GlobalForwardingRulesabstract URI
Operation. region()
abstract URI
Deprecated. replacement()
A fully-qualified URL of the suggested replacement for the deprecated image.abstract String
HttpHealthCheck. requestPath()
abstract Instance.Scheduling
NewInstance. scheduling()
abstract URI
Instance.SerialPortOutput. selfLink()
abstract List<Instance.ServiceAccount>
NewInstance. serviceAccounts()
abstract TargetPoolCreationOptions.SessionAffinityValue
TargetPool. sessionAffinity()
The session affinity option, determines the hash method that Google Compute Engine uses to distribute traffic.abstract String
Image.RawDisk. sha1Checksum()
SHA1 checksum of the disk image before unpacking; provided by the client when the disk image is created.abstract URI
AttachDisk. source()
Use an existingBootDiskboot disk
.abstract URI
Instance.AttachedDisk. source()
Corresponds to Disk.selfLink() when Instance.AttachedDisk.type() is Instance.AttachedDisk.Type.PERSISTENT.abstract String
Image. sourceDisk()
abstract URI
Snapshot. sourceDisk()
The source disk used to insert this snapshot.abstract String
Image. sourceDiskId()
abstract URI
AttachDisk.InitializeParams. sourceImage()
Thesource image
.abstract URI
Disk. sourceImage()
abstract String
Disk. sourceImageId()
abstract String
Disk. sourceSnapshot()
abstract String
Disk. sourceSnapshotId()
abstract String
Image. sourceType()
Must be RAW; provided by the client when the disk image is created.abstract Date
Operation. startTime()
abstract Deprecated.State
Deprecated. state()
The deprecation state of this image.abstract Instance.Status
Instance. status()
abstract String
Instance. statusMessage()
Human-readable explanation of the status.abstract String
Operation. statusMessage()
Textual description of the current status of the operation.abstract Long
Snapshot. storageBytes()
abstract String
Snapshot. storageByteStatus()
abstract String
Operation. targetId()
Target id which identifies a particular incarnation of the target.abstract List<UrlMapValidateResult.UrlMapValidateResultInternal.TestFailure>
UrlMapValidateResult.UrlMapValidateResultInternal. testFailures()
abstract Boolean
UrlMapValidateResult.UrlMapValidateResultInternal. testPassed()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheck. timeoutSec()
How long (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure.abstract URI
Disk. type()
URL of the corresponding disk type resource.abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheck. unhealthyThreshold()
A so-far healthy VM will be marked unhealthy after this many consecutive failures.abstract List<UrlMap.UrlMapTest>
UrlMap. urlMapTests()
abstract Project.UsageExportLocation
Project. usageExportLocation()
abstract String
Operation. user()
User who requested the operation, for
.abstract List<URI>
Address. users()
URL of the resource currently using this address.abstract String
DiskType. validDiskSize()
Textual description of the valid disk size.abstract List<Warning>
Operation. warnings()
abstract URI
DiskType. zone()
abstract URI
Operation. zone()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static BackendService
BackendService. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<BackendService.Backend> backends, List<URI> healthChecks, Integer timeoutSec, Integer port, String protocol, String fingerprint, String portName)
static BackendService
BackendService. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<BackendService.Backend> backends, List<URI> healthChecks, Integer timeoutSec, Integer port, String protocol, String fingerprint, String portName)
static BackendService
BackendService. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<BackendService.Backend> backends, List<URI> healthChecks, Integer timeoutSec, Integer port, String protocol, String fingerprint, String portName)
static BackendService
BackendService. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<BackendService.Backend> backends, List<URI> healthChecks, Integer timeoutSec, Integer port, String protocol, String fingerprint, String portName)
static BackendService
BackendService. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<BackendService.Backend> backends, List<URI> healthChecks, Integer timeoutSec, Integer port, String protocol, String fingerprint, String portName)
static BackendService
BackendService. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<BackendService.Backend> backends, List<URI> healthChecks, Integer timeoutSec, Integer port, String protocol, String fingerprint, String portName)
static NewInstance
NewInstance. create(String name, URI machineType, URI network, URI subnetwork, List<AttachDisk> disks, String description, Tags tags)
static NewInstance
NewInstance. create(String name, URI machineType, URI network, URI subnetwork, List<AttachDisk> disks, String description, Tags tags)
static NewInstance
NewInstance. create(String name, URI machineType, URI network, URI subnetwork, List<AttachDisk> disks, String description, Tags tags)
static TargetHttpProxy
TargetHttpProxy. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, URI urlMap)
static UrlMap
UrlMap. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<UrlMap.HostRule> hostRules, List<UrlMap.PathMatcher> pathMatchers, List<UrlMap.UrlMapTest> urlMapTests, URI defaultService, String fingerprint)
static UrlMap
UrlMap. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<UrlMap.HostRule> hostRules, List<UrlMap.PathMatcher> pathMatchers, List<UrlMap.UrlMapTest> urlMapTests, URI defaultService, String fingerprint)
static UrlMap
UrlMap. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<UrlMap.HostRule> hostRules, List<UrlMap.PathMatcher> pathMatchers, List<UrlMap.UrlMapTest> urlMapTests, URI defaultService, String fingerprint)
static UrlMap
UrlMap. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<UrlMap.HostRule> hostRules, List<UrlMap.PathMatcher> pathMatchers, List<UrlMap.UrlMapTest> urlMapTests, URI defaultService, String fingerprint)
static UrlMap
UrlMap. create(String id, Date creationTimestamp, URI selfLink, String name, String description, List<UrlMap.HostRule> hostRules, List<UrlMap.PathMatcher> pathMatchers, List<UrlMap.UrlMapTest> urlMapTests, URI defaultService, String fingerprint)
static UrlMap.PathMatcher
UrlMap.PathMatcher. create(String name, String description, URI defaultService, List<UrlMap.PathMatcher.PathRule> pathRules)
static UrlMap.PathMatcher
UrlMap.PathMatcher. create(String name, String description, URI defaultService, List<UrlMap.PathMatcher.PathRule> pathRules)
static UrlMap.UrlMapTest
UrlMap.UrlMapTest. create(String description, String host, String path, URI service)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.features
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Operation
AddressApi. delete(String address)
Deletes an address by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
DiskApi. delete(String disk)
Deletes a persistent disk by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
ForwardingRuleApi. delete(String forwardingRule)
Deletes a forwarding rule by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
HttpHealthCheckApi. delete(String httpHealthCheck)
Deletes a health check by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
ImageApi. delete(String image)
Deletes an image by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
InstanceApi. delete(String instance)
Deletes an instance by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
RouteApi. delete(String routeName)
Deletes a route by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
SnapshotApi. delete(String snapshot)
Deletes a snapshot by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
TargetInstanceApi. delete(String targetInstance)
Deletes a targetInstance by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Operation
TargetPoolApi. delete(String targetPool)
Deletes a target pool by name and returns the operation in progress, or null if not found.Address
AddressApi. get(String address)
Returns an address by name or null if not found.BackendService
BackendServiceApi. get(String backendServiceName)
Returns the specified backend service resource.Disk
DiskApi. get(String disk)
Returns a persistent disk by name or null if not found.Firewall
FirewallApi. get(String firewall)
Returns a firewall by name or null if not found.ForwardingRule
ForwardingRuleApi. get(String forwardingRule)
Returns a forwarding rule by name or null if not found.HttpHealthCheck
HttpHealthCheckApi. get(String httpHealthCheck)
Returns a health check by name or null if not found.Image
ImageApi. get(String image)
Returns an image by name or null if not found.Image
ImageApi. get(URI selfLink)
Returns an image by self-link or null if not found.Instance
InstanceApi. get(String instance)
Returns an instance by name or null if not found.License
LicenseApi. get(String license)
Returns the specified License resource.Operation
OperationApi. get(URI operation)
Returns an operation by self-link or null if not found.Snapshot
SnapshotApi. get(String snapshot)
Returns a snapshot by name or null if not found.TargetHttpProxy
TargetHttpProxyApi. get(String targetHttpProxyName)
Returns the specified target http proxy resource.TargetInstance
TargetInstanceApi. get(String targetInstance)
Returns a targetInstance by name or null if not found.TargetPool
TargetPoolApi. get(String targetPool)
Returns a target pool by name or null if not found.UrlMap
UrlMapApi. get(String urlMapName)
Returns the specified urlMap resource by name or null if not found.Operation
HttpHealthCheckApi. patch(String name, HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions options)
Updates a HttpHealthCheck resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.Operation
TargetPoolApi. setBackup(String targetPool, Float failoverRatio, URI target)
Changes backup pool configurations.Operation
TargetPoolApi. setBackup(String targetPool, URI target)
Changes backup pool configurations.Operation
ForwardingRuleApi. setTarget(String forwardingRule, URI target)
Changes the target url for a forwarding rule.UrlMapValidateResult
UrlMapApi. validate(String urlMapName, UrlMap urlMap)
Runs the tests specified for the give urlMap resource.UrlMapValidateResult
UrlMapApi. validate(String urlMapName, UrlMapOptions options)
Runs the tests specified for the give urlMap resource.Method parameters in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ListPage<Address>
AddressApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of address resources available to the specified project.ListPage<BackendService>
BackendServiceApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions options)
Retrieves the list of backend service resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Disk>
DiskApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of persistent disk resources available to the specified project.ListPage<DiskType>
DiskTypeApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of disk type resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Firewall>
FirewallApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of firewall resources available to the specified project.ListPage<ForwardingRule>
ForwardingRuleApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of forwarding rule resources available to the specified project.ListPage<HttpHealthCheck>
HttpHealthCheckApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of persistent http health check resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Image>
ImageApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of image resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Instance>
InstanceApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of instance resources available to the specified project.ListPage<MachineType>
MachineTypeApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of machine type resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Network>
NetworkApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of network resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Operation>
OperationApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of operation resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Region>
RegionApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of region resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Route>
RouteApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of route resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Snapshot>
SnapshotApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of snapshot resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Subnetwork>
SubnetworkApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of network resources available to the specified project.ListPage<TargetHttpProxy>
TargetHttpProxyApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of targetHttpProxy resources available to the specified project.ListPage<TargetInstance>
TargetInstanceApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of targetInstance resources available to the specified project.ListPage<TargetPool>
TargetPoolApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of target pool resources available to the specified project.ListPage<UrlMap>
UrlMapApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of urlMap resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Zone>
ZoneApi. listPage(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of zone resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Image>
ImageApi. listPageInProject(String projectName, String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of image resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Operation>
OperationApi. listPageInRegion(String region, String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of operation resources available in the specified region.ListPage<Operation>
OperationApi. listPageInZone(String zone, String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of operation resources available in the specified zone.ListPage<Address>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfAddresses(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of address resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Disk>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfDisks(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of disk resources available to the specified project.ListPage<DiskType>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfDiskTypes(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of disk type resources available to the specified project.ListPage<ForwardingRule>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfForwardingRules(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of forwarding rule resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Operation>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfGlobalOperations(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of global operations resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Instance>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfInstances(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of instance resources available to the specified project.ListPage<MachineType>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfMachineTypes(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of machine type resources available to the specified project.ListPage<Subnetwork>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfSubnetworks(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of instance resources available to the specified project.ListPage<TargetInstance>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfTargetInstances(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of TargetInstance resources available to the specified project.ListPage<TargetPool>
AggregatedListApi. pageOfTargetPools(String pageToken, ListOptions listOptions)
Retrieves the list of TargetPool resources available to the specified project. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.options
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
AddressCreationOptions. address()
abstract Boolean
NetworkCreationOptions. autoCreateSubnetworks()
abstract List<BackendService.Backend>
BackendServiceOptions. backends()
abstract URI
TargetPoolCreationOptions. backupPool()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions. checkIntervalSec()
abstract URI
UrlMapOptions. defaultService()
abstract Date
DeprecateOptions. deleted()
abstract Date
DeprecateOptions. deprecated()
abstract Deprecated
ImageCreationOptions. deprecated()
abstract String
AddressCreationOptions. description()
abstract String
BackendServiceOptions. description()
abstract String
DiskCreationOptions. description()
abstract String
ForwardingRuleCreationOptions. description()
abstract String
HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions. description()
abstract String
ImageCreationOptions. description()
abstract String
NetworkCreationOptions. description()
abstract String
SubnetworkCreationOptions. description()
abstract String
TargetHttpProxyOptions. description()
abstract String
TargetPoolCreationOptions. description()
abstract String
UrlMapOptions. description()
abstract Float
TargetPoolCreationOptions. failoverRatio()
abstract String
BackendServiceOptions. fingerprint()
abstract String
UrlMapOptions. fingerprint()
abstract String
NetworkCreationOptions. gatewayIPv4()
This must be within the range specified by IPv4Range, and is typically the first usable address in that range.abstract List<URI>
BackendServiceOptions. healthChecks()
abstract List<URI>
TargetPoolCreationOptions. healthChecks()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions. healthyThreshold()
abstract String
HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions. host()
abstract List<UrlMap.HostRule>
UrlMapOptions. hostRules()
abstract List<URI>
TargetPoolCreationOptions. instances()
abstract String
ForwardingRuleCreationOptions. ipAddress()
abstract ForwardingRule.IPProtocol
ForwardingRuleCreationOptions. ipProtocol()
abstract String
BackendServiceOptions. name()
abstract String
UrlMapOptions. name()
abstract Date
DeprecateOptions. obsolete()
abstract List<UrlMap.PathMatcher>
UrlMapOptions. pathMatchers()
abstract Integer
BackendServiceOptions. port()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions. port()
abstract String
BackendServiceOptions. portName()
abstract String
ForwardingRuleCreationOptions. portRange()
abstract String
BackendServiceOptions. protocol()
abstract String
NetworkCreationOptions. rangeIPv4()
The range of internal addresses that are legal on this network.abstract Image.RawDisk
ImageCreationOptions. rawDisk()
abstract URI
DeprecateOptions. replacement()
abstract String
HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions. requestPath()
abstract TargetPoolCreationOptions.SessionAffinityValue
TargetPoolCreationOptions. sessionAffinity()
abstract Integer
DiskCreationOptions. sizeGb()
abstract String
ImageCreationOptions. sourceDisk()
abstract URI
DiskCreationOptions. sourceSnapshot()
abstract String
ImageCreationOptions. sourceType()
abstract Deprecated.State
DeprecateOptions. state()
abstract URI
ForwardingRuleCreationOptions. target()
abstract List<UrlMap.UrlMapTest>
UrlMapOptions. tests()
abstract Integer
BackendServiceOptions. timeoutSec()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions. timeoutSec()
abstract URI
DiskCreationOptions. type()
abstract Integer
HttpHealthCheckCreationOptions. unhealthyThreshold()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.http
Methods in org.jclouds.http with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description HttpCommand
HttpResponseException. getCommand()
HttpResponse. getMessage()
HttpResponseException. getResponse()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.http with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description T
HttpResponse.Builder. message(String message)
Uris.UriBuilder. path(String path)
Uris.UriBuilder. query(String queryLine)
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.http with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description HttpMessage(<String,String> headers, Payload payload)
HttpRequest(String method, URI endpoint,<String,String> headers, Payload payload, Iterable<HttpRequestFilter> filters)
HttpResponse(int statusCode, String message,<String,String> headers, Payload payload)
HttpResponse(int statusCode, String message,<String,String> headers, Payload payload)
HttpResponseException(String message, HttpCommand command, HttpResponse response)
HttpResponseException(String message, HttpCommand command, HttpResponse response, String content)
HttpResponseException(String message, HttpCommand command, HttpResponse response, String content, Throwable cause)
HttpResponseException(String message, HttpCommand command, HttpResponse response, Throwable cause)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.http.functions
Method parameters in org.jclouds.http.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description T
ParseSax. addDetailsAndPropagate(HttpResponse response, Exception e, String text)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.http.internal
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.http.internal with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description PayloadEnclosingImpl(Payload payload)
Uses of Nullable in
Methods in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
ContentMetadata. getCacheControl()
ContentMetadata. getContentDisposition()
Specifies presentational information for the object.String
ContentMetadata. getContentEncoding()
Specifies what content encodings have been applied to the object and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header field.String
ContentMetadata. getContentLanguage()
Get Content Language of the payloadLong
ContentMetadata. getContentLength()
Returns the total size of the payload, or the chunk that's available.byte[]
ContentMetadata. getContentMD5()
ContentMetadata. getContentMD5AsHashCode()
ContentMetadata. getContentType()
A standard MIME type describing the format of the contents.Date
ContentMetadata. getExpires()
Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale.Payload
PayloadEnclosing. getPayload()
Method parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ContentMetadataBuilder
ContentMetadataBuilder. cacheControl(String cacheControl)
ContentMetadataBuilder. contentDisposition(String contentDisposition)
ContentMetadataBuilder. contentEncoding(String contentEncoding)
ContentMetadataBuilder. contentLanguage(String contentLanguage)
ContentMetadataBuilder. contentLength(Long contentLength)
ContentMetadataBuilder. contentMD5(byte[] contentMD5)
ContentMetadataBuilder. contentMD5( contentMD5)
ContentMetadataBuilder. contentType(String contentType)
ContentMetadataBuilder. expires(Date expires)
MutableContentMetadata. setCacheControl(String cacheControl)
MutableContentMetadata. setContentDisposition(String contentDisposition)
Set Content Disposition of the payloadvoid
MutableContentMetadata. setContentEncoding(String contentEncoding)
Set Content Encoding of the payloadvoid
MutableContentMetadata. setContentLanguage(String contentLanguage)
Set Content Language of the payloadvoid
MutableContentMetadata. setContentLength(Long contentLength)
MutableContentMetadata. setContentMD5(byte[] md5)
MutableContentMetadata. setContentMD5( md5)
MutableContentMetadata. setContentType(String contentType)
MutableContentMetadata. setExpires(Date expires)
Uses of Nullable in
Method parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description void
BaseMutableContentMetadata. setCacheControl(String cacheControl)
BaseMutableContentMetadata. setContentDisposition(String contentDisposition)
Set Content Disposition of the payloadvoid
BaseMutableContentMetadata. setContentEncoding(String contentEncoding)
Set Content Encoding of the payloadvoid
BaseMutableContentMetadata. setContentLanguage(String contentLanguage)
Set Content Language of the payloadvoid
BaseMutableContentMetadata. setContentLength(Long contentLength)
BaseMutableContentMetadata. setContentType(String contentType)
BaseMutableContentMetadata. setExpires(Date expires)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.loadbalancer
Method parameters in org.jclouds.loadbalancer with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LoadBalancerMetadata
LoadBalancerService. createLoadBalancerInLocation(Location location, String loadBalancerName, String protocol, int loadBalancerPort, int instancePort, Iterable<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes)
LoadBalancerServiceAdapter. createLoadBalancerInLocation(Location location, String loadBalancerName, String protocol, int loadBalancerPort, int instancePort, Iterable<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.loadbalancer.internal
Method parameters in org.jclouds.loadbalancer.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LoadBalancerMetadata
BaseLoadBalancerService. createLoadBalancerInLocation(Location location, String loadBalancerName, String protocol, int loadBalancerPort, int instancePort, Iterable<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.location.functions
Method parameters in org.jclouds.location.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description URI
RegionToEndpointOrProviderIfNull. apply(Object from)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.location.suppliers
Method parameters in org.jclouds.location.suppliers with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description RegionIdToURISupplier
RegionIdToURISupplier.Factory. createForApiTypeAndVersion(String apiType, String apiVersion)
ZoneIdToURISupplier.Factory. createForApiTypeAndVersion(String apiType, String apiVersion)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.oauth.v2
Method parameters in org.jclouds.oauth.v2 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Token
AuthorizationApi. authorize(String client_id, ClientCredentialsClaims claim, String resource, String scope)
AuthorizationApi. authorizeClientSecret(String client_id, String client_secret, String resource, String scope)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.oauth.v2.config
Methods in org.jclouds.oauth.v2.config with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
OAuthConfigFactory.OAuthConfig. audience()
abstract String
OAuthConfigFactory.OAuthConfig. resource()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.oauth.v2.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.oauth.v2.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
ClientCredentialsAuthArgs. scope()
The scope(s) to authorize against.abstract String
ClientSecret. scope()
The scope(s) to authorize against. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1
Method parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description AvailabilityZoneApi
CinderApi. getAvailabilityZoneApi(String region)
Provides access to Availability Zone features -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Date
Snapshot. getCreated()
Snapshot. getDescription()
Volume. getDescription()
VolumeAttachment. getDevice()<SnapshotExtendedAttributes>
Snapshot. getExtendedAttributes()
Snapshot. getName()
Volume. getName()
SnapshotExtendedAttributes. getProgress()
SnapshotExtendedAttributes. getProjectId()
VolumeAttachment. getServerId()
Volume. getSnapshotId()
Volume. getTenantId()
Volume. getVolumeType()
Volume. getZone()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Snapshot(String id, String volumeId, Volume.Status status, int size, Date created, String name, String description, SnapshotExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes)
Snapshot(String id, String volumeId, Volume.Status status, int size, Date created, String name, String description, SnapshotExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes)
Snapshot(String id, String volumeId, Volume.Status status, int size, Date created, String name, String description, SnapshotExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes)
Snapshot(String id, String volumeId, Volume.Status status, int size, Date created, String name, String description, SnapshotExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes)
SnapshotExtendedAttributes(String projectId, String progress)
SnapshotExtendedAttributes(String projectId, String progress)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata, String tenantId)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata, String tenantId)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata, String tenantId)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata, String tenantId)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata, String tenantId)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata, String tenantId)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata, String tenantId)
VolumeAttachment(String id, String volumeId, String serverId, String device)
VolumeAttachment(String id, String volumeId, String serverId, String device)
VolumeType(String id, String name, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> extraSpecs)
VolumeType(String id, String name, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> extraSpecs)
VolumeType(String id, String name, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> extraSpecs)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Snapshot
SnapshotApi. get(String snapshotId)
Return data about the given Snapshot.Volume
VolumeApi. get(String volumeId)
Return data about the given Volume.VolumeType
VolumeTypeApi. get(String volumeTypeId)
Return data about the given VolumeType.VolumeQuota
QuotaApi. getByTenant(String tenantId)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
Resource. getName()
Link. getType()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Link(Link.Relation relation, String type, URI href)
Resource(String id, String name, Set<Link> links)
Resource(String id, String name, Set<Link> links)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.domain
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum)
ImageDetails(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum, long minDisk, long minRam, String location, String owner, Date updatedAt, Date createdAt, Date deletedAt, Image.Status status, boolean isPublic, Map<String,String> properties)
ImageDetails(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum, long minDisk, long minRam, String location, String owner, Date updatedAt, Date createdAt, Date deletedAt, Image.Status status, boolean isPublic, Map<String,String> properties)
ImageDetails(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum, long minDisk, long minRam, String location, String owner, Date updatedAt, Date createdAt, Date deletedAt, Image.Status status, boolean isPublic, Map<String,String> properties)
ImageDetails(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum, long minDisk, long minRam, String location, String owner, Date updatedAt, Date createdAt, Date deletedAt, Image.Status status, boolean isPublic, Map<String,String> properties)
ImageDetails(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum, long minDisk, long minRam, String location, String owner, Date updatedAt, Date createdAt, Date deletedAt, Image.Status status, boolean isPublic, Map<String,String> properties)
ImageDetails(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum, long minDisk, long minRam, String location, String owner, Date updatedAt, Date createdAt, Date deletedAt, Image.Status status, boolean isPublic, Map<String,String> properties)
ImageDetails(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum, long minDisk, long minRam, String location, String owner, Date updatedAt, Date createdAt, Date deletedAt, Image.Status status, boolean isPublic, Map<String,String> properties)
ImageDetails(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, ContainerFormat containerFormat, DiskFormat diskFormat, Long size, String checksum, long minDisk, long minRam, String location, String owner, Date updatedAt, Date createdAt, Date deletedAt, Image.Status status, boolean isPublic, Map<String,String> properties)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ImageDetails
ImageApi. get(String id)
Returns metadata about an image with idInputStream
ImageApi. getAsStream(String id)
Returns image data for image with id -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.auth.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.auth.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
TenantOrDomainAndCredentials. projectDomainId()
abstract String
TenantOrDomainAndCredentials. projectDomainName()
abstract String
TenantOrDomainAndCredentials. scope()
abstract String
TenantOrDomainAndCredentials. tenantOrDomainId()
abstract String
TenantOrDomainAndCredentials. tenantOrDomainName()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.catalog
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.catalog with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
ServiceEndpoint. id()
abstract String
ServiceEndpoint. regionId()
abstract String
ServiceEndpoint. version()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.catalog.functions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.catalog.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description<URI>
BaseEndpointResolutionStrategy. apply(Collection<ServiceEndpoint> input)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.catalog.suppliers
Method parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.catalog.suppliers with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LocationIdToURIFromServiceEndpointsForTypeAndVersion
LocationIdToURIFromServiceEndpointsForTypeAndVersion.Factory. createForApiTypeAndVersion(String apiType, String apiVersion)
RegionIdToAdminURISupplier.Factory. createForApiTypeAndVersion(String apiType, String apiVersion)
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.catalog.suppliers with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description RegionIdToAdminURIFromServiceEndpointsForTypeAndVersion(<List<ServiceEndpoint>> serviceEndpoints, AdminEndpointResolutionStrategy resolveServiceEndpointURI, ServiceEndpointToRegion serviceEndpointToRegion, String apiType, String apiVersion)
RegionIdToURIFromServiceEndpointsForTypeAndVersion(<List<ServiceEndpoint>> serviceEndpoints, ServiceEndpointResolutionStrategy resolveServiceEndpointURI, ServiceEndpointToRegion serviceEndpointToRegion, String apiType, String apiVersion)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v1_1.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v1_1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description URI
Endpoint. getInternalURL()
Internal URLs are only accessible to services within the same region.URI
Endpoint. getPublicURL()
A public URL is accessible from anywhere.String
Endpoint. getRegion()
A service may expose endpoints in different regions.Method parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v1_1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Endpoint.Builder
Endpoint.Builder. internalURL(URI internalURL)
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v1_1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Endpoint(boolean v1Default, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL)
Endpoint(boolean v1Default, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL)
Endpoint(boolean v1Default, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v1_1.suppliers
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v1_1.suppliers with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description RegionIdToURIFromAuthForServiceSupplier(<Auth> auth, EndpointToSupplierURI endpointToSupplierURI, EndpointToRegion endpointToRegion, String apiType, String apiVersion)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ApiMetadata
KeystoneApi. getApiMetadata()
Discover API version information, links to documentation (PDF, HTML, WADL), and supported media types -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description URI
Endpoint. getAdminURL()
MediaType. getBase()
Role. getDescription()
Tenant. getDescription()
Endpoint. getId()
When providing an ID, it is assumed that the endpoint exists in the current OpenStack deploymentString
Role. getId()
When providing an ID, it is assumed that the role exists in the current OpenStack deploymentString
Service. getId()
When providing an ID, it is assumed that the service exists in the current OpenStack deploymentURI
Endpoint. getInternalURL()
Endpoint. getPublicURL()
Endpoint. getRegion()
Role. getServiceId()
ApiMetadata. getStatus()
Endpoint. getTenantId()
Role. getTenantId()
MediaType. getType()
ApiMetadata. getUpdated()
Endpoint. getVersionId()
Endpoint. getVersionInfo()
Endpoint. getVersionList()
NoteConstructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Access(Token token, User user, Set<Service> serviceCatalog)
ApiMetadata(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String status, Date updated, Set<MediaType> mediaTypes)
ApiMetadata(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String status, Date updated, Set<MediaType> mediaTypes)
ApiMetadata(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String status, Date updated, Set<MediaType> mediaTypes)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
Endpoint(String id, String versionId, String region, URI publicURL, URI internalURL, URI adminURL, URI versionInfo, URI versionList, String tenantName, String tenantId)
MediaType(String base, String type)
MediaType(String base, String type)
Role(String id, String name, String description, String serviceId, String tenantId, String tenantName)
Role(String id, String name, String description, String serviceId, String tenantId, String tenantName)
Role(String id, String name, String description, String serviceId, String tenantId, String tenantName)
Role(String id, String name, String description, String serviceId, String tenantId, String tenantName)
Role(String id, String name, String description, String serviceId, String tenantId, String tenantName)
Service(String id, String type, String name, String description, Set<Endpoint> endpoints)
Service(String id, String type, String name, String description, Set<Endpoint> endpoints)
Service(String id, String type, String name, String description, Set<Endpoint> endpoints)
Tenant(String id, String name, String description, Boolean enabled)
Tenant(String id, String name, String description, Boolean enabled)
Token(String id, Date expires,<Tenant> tenant)
User(String id, String name, String email, Boolean enabled, String tenantId, Set<Role> roles)
User(String id, String name, String email, Boolean enabled, String tenantId, Set<Role> roles)
User(String id, String name, String email, Boolean enabled, String tenantId, Set<Role> roles)
User(String id, String name, String email, Boolean enabled, String tenantId, Set<Role> roles)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.extensions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Role
RoleAdminApi. create(String name)
Creates a new RoleService
ServiceAdminApi. create(String name, String type, String description)
Creates a new ServiceTenant
TenantAdminApi. create(String name)
Creates a new tenantTenant
TenantAdminApi. create(String name, CreateTenantOptions options)
Creates a new tenantUser
UserAdminApi. create(String name, String password)
Creates a new userUser
UserAdminApi. create(String name, String password, CreateUserOptions options)
Creates a new userRole
RoleAdminApi. get(String roleId)
Gets the roleService
ServiceAdminApi. get(String serviceId)
Gets the serviceTenant
TenantAdminApi. update(String id, UpdateTenantOptions options)
Updates a tenantUser
UserAdminApi. update(String id, UpdateUserOptions options)
Updates an user -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Tenant
TenantApi. get(String tenantId)
Retrieve information about a tenant, by tenant IDToken
TokenApi. get(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog)/User
UserApi. get(String userId)
Retrieve information about a user, by user IDTenant
TenantApi. getByName(String tenantName)
Retrieve information about a tenant, by tenant nameUser
UserApi. getByName(String userName)
Retrieve information about a user, by user nameUser
TokenApi. getUserOfToken(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog)/ -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract List<String>
Token. auditIds()
abstract List<Catalog>
Token. catalog()
abstract String
User. defaultProjectId()
abstract String
Group. description()
abstract String
Project. description()
abstract Object
Auth.ProjectIdScope.ProjectId. domain()
abstract Object
Auth.ProjectScope.ProjectName. domain()
abstract User.Domain
User. domain()
abstract String
Group. domainId()
abstract String
Project. domainId()
abstract String
User. domainId()
abstract String
Project. domainName()
abstract Boolean
Endpoint. enabled()
abstract Boolean
User. enabled()
abstract Date
Token. expiresAt()
abstract Object
Token. extras()
abstract String
Endpoint. id()
abstract String
Project. id()
abstract String
Token. id()
abstract Link
Group. link()
abstract Link
Project. link()
abstract Link
Region. link()
abstract Link
User. link()
abstract String
Auth.Identity.PasswordAuth.UserAuth.DomainAuth. name()
abstract String
Auth.Name. name()
abstract String
Catalog. name()
abstract String
Project. parentId()
abstract String
Region. parentRegionId()
abstract Auth.Identity.PasswordAuth
Auth.Identity. password()
abstract Date
User. passwordExpiresAt()
abstract String
Endpoint. region()
abstract String
Endpoint. regionId()
abstract Object
Auth. scope()
abstract String
Endpoint. serviceId()
abstract List<String>
Project. tags()
abstract Auth.Id
Auth.Identity. token()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Token
AuthApi. get(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog).User
AuthApi. getUserOfToken(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog).Method parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Project
ProjectApi. create(String name, String description, boolean enabled, boolean isDomain, String domainId, String parentId)
ProjectApi. create(String name, String description, boolean enabled, boolean isDomain, String domainId, String parentId)
ProjectApi. create(String name, String description, boolean enabled, boolean isDomain, String domainId, String parentId)
RegionApi. create(String id, String description, String parentId)
RegionApi. create(String id, String description, String parentId)
UserApi. create(String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
UserApi. create(String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
UserApi. create(String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
UserApi. create(String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
RegionApi. update(String id, String description, String parentId)
RegionApi. update(String id, String description, String parentId)
UserApi. update(String id, String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
UserApi. update(String id, String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
UserApi. update(String id, String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
UserApi. update(String id, String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.marconi.v1.domain
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.marconi.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Claim(String id, int ttl, int age, List<Message> messages)
Message(String id, int ttl, String body, int age, String claimId)
MessagesStats(int claimed, int free, int total, Aged oldest, Aged newest)
MessagesStats(int claimed, int free, int total, Aged oldest, Aged newest)
Queue(String name, Map<String,String> metadata)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.marconi.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.marconi.v1.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Claim
ClaimApi. get(String claimId)
Gets a specific claim and the associated messages.Message
MessageApi. get(String id)
Gets a specific message. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getAction()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getAction()
abstract String
FirewallRule. getAction()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getAction()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getAction()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewall.Builder. getAdminStateUp()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewall. getAdminStateUp()
Network. getAdminStateUp()
Port. getAdminStateUp()
Router. getAdminStateUp()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewall.Builder. getAdminStateUp()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewall. getAdminStateUp()<AllocationPool>
Subnet. getAllocationPools()<AddressPair>
Port. getAllowedAddressPairs()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getAudited()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewallPolicy. getAudited()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getAudited()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewallPolicy. getAudited()
FloatingIP. getAvailabilityZone()
Network. getAvailabilityZone()
Subnet. getCidr()
abstract String
CreateFirewall.Builder. getDescription()
abstract String
CreateFirewall. getDescription()
abstract String
CreateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getDescription()
abstract String
CreateFirewallPolicy. getDescription()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getDescription()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getDescription()
abstract String
Firewall. getDescription()
abstract String
FirewallPolicy. getDescription()
abstract String
FirewallRule. getDescription()
SecurityGroup. getDescription()
abstract String
UpdateFirewall.Builder. getDescription()
abstract String
UpdateFirewall. getDescription()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getDescription()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallPolicy. getDescription()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getDescription()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getDescription()
HostRoute. getDestinationCidr()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getDestinationIpAddress()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getDestinationIpAddress()
abstract String
FirewallRule. getDestinationIpAddress()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getDestinationIpAddress()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getDestinationIpAddress()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getDestinationPort()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getDestinationPort()
abstract String
FirewallRule. getDestinationPort()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getDestinationPort()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getDestinationPort()
Port. getDeviceId()
Port. getDeviceOwner()
Rule. getDirection()<String>
Subnet. getDnsNameservers()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getEnabled()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewallRule. getEnabled()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getEnabled()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewallRule. getEnabled()
Subnet. getEnableDhcp()
ExternalGatewayInfo. getEnableSnat()
AllocationPool. getEnd()
Rule. getEthertype()
Network. getExternal()
Adds external network attribute to network resource.ExternalGatewayInfo
Router. getExternalGatewayInfo()<ExtraDhcpOption>
Port. getExtraDhcpOptions()
abstract String
CreateFirewall.Builder. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
CreateFirewall. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
Firewall. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
FirewallRule. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewall.Builder. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewall. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getFirewallPolicyId()
abstract List<String>
CreateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getFirewallRules()
abstract List<String>
CreateFirewallPolicy. getFirewallRules()
abstract List<String>
FirewallPolicy. getFirewallRules()
abstract List<String>
UpdateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getFirewallRules()
abstract List<String>
UpdateFirewallPolicy. getFirewallRules()
FloatingIP. getFixedIpAddress()<IP>
Port. getFixedIps()
FloatingIP. getFloatingIpAddress()
FloatingIP. getFloatingNetworkId()
Subnet. getGatewayIp()
Port. getHostId()<HostRoute>
Subnet. getHostRoutes()
ExtraDhcpOption. getId()
FloatingIP. getId()
Network. getId()
Port. getId()
Router. getId()
Rule. getId()
SecurityGroup. getId()
Subnet. getId()
AddressPair. getIpAddress()
IP. getIpAddress()
Subnet. getIPv6AddressMode()
Subnet. getIPv6RAMode()
abstract IpVersion
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getIpVersion()
abstract IpVersion
CreateFirewallRule. getIpVersion()
abstract IpVersion
FirewallRule. getIpVersion()
Subnet. getIpVersion()
abstract IpVersion
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getIpVersion()
abstract IpVersion
UpdateFirewallRule. getIpVersion()
AddressPair. getMacAddress()
Port. getMacAddress()
Port. getMacLearning()
Network. getMemberSegments()
Network. getMulticastIp()
abstract String
CreateFirewall.Builder. getName()
abstract String
CreateFirewall. getName()
abstract String
CreateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getName()
abstract String
CreateFirewallPolicy. getName()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getName()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getName()
abstract String
Firewall. getName()
Network. getName()
Port. getName()
Router. getName()
SecurityGroup. getName()
Subnet. getName()
abstract String
UpdateFirewall.Builder. getName()
abstract String
UpdateFirewall. getName()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getName()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallPolicy. getName()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getName()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getName()
Network. getNetworkFlavor()
ExternalGatewayInfo. getNetworkId()
Port. getNetworkId()
Subnet. getNetworkId()
Network. getNetworkType()
NetworkSegment. getNetworkType()
HostRoute. getNextHop()
ExtraDhcpOption. getOptionName()
ExtraDhcpOption. getOptionValue()
NetworkSegment. getPhysicalNetwork()
Network. getPhysicalNetworkName()
FloatingIP. getPortId()
RouterInterface. getPortId()
Rule. getPortRangeMax()
Rule. getPortRangeMin()
Network. getPortSecurity()
Port. getPortSecurity()
abstract Integer
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getPosition()
abstract Integer
CreateFirewallRule. getPosition()
see Builder#position(Integer)abstract Integer
FirewallRule. getPosition()
abstract Integer
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getPosition()
abstract Integer
UpdateFirewallRule. getPosition()<String,Object>
Port. getProfile()
Network. getProfileId()
Port. getProfileId()
FloatingIP. getProjectId()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getProtocol()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getProtocol()
abstract String
FirewallRule. getProtocol()
Rule. getProtocol()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getProtocol()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getProtocol()
Port. getQosQueueId()
Port. getQosRxtxFactor()
Rule. getRemoteGroupId()
Rule. getRemoteIpPrefix()
FloatingIP. getRouterId()
Rule. getSecurityGroupId()<String>
Port. getSecurityGroups()
Network. getSegmentAdd()
Network. getSegmentationId()
NetworkSegment. getSegmentationId()
Network. getSegmentDel()<NetworkSegment>
Network. getSegments()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getShared()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewallPolicy. getShared()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getShared()
abstract Boolean
CreateFirewallRule. getShared()
Network. getShared()
The shared attribute can be used to create a public network, i.e.: a network which is shared with all other tenants.abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getShared()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewallPolicy. getShared()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getShared()
abstract Boolean
UpdateFirewallRule. getShared()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getSourceIpAddress()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getSourceIpAddress()
abstract String
FirewallRule. getSourceIpAddress()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getSourceIpAddress()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getSourceIpAddress()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getSourcePort()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getSourcePort()
abstract String
FirewallRule. getSourcePort()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getSourcePort()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getSourcePort()
AllocationPool. getStart()
Network. getStatus()
Port. getStatus()
Router. getStatus()
IP. getSubnetId()
RouterInterface. getSubnetId()<String>
Network. getSubnets()
abstract String
CreateFirewall.Builder. getTenantId()
abstract String
CreateFirewall. getTenantId()
abstract String
CreateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getTenantId()
abstract String
CreateFirewallPolicy. getTenantId()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule.Builder. getTenantId()
abstract String
CreateFirewallRule. getTenantId()
FloatingIP. getTenantId()
Network. getTenantId()
Port. getTenantId()
Router. getTenantId()
Rule. getTenantId()
SecurityGroup. getTenantId()
Subnet. getTenantId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewall.Builder. getTenantId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewall. getTenantId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallPolicy.Builder. getTenantId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallPolicy. getTenantId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule.Builder. getTenantId()
abstract String
UpdateFirewallRule. getTenantId()<String,Object>
Port. getVifDetails()
Port. getVifType()
Port. getVnicType()
abstract Boolean
Firewall. isAdminStateUp()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain.lbaas.v1
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Firewall
FWaaSApi. get(String id)
Returns the details for a specific firewall.Router
RouterApi. get(String id)
Returns a Routers collection that should contain a single router with the id requested.FirewallRule
FWaaSApi. getFirewallRule(String firewallRuleId)
FWaaSApi. removeFirewallRuleFromPolicy(String policyId, String firewallRuleId)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions.lbaas.v1
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions.lbaas.v1 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description HealthMonitor
LBaaSApi. getHealthMonitor(String id)
Returns the details for a specific HealthMonitor.Member
LBaaSApi. getMember(String id)
Returns the details for a specific Member.Pool
LBaaSApi. getPool(String id)
Returns the details for a specific Pool.VIP
LBaaSApi. getVIP(String id)
Returns the details for a specific VIP. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description FloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. get(String id)
Returns the details for a specific floating IP.Network
NetworkApi. get(String id)
Return a specific networkPort
PortApi. get(String id)
Returns the specific portRule
SecurityGroupApi. get(String id)
SubnetApi. get(String id)
Returns the specific Subnet.SecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. getSecurityGroup(String id)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
Server. getAccessIPv4()
Server. getAccessIPv6()<String>
Server. getAvailabilityZone()
return the Availability Zone of a serverList<BlockDeviceMapping>
Image. getBlockDeviceMapping()
BlockDeviceMapping. getBootIndex()
Server. getConfigDrive()
Image. getCreated()
VolumeSnapshot. getCreated()
BlockDeviceMapping. getDeleteOnTermination()
SecurityGroup. getDescription()
Volume. getDescription()
VolumeSnapshot. getDescription()
BlockDeviceMapping. getDestinationType()
VolumeAttachment. getDevice()
BlockDeviceMapping. getDeviceName()
BlockDeviceMapping. getDeviceType()
BlockDeviceMapping. getDiskBus()
KeyPair. getFingerprint()
FloatingIP. getFixedIp()
SecurityGroupRule. getGroup()
BlockDeviceMapping. getGuestFormat()
Server. getHostId()
ServerExtendedAttributes. getHostName()
ServerExtendedAttributes. getHypervisorHostName()
FloatingIP. getInstanceId()
ServerExtendedAttributes. getInstanceName()
SimpleServerUsage. getInstanceTerminated()
FixedIP. getIpAddress()
SecurityGroupRule. getIpRange()
Server. getKeyName()
Host. getName()
SecurityGroup. getName()
Volume. getName()
VolumeSnapshot. getName()
BlockDeviceMapping. getNoDevice()
FloatingIP. getPool()
KeyPair. getPrivateKey()
HostResourceUsage. getProject()
KeyPair. getPublicKey()
Image. getServer()
VolumeAttachment. getServerId()
Host. getService()
Volume. getSnapshotId()
BlockDeviceMapping. getSourceType()
SimpleTenantUsage. getStart()
Image. getStatus()
SimpleTenantUsage. getStop()
FixedIP. getSubnetId()
ServerExtendedStatus. getTaskState()
Image. getTenantId()
SecurityGroup. getTenantId()
Image. getUpdated()
Server. getUpdated()
Image. getUserId()
KeyPair. getUserId()
BlockDeviceMapping. getUuid()
Server. getUuid()
only present until the id is in uuid formString
ServerExtendedStatus. getVmState()
BlockDeviceMapping. getVolumeSize()
Volume. getVolumeType()
Host. getZone()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Address(String addr, int version, String macAddr, String type)
Address(String addr, int version, String macAddr, String type)
Flavor(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, int ram, int disk, int vcpus, String swap, Double rxtxFactor, Integer ephemeral)
Flavor(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, int ram, int disk, int vcpus, String swap, Double rxtxFactor, Integer ephemeral)
Flavor(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, int ram, int disk, int vcpus, String swap, Double rxtxFactor, Integer ephemeral)
FloatingIP(String id, String ip, String fixedIp, String instanceId, String pool)
FloatingIP(String id, String ip, String fixedIp, String instanceId, String pool)
FloatingIP(String id, String ip, String fixedIp, String instanceId, String pool)
Host(String name, String service, String zone)
Host(String name, String service, String zone)
Host(String name, String service, String zone)
HostAggregate(String id, String name, String availabilityZone, Set<String> hosts, String state, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> metadata)
HostAggregate(String id, String name, String availabilityZone, Set<String> hosts, String state, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> metadata)
HostAggregate(String id, String name, String availabilityZone, Set<String> hosts, String state, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> metadata)
HostAggregate(String id, String name, String availabilityZone, Set<String> hosts, String state, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> metadata)
HostAggregate(String id, String name, String availabilityZone, Set<String> hosts, String state, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> metadata)
HostResourceUsage(String host, String project, int memoryMb, int cpu, int diskGb)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, Date updated, Date created, String tenantId, String userId, Image.Status status, int progress, int minDisk, int minRam, List<BlockDeviceMapping> blockDeviceMapping, Resource server, Map<String,String> metadata)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, Date updated, Date created, String tenantId, String userId, Image.Status status, int progress, int minDisk, int minRam, List<BlockDeviceMapping> blockDeviceMapping, Resource server, Map<String,String> metadata)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, Date updated, Date created, String tenantId, String userId, Image.Status status, int progress, int minDisk, int minRam, List<BlockDeviceMapping> blockDeviceMapping, Resource server, Map<String,String> metadata)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, Date updated, Date created, String tenantId, String userId, Image.Status status, int progress, int minDisk, int minRam, List<BlockDeviceMapping> blockDeviceMapping, Resource server, Map<String,String> metadata)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, Date updated, Date created, String tenantId, String userId, Image.Status status, int progress, int minDisk, int minRam, List<BlockDeviceMapping> blockDeviceMapping, Resource server, Map<String,String> metadata)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, Date updated, Date created, String tenantId, String userId, Image.Status status, int progress, int minDisk, int minRam, List<BlockDeviceMapping> blockDeviceMapping, Resource server, Map<String,String> metadata)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, Date updated, Date created, String tenantId, String userId, Image.Status status, int progress, int minDisk, int minRam, List<BlockDeviceMapping> blockDeviceMapping, Resource server, Map<String,String> metadata)
Image(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, Date updated, Date created, String tenantId, String userId, Image.Status status, int progress, int minDisk, int minRam, List<BlockDeviceMapping> blockDeviceMapping, Resource server, Map<String,String> metadata)
Ingress(IpProtocol ipProtocol, int fromPort, int toPort)
KeyPair(String publicKey, String privateKey, String userId, String name, String fingerprint)
KeyPair(String publicKey, String privateKey, String userId, String name, String fingerprint)
KeyPair(String publicKey, String privateKey, String userId, String name, String fingerprint)
KeyPair(String publicKey, String privateKey, String userId, String name, String fingerprint)
SecurityGroup(String id, String tenantId, String name, String description, Set<SecurityGroupRule> rules)
SecurityGroup(String id, String tenantId, String name, String description, Set<SecurityGroupRule> rules)
SecurityGroup(String id, String tenantId, String name, String description, Set<SecurityGroupRule> rules)
SecurityGroupRule(IpProtocol ipProtocol, int fromPort, int toPort, String id, TenantIdAndName group, String parentGroupId, SecurityGroupRule.Cidr ipRange)
SecurityGroupRule(IpProtocol ipProtocol, int fromPort, int toPort, String id, TenantIdAndName group, String parentGroupId, SecurityGroupRule.Cidr ipRange)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
Server(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, String availabilityZone)
ServerCreated(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String adminPass, String diskConfig)
ServerCreated(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String adminPass, String diskConfig)
ServerCreated(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String adminPass, String diskConfig)
ServerExtendedAttributes(String instanceName, String hostName, String hypervisorHostName)
ServerExtendedAttributes(String instanceName, String hostName, String hypervisorHostName)
ServerExtendedAttributes(String instanceName, String hostName, String hypervisorHostName)
ServerExtendedStatus(String taskState, String vmState, int powerState)
ServerExtendedStatus(String taskState, String vmState, int powerState)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
ServerWithSecurityGroups(String id, String name, Set<Link> links, String uuid, String tenantId, String userId, Date updated, Date created, String hostId, String accessIPv4, String accessIPv6, Server.Status status, Resource image, Resource flavor, String keyName, String configDrive,<String,Address> addresses, Map<String,String> metadata, ServerExtendedStatus extendedStatus, ServerExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes, String diskConfig, Set<String> securityGroupNames, String availabilityZone)
SimpleServerUsage(String instanceName, double hours, double flavorMemoryMb, double flavorLocalGb, double flavorVcpus, String tenantId, String flavorName, Date instanceCreated, Date instanceTerminated, SimpleServerUsage.Status instanceStatus, long uptime)
SimpleTenantUsage(String tenantId, double totalLocalGbUsage, double totalVcpusUsage, double totalMemoryMbUsage, double totalHours, Date start, Date stop, Set<SimpleServerUsage> serverUsages)
SimpleTenantUsage(String tenantId, double totalLocalGbUsage, double totalVcpusUsage, double totalMemoryMbUsage, double totalHours, Date start, Date stop, Set<SimpleServerUsage> serverUsages)
SimpleTenantUsage(String tenantId, double totalLocalGbUsage, double totalVcpusUsage, double totalMemoryMbUsage, double totalHours, Date start, Date stop, Set<SimpleServerUsage> serverUsages)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata)
Volume(String id, Volume.Status status, int size, String zone, Date created, Set<VolumeAttachment> attachments, String volumeType, String snapshotId, String name, String description, Map<String,String> metadata)
VolumeAttachment(String id, String volumeId, String serverId, String device)
VolumeAttachment(String id, String volumeId, String serverId, String device)
VolumeSnapshot(String id, String volumeId, Volume.Status status, int size, Date created, String name, String description)
VolumeSnapshot(String id, String volumeId, Volume.Status status, int size, Date created, String name, String description)
VolumeSnapshot(String id, String volumeId, Volume.Status status, int size, Date created, String name, String description)
VolumeType(String id, String name, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,String> extraSpecs)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.domain.regionscoped
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.domain.regionscoped with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
HypervisorDetails. getCpuInfo()
abstract Integer
HypervisorDetails. getCurrentWorkload()
abstract Integer
HypervisorDetails. getDiskAvailableLeast()
abstract Integer
HypervisorDetails. getFreeDiskGb()
abstract Integer
HypervisorDetails. getFreeRamMb()
abstract String
Hypervisor. getName()
abstract String
HypervisorDetails. getName()
abstract Integer
HypervisorDetails. getRunningVms()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description FloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. allocateFromPool(String pool)
Allocates a Floating IP address from a poolFloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. create()
Allocates a Floating IP addressSecurityGroupRule
SecurityGroupApi. createRuleAllowingCidrBlock(String parentGroup, Ingress ip_protocol, String sourceCidr)
Create a Security Group Rule.SecurityGroupRule
SecurityGroupApi. createRuleAllowingSecurityGroupId(String parentGroup, Ingress ip_protocol, String groupId)
Create a Security Group Rule.SecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. createWithDescription(String name, String description)
Create a Security GroupInterfaceAttachment
AttachInterfaceApi. get(String serverId, String attachmentId)
Returns information about a specified port interface for given serverFloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. get(String id)
Gets a specific Floating IP addressHostAggregate
HostAggregateApi. get(String id)
Retrieves the details of an aggregate, hosts and metadata included.KeyPair
KeyPairApi. get(String name)
Gets a specificKeyPair
by name.SecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. get(String id)
Get a specific Security GroupServerWithSecurityGroups
ServerWithSecurityGroupsApi. get(String id)
Retrieve details of the specified server, including security groupsSimpleTenantUsage
SimpleTenantUsageApi. get(String tenantId)
Retrieve tenant_usage for a specified tenantVolume
VolumeApi. get(String volumeId)
Deprecated.Please useVolumeApi.get(String)
VolumeTypeApi. get(String id)
Gets a volume typeVolumeAttachment
VolumeAttachmentApi. getAttachmentForVolumeOnServer(String volumeId, String serverId)
Gets a specific Volume Attachment for a Volume and Server.Quota
QuotaApi. getByTenant(String tenantId)
QuotaApi. getDefaultsForTenant(String tenantId)
VolumeTypeApi. getExtraSpec(String id, String key)
Retrieve a single extra spec valueString
FlavorExtraSpecsApi. getMetadataKey(String flavorId, String key)
Return a single extra spec valueVolumeSnapshot
VolumeApi. getSnapshot(String snapshotId)
Deprecated.Please useSnapshotApi.get(String)
instead. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Flavor
FlavorApi. get(String id)
List details of the specified flavorImage
ImageApi. get(String id)
List details of the specified imageServer
ServerApi. get(String id)
List details of the specified serverString
ImageApi. getMetadata(String id, String key)
Update the metadata for an image.String
ServerApi. getMetadata(String id, String key)
Update the metadata for a server.String
ImageApi. updateMetadata(String id, String key, String value)
Set a metadata item for an image. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Container
ContainerApi. get(String containerName)
Gets theContainer
ObjectApi. get(String objectName)
Gets theSwiftObject
including itsbody
ObjectApi. get(String objectName, GetOptions options)
Gets theSwiftObject
including itsbody
ObjectApi. getWithoutBody(String objectName)
Gets theSwiftObject
metadata without itsbody
ObjectApi. list()
Lists up to 10,000 objects.ObjectList
ObjectApi. list(ListContainerOptions options)
Lists up to 10,000 objects. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.trove.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.trove.v1.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Instance
InstanceApi. get(String instanceId)
Returns an Instance by id.User
UserApi. get(String name)
Returns a User by identifier.User
UserApi. get(String name, String hostname)
Returns a User by name and allowed host. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.v2_0.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.v2_0.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Set<Link>
Resource. getLinks()
Resource. getName()
Extension. getNamespace()
Extension. getUpdated()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.openstack.v2_0.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Extension(String name, Set<Link> links, URI namespace, String alias, Date updated, String description)
Extension(String name, Set<Link> links, URI namespace, String alias, Date updated, String description)
Extension(String name, Set<Link> links, URI namespace, String alias, Date updated, String description)
PaginatedCollection(Iterable<T> resources, Iterable<Link> links, Integer totalEntries)
PaginatedCollection(Iterable<T> resources, Iterable<Link> links, Integer totalEntries)
PaginatedCollection(Iterable<T> resources, Iterable<Link> links, Integer totalEntries)
Resource(String id, String name, Set<Link> links)
Resource(String id, String name, Set<Link> links)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.openstack.v2_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.v2_0.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Extension
ExtensionApi. get(String id)
Extensions may also be queried individually by their unique alias. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ovf
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.ovf with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description OperatingSystemSection(Integer id, String info, String description)
OperatingSystemSection(Integer id, String info, String description)
OperatingSystemSection(Integer id, String info, String description)
Section(String info)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.packet.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.packet.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Href
Facility. address()
abstract Date
ProvisioningEvent. createdAt()
abstract String
Device. description()
abstract String
ProvisioningEvent. href()
abstract String
ProvisioningEvent. id()
abstract SshKey.Owner
SshKey. owner()
abstract String
Device. rootPassword()
abstract Specs
Plan. specs()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.packet.domain.internal
Methods in org.jclouds.packet.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Href
PaginatedCollection.Meta. first()
abstract Href
PaginatedCollection.Meta. last()
abstract Href
PaginatedCollection.Meta. next()
abstract Href
PaginatedCollection.Meta. previous()
abstract Href
PaginatedCollection.Meta. self()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.packet.features
Methods in org.jclouds.packet.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Device
DeviceApi. get(String id)
SshKeyApi. get(String id)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.predicates
Method parameters in org.jclouds.predicates with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
Validator. apply(T t)
Validator. test(T t)
abstract void
Validator. validate(T t)
Validates the parameter -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.predicates.validators
Method parameters in org.jclouds.predicates.validators with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description void
AllLowerCaseValidator. validate(String s)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.profitbricks.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.profitbricks.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Boolean
Firewall. active()
abstract LoadBalancer.Algorithm
LoadBalancer. algorithm()
abstract AvailabilityZone
Server. availabilityZone()
abstract AvailabilityZone
Server.Request.CreatePayload. availabilityZone()
abstract AvailabilityZone
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. availabilityZone()
abstract String
Server. balancedNicId()
abstract List<Server>
LoadBalancer. balancedServers()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. bootable()
abstract Boolean
Storage. bootDevice()
abstract String
Server.Request.CreatePayload. bootFromImageId()
abstract String
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. bootFromImageId()
abstract String
Server.Request.CreatePayload. bootFromStorageId()
abstract String
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. bootFromStorageId()
abstract Storage.BusType
Storage. busType()
abstract Storage.BusType
Storage.Request.ConnectPayload. busType()
abstract Integer
Server. cores()
abstract Integer
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. cores()
abstract Date
LoadBalancer. creationTime()
abstract Date
Server. creationTime()
abstract Date
Snapshot. creationTime()
abstract Date
Storage. creationTime()
abstract DataCenter
LoadBalancer. dataCenter()
abstract DataCenter
Server. dataCenter()
abstract String
Nic. dataCenterId()
abstract String
Snapshot. description()
abstract String
Snapshot.Request.CreatePayload. description()
abstract String
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. description()
abstract ServiceFault.Details
ServiceFault. details()
abstract String
Drive.Request.AddRomDriveToServerPayload. deviceNumber()
abstract Integer
Storage. deviceNumber()
abstract Integer
Storage.Request.ConnectPayload. deviceNumber()
abstract Boolean
Nic. dhcpActive()
abstract Boolean
Nic.Request.CreatePayload. dhcpActive()
abstract Boolean
Nic.Request.UpdatePayload. dhcpActive()
abstract Firewall
Nic. firewall()
abstract List<Firewall>
LoadBalancer. firewalls()
abstract String
Nic. gatewayIp()
abstract Boolean
Server. hasInternetAccess()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. hasInternetAccess()
abstract String
Server. hostname()
abstract Integer
Firewall.Rule. icmpCode()
abstract Integer
Firewall.Rule. icmpType()
abstract String
Firewall. id()
abstract String
Firewall.Rule. id()
abstract String
LoadBalancer. id()
abstract String
Nic. id()
abstract String
Server. id()
abstract String
Snapshot. id()
abstract String
Storage.Request.CreatePayload. imagePassword()
abstract Boolean
LoadBalancer. internetAccess()
abstract Boolean
Nic. internetAccess()
abstract String
LoadBalancer. ip()
abstract String
LoadBalancer.Request.CreatePayload. ip()
abstract String
LoadBalancer.Request.UpdatePayload. ip()
abstract String
Nic.Request.CreatePayload. ip()
abstract String
Nic.Request.UpdatePayload. ip()
abstract List<String>
IpBlock. ips()
abstract List<String>
Nic. ips()
abstract Boolean
Image. isBootable()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isBootable()
abstract Boolean
Image. isCpuHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server. isCpuHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. isCpuHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. isCpuHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isCpuHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. isCpuHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Image. isCpuHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server. isCpuHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. isCpuHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. isCpuHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isCpuHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. isCpuHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Image. isDiscVirtioHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server. isDiscVirtioHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. isDiscVirtioHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. isDiscVirtioHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isDiscVirtioHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. isDiscVirtioHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Image. isDiscVirtioHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server. isDiscVirtioHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. isDiscVirtioHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. isDiscVirtioHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isDiscVirtioHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. isDiscVirtioHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Image. isNicHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server. isNicHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. isNicHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. isNicHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isNicHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. isNicHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Image. isNicHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server. isNicHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. isNicHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. isNicHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isNicHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. isNicHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Image. isPublic()
abstract Boolean
Image. isRamHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server. isRamHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. isRamHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. isRamHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isRamHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. isRamHotPlug()
abstract Boolean
Image. isRamHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server. isRamHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.CreatePayload. isRamHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. isRamHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot. isRamHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. isRamHotUnPlug()
abstract Boolean
Image. isWriteable()
abstract Integer
LoadBalancer. lanId()
abstract Integer
LoadBalancer.Request.CreatePayload. lanId()
abstract Integer
Nic. lanId()
abstract Integer
Nic.Request.UpdatePayload. lanId()
abstract Integer
Server.Request.CreatePayload. lanId()
abstract Date
LoadBalancer. lastModificationTime()
abstract Date
Server. lastModificationTime()
abstract Date
Snapshot. lastModificationTime()
abstract Date
Storage. lastModificationTime()
abstract Boolean
Server. loadBalanced()
abstract Location
DataCenter. location()
abstract Location
Snapshot. location()
abstract String
Nic. macAddress()
abstract String
Storage.Request.CreatePayload. mountImageId()
abstract String
Storage.Request.UpdatePayload. mountImageId()
abstract String
DataCenter. name()
abstract String
Firewall.Rule. name()
abstract String
LoadBalancer. name()
abstract String
LoadBalancer.Request.CreatePayload. name()
abstract String
LoadBalancer.Request.UpdatePayload. name()
abstract String
Nic. name()
abstract String
Nic.Request.CreatePayload. name()
abstract String
Nic.Request.UpdatePayload. name()
abstract String
Server. name()
abstract String
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. name()
abstract String
Snapshot. name()
abstract String
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. name()
abstract String
Storage. name()
abstract String
Storage.Request.CreatePayload. name()
abstract String
Storage.Request.UpdatePayload. name()
abstract String
Firewall. nicId()
abstract String
IpBlock.PublicIp. nicId()
abstract List<Nic>
Server. nics()
abstract OsType
Server. osType()
abstract OsType
Server.Request.CreatePayload. osType()
abstract OsType
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. osType()
abstract OsType
Snapshot. osType()
abstract OsType
Snapshot.Request.UpdatePayload. osType()
abstract Integer
Firewall.Rule. portRangeEnd()
abstract Integer
Firewall.Rule. portRangeStart()
abstract Firewall.Protocol
Firewall.Rule. protocol()
abstract Integer
Server. ram()
abstract Integer
Server.Request.UpdatePayload. ram()
abstract List<Firewall.Rule>
Firewall. rules()
abstract String
Nic. serverId()
abstract List<String>
Storage. serverIds()
abstract List<Server>
DataCenter. servers()
abstract Float
Snapshot. size()
abstract Float
Storage.Request.UpdatePayload. size()
abstract String
Firewall.Rule. sourceIp()
abstract String
Firewall.Rule. sourceMac()
abstract ProvisioningState
DataCenter. state()
abstract ProvisioningState
Firewall. state()
abstract ProvisioningState
LoadBalancer. state()
abstract ProvisioningState
Nic. state()
abstract ProvisioningState
Server. state()
abstract ProvisioningState
Snapshot. state()
abstract ProvisioningState
Storage. state()
abstract Server.Status
Server. status()
abstract List<Storage>
DataCenter. storages()
abstract List<Storage>
Server. storages()
abstract String
Firewall.Rule. targetIp()
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.providers
Method parameters in org.jclouds.providers with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ProviderMetadata.Builder
ProviderMetadata.Builder. console(URI console)
ProviderMetadata.Builder. homepage(URI homepage)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.providers.internal
Method parameters in org.jclouds.providers.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description BaseProviderMetadata.Builder
BaseProviderMetadata.Builder. console(URI console)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.domain
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description CreateWebhook(String name, Map<String,Object> metadata)
Webhook(String name, Map<String,Object> metadata, List<Link> links, String id)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Group
GroupApi. create(GroupConfiguration groupConfiguration, LaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration, List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling group.Group
GroupApi. get(String id)
This operation gets group details for a groupScalingPolicy
PolicyApi. get(String scalingPolicyId)
This operation returns the details for a single scaling policy.Webhook
WebhookApi. get(String id)
Get a webhook.GroupConfiguration
GroupApi. getGroupConfiguration(String id)
This operation gets the configuration for the scaling group.LaunchConfiguration
GroupApi. getLaunchConfiguration(String id)
This operation gets the launch configuration for the scaling group.GroupState
GroupApi. getState(String id)
This operation gets the state of the Autoscaling Group. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description <T> Job<T>
CloudDNSApi. getJob(String jobId)
Returns the current status of a job. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description String
Record. getComment()
Record. getPriority()
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Domain(int id, String name, String email, String comment, Date created, Date updated, int accountId, int ttl, Set<String> nameservers, Set<Subdomain> nameToSubdomain, Set<RecordDetail> records)
Domain(int id, String name, String email, String comment, Date created, Date updated, int accountId, int ttl, Set<String> nameservers, Set<Subdomain> nameToSubdomain, Set<RecordDetail> records)
Domain(int id, String name, String email, String comment, Date created, Date updated, int accountId, int ttl, Set<String> nameservers, Set<Subdomain> nameToSubdomain, Set<RecordDetail> records)
Domain(int id, String name, String email, String comment, Date created, Date updated, int accountId, int ttl, Set<String> nameservers, Set<Subdomain> nameToSubdomain, Set<RecordDetail> records)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Domain
DomainApi. get(int id)
Get all information for a Domain, including records and subdomains.RecordDetail
RecordApi. get(String recordId)
Get the details for the specified record in the specified domain.RecordDetail
RecordApi. getByNameAndTypeAndData(String nameFilter, String typeFilter, String dataFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by name and type and data.DomainChange
DomainApi. listChanges(int id, Date since)
Shows all changes to the specified domain since the specified date/time.PagedIterable<Subdomain>
DomainApi. listSubdomains(int domainId)
List the subdomains of a domain. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudfiles.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudfiles.v1.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description URI
CDNApi. enable(String containerName)
Enables theCDNContainer
CDNApi. enable(String containerName, int ttl)
Enables theCDNContainer
with a TTL.CDNContainer
CDNApi. get(String containerName)
Gets the specified CDN Container. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudfiles.v1.functions
Method parameters in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudfiles.v1.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description URI
RegionToCDNEndpoint. apply(Object from)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description SSLTermination
LoadBalancer. getSSLTermination()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description LoadBalancer.Builder
LoadBalancer.Builder. connectionLogging(Boolean connectionLogging)
Current connection logging configuration.LoadBalancer.Builder
LoadBalancer.Builder. connectionThrottle(ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle)
Specifies limits on the number of connections per IP address to help mitigate malicious or abusive traffic to your applications.LoadBalancer.Builder
LoadBalancer.Builder. halfClosed(Boolean halfClosed)
Enable or Disable Half-Closed support for the load balancer.LoadBalancer.Builder
LoadBalancer.Builder. healthMonitor(HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
The type of health monitor check to perform to ensure that the service is performing properly.LoadBalancer.Builder
LoadBalancer.Builder. sessionPersistenceType(SessionPersistence sessionPersistenceType)
Specifies whether multiple requests from clients are directed to the same node.LoadBalancer.Builder
LoadBalancer.Builder. timeout(Integer timeout)
The timeout value for the load balancer and communications with its nodes.Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, Set<Map<String,String>> virtualIPsFromOptions)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
CreateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<AddNode> addNodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, Set<AccessRule> accessRules, Map<String,String> metadata, VirtualIP.Type virtualIPType, Integer virtualIPId)
HealthMonitor(HealthMonitor.Type type, int delay, int timeout, int attemptsBeforeDeactivation, String bodyRegex, String statusRegex, String path, String hostHeader)
HealthMonitor(HealthMonitor.Type type, int delay, int timeout, int attemptsBeforeDeactivation, String bodyRegex, String statusRegex, String path, String hostHeader)
HealthMonitor(HealthMonitor.Type type, int delay, int timeout, int attemptsBeforeDeactivation, String bodyRegex, String statusRegex, String path, String hostHeader)
HealthMonitor(HealthMonitor.Type type, int delay, int timeout, int attemptsBeforeDeactivation, String bodyRegex, String statusRegex, String path, String hostHeader)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
LoadBalancer(String region, int id, String name, String protocol, Integer port, Set<Node> nodes, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, LoadBalancer.Status status, Set<VirtualIPWithId> virtualIPs, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistenceType, String clusterName, Date created, Date updated, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, boolean contentCaching, int nodeCount, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, SSLTermination sslTermination, SourceAddresses sourceAddresses, Set<AccessRuleWithId> accessRules, Metadata metadata, URI uri)
UpdateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed)
UpdateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed)
UpdateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed)
UpdateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed)
UpdateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed)
UpdateLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed)
UpdateNode(BaseNode.Condition condition, BaseNode.Type type, Integer weight)
UpdateNode(BaseNode.Condition condition, BaseNode.Type type, Integer weight)
UpdateNode(BaseNode.Condition condition, BaseNode.Type type, Integer weight)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.domain.internal
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm
BaseLoadBalancer. getAlgorithm()
BaseLoadBalancer. getConnectionThrottle()
BaseLoadBalancer. getHealthMonitor()
BaseLoadBalancer. getPort()
BaseLoadBalancer. getProtocol()
BaseLoadBalancer. getSessionPersistenceType()
BaseLoadBalancer. getTimeout()
BaseLoadBalancer. isHalfClosed()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description BaseLoadBalancer.Builder<N,T>
BaseLoadBalancer.Builder. algorithm(BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm)
Algorithm that defines how traffic should be directed between back-end nodes.BaseLoadBalancer.Builder<N,T>
BaseLoadBalancer.Builder. connectionLogging(Boolean connectionLogging)
Current connection logging configuration.BaseLoadBalancer.Builder<N,T>
BaseLoadBalancer.Builder. connectionThrottle(ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle)
Specifies limits on the number of connections per IP address to help mitigate malicious or abusive traffic to your applications.BaseLoadBalancer.Builder<N,T>
BaseLoadBalancer.Builder. halfClosed(Boolean halfClosed)
Enable or Disable Half-Closed support for the load balancer.BaseLoadBalancer.Builder<N,T>
BaseLoadBalancer.Builder. healthMonitor(HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
The type of health monitor check to perform to ensure that the service is performing properly.BaseLoadBalancer.Builder<N,T>
BaseLoadBalancer.Builder. port(Integer port)
Required if the protocol being used is not inReportApi#listProtocols()
or the protocol is inReportApi#listProtocols()
but port=0.BaseLoadBalancer.Builder<N,T>
BaseLoadBalancer.Builder. sessionPersistenceType(SessionPersistence sessionPersistenceType)
Specifies whether multiple requests from clients are directed to the same node.BaseLoadBalancer.Builder<N,T>
BaseLoadBalancer.Builder. timeout(Integer timeout)
The timeout value for the load balancer and communications with its nodes.Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.domain.internal with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
BaseLoadBalancer(String name, String protocol, Integer port, Iterable<N> nodes, BaseLoadBalancer.Algorithm algorithm, Integer timeout, Boolean halfClosed, Map<String,SessionPersistence> sessionPersistence, Map<String,Boolean> connectionLogging, ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.reflect
Method parameters in org.jclouds.reflect with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static InvocationSuccess
InvocationSuccess. create(Invocation invocation, Object result)
Uses of Nullable in
Method parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description GeneratedHttpRequest.Builder
GeneratedHttpRequest.Builder. caller(Invocation caller)
DelegatesToInvocationFunction. invoke(Object proxy, Method invoked, Object[] argv)
Constructor parameters in with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description GeneratedHttpRequest(String method, URI endpoint,<String,String> headers, Payload payload, Iterable<HttpRequestFilter> filters, Invocation invocation,<Invocation> caller)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.route53
Methods in org.jclouds.route53 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Change
Route53Api. getChange(String changeID)
returns the current status of a change batch request. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.route53.features
Methods in org.jclouds.route53.features with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Change
HostedZoneApi. delete(String zoneId)
This action deletes a hosted zone.Change
ResourceRecordSetApi. delete(ResourceRecordSet rrs)
This action deletes a resource record set.HostedZoneAndNameServers
HostedZoneApi. get(String zoneId)
Retrieves information about the specified zone, including its nameserver configuration -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.s3
Method parameters in org.jclouds.s3 with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description ListMultipartUploadsResponse
S3Client. listMultipartUploads(String bucketName, String delimiter, Integer maxUploads, String keyMarker, String prefix, String uploadIdMarker)
S3Client. listMultipartUploads(String bucketName, String delimiter, Integer maxUploads, String keyMarker, String prefix, String uploadIdMarker)
S3Client. listMultipartUploads(String bucketName, String delimiter, Integer maxUploads, String keyMarker, String prefix, String uploadIdMarker)
S3Client. listMultipartUploads(String bucketName, String delimiter, Integer maxUploads, String keyMarker, String prefix, String uploadIdMarker)
S3Client. listMultipartUploads(String bucketName, String delimiter, Integer maxUploads, String keyMarker, String prefix, String uploadIdMarker)
S3Client. putBucketInRegion(String region, String bucketName, PutBucketOptions... options)
Create and name your own bucket in which to store your objects. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.s3.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.s3.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description abstract String
ListMultipartUploadsResponse. keyMarker()
abstract Date
ListMultipartUploadResponse. lastModified()
abstract String
ListMultipartUploadsResponse. nextKeyMarker()
abstract String
ListMultipartUploadsResponse. nextUploadIdMarker()
abstract String
ListMultipartUploadsResponse. uploadIdMarker()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.s3.domain with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static ListMultipartUploadResponse
ListMultipartUploadResponse. create(int partNumber, Date lastModified, String eTag, long size)
static ListMultipartUploadsResponse
ListMultipartUploadsResponse. create(String bucket, String keyMarker, String uploadIdMarker, String nextKeyMarker, String nextUploadIdMarker, int maxUploads, boolean isTruncated, List<ListMultipartUploadsResponse.Upload> uploads)
static ListMultipartUploadsResponse
ListMultipartUploadsResponse. create(String bucket, String keyMarker, String uploadIdMarker, String nextKeyMarker, String nextUploadIdMarker, int maxUploads, boolean isTruncated, List<ListMultipartUploadsResponse.Upload> uploads)
static ListMultipartUploadsResponse
ListMultipartUploadsResponse. create(String bucket, String keyMarker, String uploadIdMarker, String nextKeyMarker, String nextUploadIdMarker, int maxUploads, boolean isTruncated, List<ListMultipartUploadsResponse.Upload> uploads)
static ListMultipartUploadsResponse
ListMultipartUploadsResponse. create(String bucket, String keyMarker, String uploadIdMarker, String nextKeyMarker, String nextUploadIdMarker, int maxUploads, boolean isTruncated, List<ListMultipartUploadsResponse.Upload> uploads)
S3Object.Factory. create(MutableObjectMetadata metadata)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.s3.fallbacks
Method parameters in org.jclouds.s3.fallbacks with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description FalseIfBucketAlreadyOwnedByYouOrOperationAbortedWhenBucketExists
FalseIfBucketAlreadyOwnedByYouOrOperationAbortedWhenBucketExists. setContext(HttpRequest request)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.s3.functions
Method parameters in org.jclouds.s3.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description URI
DefaultEndpointThenInvalidateRegion. apply(Object from)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.functions
Method parameters in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.functions with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Credentials
CredentialsFromAdminAccess. apply(Statement input)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.chef
Method parameters in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.chef with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description InstallChefGems.Builder
InstallChefGems.Builder. version(String version)
The version of the Chef gem to install. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.login
Methods in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.login with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description Credentials
AdminAccess. getAdminCredentials()
AdminAccess. getAdminPassword()
Method parameters in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.login with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description void
AdminAccessBuilderSpec.ValueParser. parse(AdminAccessBuilderSpec spec, String key, String value)
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.login with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Config(String adminUsername, String adminFullName, String adminHome, String adminPublicKey, String adminPrivateKey, String adminPassword, String loginPassword, boolean lockSsh, boolean grantSudoToAdminUser, boolean authorizeAdminPublicKey, boolean installAdminPrivateKey, boolean resetLoginPassword,<String,String> cryptFunction)
Config(String adminUsername, String adminFullName, String adminHome, String adminPublicKey, String adminPrivateKey, String adminPassword, String loginPassword, boolean lockSsh, boolean grantSudoToAdminUser, boolean authorizeAdminPublicKey, boolean installAdminPrivateKey, boolean resetLoginPassword,<String,String> cryptFunction)
Config(String adminUsername, String adminFullName, String adminHome, String adminPublicKey, String adminPrivateKey, String adminPassword, String loginPassword, boolean lockSsh, boolean grantSudoToAdminUser, boolean authorizeAdminPublicKey, boolean installAdminPrivateKey, boolean resetLoginPassword,<String,String> cryptFunction)
Config(String adminUsername, String adminFullName, String adminHome, String adminPublicKey, String adminPrivateKey, String adminPassword, String loginPassword, boolean lockSsh, boolean grantSudoToAdminUser, boolean authorizeAdminPublicKey, boolean installAdminPrivateKey, boolean resetLoginPassword,<String,String> cryptFunction)
Config(String adminUsername, String adminFullName, String adminHome, String adminPublicKey, String adminPrivateKey, String adminPassword, String loginPassword, boolean lockSsh, boolean grantSudoToAdminUser, boolean authorizeAdminPublicKey, boolean installAdminPrivateKey, boolean resetLoginPassword,<String,String> cryptFunction)
Config(String adminUsername, String adminFullName, String adminHome, String adminPublicKey, String adminPrivateKey, String adminPassword, String loginPassword, boolean lockSsh, boolean grantSudoToAdminUser, boolean authorizeAdminPublicKey, boolean installAdminPrivateKey, boolean resetLoginPassword,<String,String> cryptFunction)
Config(String adminUsername, String adminFullName, String adminHome, String adminPublicKey, String adminPrivateKey, String adminPassword, String loginPassword, boolean lockSsh, boolean grantSudoToAdminUser, boolean authorizeAdminPublicKey, boolean installAdminPrivateKey, boolean resetLoginPassword,<String,String> cryptFunction)
UserAdd(<String,String> cryptFunction, String login, List<String> groups, String password, String installRSAPrivateKey, List<String> authorizeRSAPublicKeys, String defaultHome, String shell)
UserAdd(<String,String> cryptFunction, String login, List<String> groups, String password, String installRSAPrivateKey, List<String> authorizeRSAPublicKeys, String defaultHome, String shell)
UserAdd(<String,String> cryptFunction, String login, List<String> groups, String password, String installRSAPrivateKey, List<String> authorizeRSAPublicKeys, String home, String defaultHome, String shell, String fullName)
UserAdd(<String,String> cryptFunction, String login, List<String> groups, String password, String installRSAPrivateKey, List<String> authorizeRSAPublicKeys, String home, String defaultHome, String shell, String fullName)
UserAdd(<String,String> cryptFunction, String login, List<String> groups, String password, String installRSAPrivateKey, List<String> authorizeRSAPublicKeys, String home, String defaultHome, String shell, String fullName)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.ruby
Method parameters in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.ruby with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description InstallRubyGems.Builder
InstallRubyGems.Builder. updateSystem(boolean updateSystem, String updateSystemVersion)
Update the gem system after installing RubyGems, forcing the update to a concrete version.InstallRubyGems.Builder
InstallRubyGems.Builder. version(String version)
The version of RubyGems to install. -
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.ssh
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.ssh with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description AuthorizeRSAPublicKeys(Iterable<String> publicKeys, String owner)
AuthorizeRSAPublicKeys(String sshDir, Iterable<String> publicKeys, String owner)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.softlayer.compute.options
Method parameters in org.jclouds.softlayer.compute.options with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description SoftLayerTemplateOptions
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag(Boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag)
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. diskType(String diskType)
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. hourlyBillingFlag(Boolean hourlyBillingFlag)
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. portSpeed(Integer portSpeed)
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. postInstallScriptUri(String postInstallScriptUri)
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. primaryBackendNetworkComponentNetworkVlanId(Integer primaryBackendNetworkComponentNetworkVlanId)
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. primaryNetworkComponentNetworkVlanId(Integer primaryNetworkComponentNetworkVlanId)
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. privateNetworkOnlyFlag(Boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag)
SoftLayerTemplateOptions. userData(String userData)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.softlayer.domain
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.softlayer.domain with annotations of type Nullable Constructor Description Address(int id, String country, String state, String description, int accountId, String address, String city, String contactName, int isActive, int locationId, String postalCode)
Address(int id, String country, String state, String description, int accountId, String address, String city, String contactName, int isActive, int locationId, String postalCode)
Address(int id, String country, String state, String description, int accountId, String address, String city, String contactName, int isActive, int locationId, String postalCode)
Address(int id, String country, String state, String description, int accountId, String address, String city, String contactName, int isActive, int locationId, String postalCode)
Address(int id, String country, String state, String description, int accountId, String address, String city, String contactName, int isActive, int locationId, String postalCode)
Address(int id, String country, String state, String description, int accountId, String address, String city, String contactName, int isActive, int locationId, String postalCode)
ContainerVirtualGuestConfigurationOption(ProductItemPrice productItemPrice, VirtualGuest template)
Datacenter(int id, String name, String longName, Address locationAddress, Set<Region> regions)
Datacenter(int id, String name, String longName, Address locationAddress, Set<Region> regions)
Datacenter(int id, String name, String longName, Address locationAddress, Set<Region> regions)
Datacenter(int id, String name, String longName, Address locationAddress, Set<Region> regions)
NetworkVlan(int id, int accountId, String name, int networkVrfId, int primarySubnetId, int vlanNumber, String note)
NetworkVlan(int id, int accountId, String name, int networkVrfId, int primarySubnetId, int vlanNumber, String note)
OperatingSystem(String id, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Set<Password> passwords)
OperatingSystem(String id, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Set<Password> passwords)
OperatingSystem(String id, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Set<Password> passwords)
Password(int id, String username, String password)
ProductItem(int id, String description, String softwareDescriptionId, SoftwareDescription softwareDescription)
ProductItem(int id, String description, String softwareDescriptionId, SoftwareDescription softwareDescription)
ProductItem(int id, String description, String softwareDescriptionId, SoftwareDescription softwareDescription)
SecuritySshKey(int id, String key, String label, String fingerprint, String notes, String createDate, String modifyDate)
SecuritySshKey(int id, String key, String label, String fingerprint, String notes, String createDate, String modifyDate)
SecuritySshKey(int id, String key, String label, String fingerprint, String notes, String createDate, String modifyDate)
SecuritySshKey(int id, String key, String label, String fingerprint, String notes, String createDate, String modifyDate)
SecuritySshKey(int id, String key, String label, String fingerprint, String notes, String createDate, String modifyDate)
SecuritySshKey(int id, String key, String label, String fingerprint, String notes, String createDate, String modifyDate)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareDescription(int id, String longDescription, String manufacturer, String name, int operatingSystem, String referenceCode, String requiredUser, String version, int controlPanel, String upgradeSoftwareDescriptionId, String upgradeSwDescId, String virtualLicense, String virtualizationPlatform)
SoftwareLicense(int id, SoftwareDescription softwareDescription, int softwareDescriptionId)
TagReference(int id, int usrRecordId, int tagTypeId, int tagId, int resourceTableId, int empRecordId, Tag tag, TagType tagType)
TagReference(int id, int usrRecordId, int tagTypeId, int tagId, int resourceTableId, int empRecordId, Tag tag, TagType tagType)
TagType(String keyName, String description)
TagType(String keyName, String description)
VirtualDiskImage(int id, String uuid, float capacity, String units, int typeId, String description, String name, int storageRepositoryId, Set<VirtualDiskImageSoftware> softwareReferences)
VirtualDiskImage(int id, String uuid, float capacity, String units, int typeId, String description, String name, int storageRepositoryId, Set<VirtualDiskImageSoftware> softwareReferences)
VirtualDiskImage(int id, String uuid, float capacity, String units, int typeId, String description, String name, int storageRepositoryId, Set<VirtualDiskImageSoftware> softwareReferences)
VirtualDiskImage(int id, String uuid, float capacity, String units, int typeId, String description, String name, int storageRepositoryId, Set<VirtualDiskImageSoftware> softwareReferences)
VirtualDiskImage(int id, String uuid, float capacity, String units, int typeId, String description, String name, int storageRepositoryId, Set<VirtualDiskImageSoftware> softwareReferences)
VirtualDiskImageSoftware(int id, int softwareDescriptionId, SoftwareDescription softwareDescription)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuest(int accountId, Date createDate, String domain, String fullyQualifiedDomainName, String hostname, int id, Date lastVerifiedDate, int maxCpu, String maxCpuUnits, int maxMemory, Date metricPollDate, Date modifyDate, String notes, int startCpus, int statusId, String uuid, String primaryBackendIpAddress, String primaryIpAddress, VirtualGuest.BillingItem billingItem, OperatingSystem operatingSystem, String operatingSystemReferenceCode, Datacenter datacenter, PowerState powerState, SoftwareLicense softwareLicense, int activeTransactionCount, List<VirtualGuestBlockDevice> blockDevices, boolean hourlyBillingFlag, boolean localDiskFlag, boolean dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag, boolean privateNetworkOnlyFlag, VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup blockDeviceTemplateGroup, Set<VirtualGuestNetworkComponent> networkComponents, Set<TagReference> tagReferences, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryNetworkComponent, VirtualGuestNetworkComponent primaryBackendNetworkComponent, String postInstallScriptUri, VirtualGuestAttribute virtualGuestAttribute, Set<SecuritySshKey> sshKeys)
VirtualGuestBlockDevice(int id, String uuid, int statusId, String mountType, String mountMode, int bootableFlag, String device, VirtualDiskImage diskImage, VirtualGuest guest)
VirtualGuestBlockDevice(int id, String uuid, int statusId, String mountType, String mountMode, int bootableFlag, String device, VirtualDiskImage diskImage, VirtualGuest guest)
VirtualGuestBlockDevice(int id, String uuid, int statusId, String mountType, String mountMode, int bootableFlag, String device, VirtualDiskImage diskImage, VirtualGuest guest)
VirtualGuestBlockDevice(int id, String uuid, int statusId, String mountType, String mountMode, int bootableFlag, String device, VirtualDiskImage diskImage, VirtualGuest guest)
VirtualGuestBlockDevice(int id, String uuid, int statusId, String mountType, String mountMode, int bootableFlag, String device, VirtualDiskImage diskImage, VirtualGuest guest)
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup(int id, String name, String globalIdentifier, int statusId, int accountId, int parentId, String summary, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> children, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplate> blockDevices)
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup(int id, String name, String globalIdentifier, int statusId, int accountId, int parentId, String summary, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> children, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplate> blockDevices)
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup(int id, String name, String globalIdentifier, int statusId, int accountId, int parentId, String summary, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> children, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplate> blockDevices)
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup(int id, String name, String globalIdentifier, int statusId, int accountId, int parentId, String summary, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> children, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplate> blockDevices)
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup(int id, String name, String globalIdentifier, int statusId, int accountId, int parentId, String summary, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> children, Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplate> blockDevices)
VirtualGuestNetworkComponent(int id, String uuid, int guestId, int networkId, String macAddress, int maxSpeed, String name, int port, int speed, String status, NetworkVlan networkVlan)
VirtualGuestNetworkComponent(int id, String uuid, int guestId, int networkId, String macAddress, int maxSpeed, String name, int port, int speed, String status, NetworkVlan networkVlan)
VirtualGuestNetworkComponent(int id, String uuid, int guestId, int networkId, String macAddress, int maxSpeed, String name, int port, int speed, String status, NetworkVlan networkVlan)
VirtualGuestNetworkComponent(int id, String uuid, int guestId, int networkId, String macAddress, int maxSpeed, String name, int port, int speed, String status, NetworkVlan networkVlan)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.sqs
Method parameters in org.jclouds.sqs with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description QueueApi
SQSApi. getQueueApiForRegion(String region)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.ssh.jsch
Methods in org.jclouds.ssh.jsch with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description com.jcraft.jsch.Session
SessionConnection. getSession()
Uses of Nullable in
Methods in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description UltraDNSWSError
UltraDNSWSResponseException. getError()
Uses of Nullable in
Methods in with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description DirectionalGroup
DirectionalGroupApi. get(String groupId)
returns the regions and name of the specified directional group or null, if not found.Task
TaskApi. get(String name)
ZoneApi. get(String name)
TrafficControllerPoolApi. getNameByDName(String dname)
Retrieves the name of the specified pool by dname.PoolRecordSpec
TrafficControllerPoolApi. getRecordSpec(String poolRecordID)
Uses of Nullable in org.jclouds.util
Method parameters in org.jclouds.util with annotations of type Nullable Modifier and Type Method Description static void
Closeables2. closeQuietly(Closeable closeable)
Closes the closable, swallowing any IOException.static String
Strings2. urlDecode(String in)
url decodes the input param, if set.